01-04-2011, 10:49 PM
As expected Baalke gets the 49ers GM job:
Breaking: Baalke gets GM job : Niner Insider (
01-04-2011, 10:51 PM
Also from Adam S.:
Filed to ESPN: Raiders informed Tom Cable they will not pick up the option in his contract. He no longer is the Raiders head coach.
01-04-2011, 10:59 PM
REALLY? Your joking right
He's a terrible HC
He has finished .500 or better 5 out of 7 years in a very tough division and won the division twice when they hadn't done anything in over a decade. He has turned a culture of failure in to a respectable organization. I don't think he is a great HC, but he certainly is not terrible as a HC.
01-04-2011, 11:00 PM
Funny how when you listen to the media on the Raiders situation, they label Al Davis as "unpredictable" when the more appropriate term should be "buffoonery".
And when they label the Skins and Danny Boy as "whatever", and the more appropriate term is "buffonery" and/or "junior varsity" and/or "just plain stupid" will you accept "whatever" without calling it a media bias against the Redskins?
Al Davis is a meddlesome owner who ran a good team/franchise into the ground for seven or eight years. Danny Boy is younger than Al Davis...
01-04-2011, 11:04 PM
Carolina needs a clue. Let me help: Hire Jim Harbaugh and then draft Andrew Luck #1. If nothing else, it should sell tickets.
If they can't get Harbaugh, they should hire Cowher.
Carolina may need a clue - - but they are going to do it on a shoestring budget. The record this year is due - - in part - - to the fact that the team spent the dead minimum on player salaries and paid big money to just about nobody.
Unless someone takes the lock off the ownership wallet there, Cowher and/or Harbaugh are not going to visit Charlotte for an interview; the owner will have to come to visit them if they will make time to see him.
This is precisely why Russ Grimm MIGHT be on the short list for a job here. As a first time head coach - - who has already been passed over a couple of times - - he might be willing to work cheap to get his foot in the door.
01-04-2011, 11:20 PM
I think haslett has done a pretty damn good job considering all of the injuries and the haynesworth bull shit.. In fact look at the division defensive stats and we aren't that bad points wise
In fact we gave up 17 Points or less in 9 games this season.
"Pretty damn good" defenses get lots of takeaways. The Skins had 2.5 per game which is average at best. :Flush:
"Pretty damn good" defenses score points on defense. Skins had 1 INT returned for a TD and - - I believe - - 1 fumbel returned for a TD. That is less than average; it is pretty bad. :tongue
"Pretty damn good" defenses allow the team to dominate time of possession because they keep the "other guys" off the field. Redskins average time of posession in 2010 was 28 minutes and 5 seconds. That translates to a "pretty damn lousy" performance... :vomit:
"Pretty damn good" defenses do not allow 70% conversions on fourth down tries. :nono:
01-04-2011, 11:24 PM
I would be very leery of any coach, regardless of his credentials, who has been out of coaching more than a year. The game just changes so fast and the culture seems to be constantly evolving. It was pretty evident that even Shanahan, at times, had challenges adjusting during games and handling multiple personalities.
If I'm the owner of a team in need of a head coach, I'm staying away from Jon Gruden and Bill Cowher. They've acclimated to studio life and being TV personalities, I just think it would take some time for them to start working 16 hour days and juggling an NFL roster.
Recall a guy named Dick Vermeil...
He was out of coaching and acclimated to studio life for about 15 years and then he came back to coaching and won a Super Bowl.
Just saying...
01-04-2011, 11:31 PM
Also from Adam S.:
Filed to ESPN: Raiders informed Tom Cable they will not pick up the option in his contract. He no longer is the Raiders head coach.
Lol, Al Davis gets one year right but immediately starts bombing his team.
01-04-2011, 11:39 PM
Lmao Oakland will go right back to being piss poor.. Al just needs to give it up
01-04-2011, 11:43 PM
Lmao Oakland will go right back to being piss poor.. Al just needs to give it up
I disagree. Hue Jackson is credited for the turn around, if he didn't fire Cable and promote Jackson someone else would take Jackson away.
Perfect example here:
RT @Sprow_ESPN: How good was Hue? W/o dramatic personnel moves, Raiders went from 4,256 yds in '09 to 5,674 in '10. (Al gets a nod.)