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skinsguy 01-31-2011, 04:06 PM You confuse me with somebody who cares? I'm happy for D. Hall, and all the guys that made the pro-bowl. If you want to bitch and complain about us making comments in regards to our players, then expect homer comments. You can cheer on who you like and be happy for them. That doesn't give you the right to question my opinion of such player. That doesn't mean I'm any less of a fan than you are. You chose to see things how you want to, and I chose to see the common view that most people see outside of Redskins nation.
Well obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn't be going through so much trouble to prove your hatred toward DeAngelo Hall.
For the record, I don't live in Redskins Nation. I'm pretty much closer to Panther Nation.
Not the "I've been here since 2004" card. Your comparison wasn't remotely in the same ball park, but I guess it is if it suits your argument. A CB that gambles and gets burned/rewarded on a 50/50 basis, isn't the same as a runner that uses the best option each play but can only do so much. D. Hall isn't dependent on 5-7 guys to cover his guy. Barry Sanders relied on 5-7 guys each down to make those runs. It's not the same, and any person with a half a brain knows it.
Each player is dependent upon each other to do their job no matter if it's offense or if it's defense. If the defensive line isn't doing their job, it's going to make the secondary's job a lot harder. If the safeties aren't doing their jobs, etc...you hopefully get the idea. At least anybody with half a brain could hopefully see where I'm going with this. :rolleyes:
hagams 01-31-2011, 04:14 PM Wow, it' s a good thing I didn't come into this thread to see how the Pro Bowl game went. You guys need a hobby:)
NC_Skins 01-31-2011, 04:16 PM Hatred towards D. Hall? That was almost comical. You are probably one of those fans that think the media is out to get the Skins organization to. HATERS!! IF YOU CRITICIZE OUR PLAYERS YOU ARE A HATER!!! Next you'll be saying "if you were a true fan".
Each player is dependent upon each other to do their job no matter if it's offense or if it's defense. If the defensive line isn't doing their job, it's going to make the secondary's job a lot harder. If the safeties aren't doing their jobs, etc...you hopefully get the idea. At least anybody with half a brain could hopefully see where I'm going with this. :rolleyes:
No, each player is dependent on each other to make the unit as a whole, that doesn't mean that every position is dependent on another to be successful. So a CB needs DL in order for him to cover a WR? Might be the first time time in football I've ever heard of that. Unfortunately for you, just because you say it's so, doesn't make it so. A CB doesn't need the defensive line to cover the man he's on. Are they chipping that WR off the line? No, nobody can see where you are going because you are using a bad analogy trying to make your point. If this were a LB we were talking about, you would have a point.
It's obvious that you are just going to argue for the sake of arguing. You are bringing no facts or stats to the table, only sing bad analogies. We'll end this here and agree to disagree.
Ruhskins 01-31-2011, 04:16 PM Wow, it' s a good thing I didn't come into this thread to see how the Pro Bowl game went. You guys need a hobby:)
Not unless you bring two to three reasons why D. Hall sucks or is not worthy of the Pro Bowl. [/sarcasm]
LOL. :cool-smil
warpaint 01-31-2011, 04:17 PM I have actually enjoyed reading this thread. Good back and forth we most vote for a winner later.
Monkeydad 01-31-2011, 04:19 PM I don't get why people go so much out of their way to bash a player in their favorite team. Especially since the reason D.Hall went to the Pro Bowl, is because someone backed out. Even still, shouldn't fans of a team be happy that their team is somewhat represented in the Pro Bowl? If I didn't know better, by the way some of these comments are sounding, you'd think that Hall was playing for the Cowboys.
D-Hall sucks! We want Adam Archuletta and Patrick Ramsey back! They never had a fair chance!
I don't get these people either.
I was excited when Hall made the pick in the end zone. When he made that amazing strip/recovery/TD play, I excitedly proclaimed him MVP at that point. This morning, I heard I was right about his award and I smiled.
It's GREAT that not just Hall, but every one of our Pro-Bowlers were the best-looking defensive players on the field...exhibition or not.
These moaners are probably the same people who predict our team to lose to Dallas in those weekly game threads.
Seriously. Ba a real fan and be proud of the few bright spots we've had this year, heck this decade.
By the way, when the Packers win next Sunday, we'll also be able to proudly say we beat the SB champs this season.
NC_Skins 01-31-2011, 04:24 PM I don't get why people go so much out of their way to bash a player in their favorite team. Especially since the reason D.Hall went to the Pro Bowl, is because someone backed out. Even still, shouldn't fans of a team be happy that their team is somewhat represented in the Pro Bowl? If I didn't know better, by the way some of these comments are sounding, you'd think that Hall was playing for the Cowboys.
This is the point I'm making. This comment right here. It's like you aren't allowed to question or comment on a player wearing the burgandy and gold. You know, **** that. I'm a huge fan, but I'm also a realist. I don't go out at the beginning of the year thinking OUR TEAM IS GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL. (much like those idiot cowboy fans) No, I realize the strengths and weaknesses of this team and state as much. If I think a player is overrated, I'll say it. Doesn't mean I don't cheer that player on or wish him success. Being a hater involves recognizing no positives while wishing him bad luck.
I don't think anybody is going out of their way to "bash" D. Hall.
Ruhskins 01-31-2011, 04:26 PM Hate hate hate hate hate hate...hate hate hate...hate hate hate...
Monkeydad 01-31-2011, 04:26 PM I don't think anybody is going out of their way to "bash" D. Hall.
Yes they are.
Ruhskins 01-31-2011, 04:27 PM I have actually enjoyed reading this thread. Good back and forth we most vote for a winner later.
I vote for Silky Johnson, Hater of the Year.