12-17-2010, 01:36 PM
i have felt right on with 90% of your post this season. this year to me has been worse. i didn't expect to win 10 games or anything, i just expected to look somewhat competitive and have a god damn plan of action in place. i could have made better moves with this team this year...
Well, we didn't set any set records last year. Now Sheli and the Eagles all have something to brag about 50 years from now.
12-17-2010, 01:36 PM
We're going to draft a QB next April. It's gonna happen. So I guess the thinking is that we're going to need a vet to bridge the gap while a rookie learns? Supposedly Grossman has a much better handle on Kyle's offense, and McNabb would cost nearly $13M to bring back next year. Ok, fine. But the way this has been handled is epic fail. A 2nd and 3rd round for a 12 game rental (to quote Czaban). Fail fail fail.
Is there any chance that this move is being made to prevent clauses in the trade that would escalate what we owe Philly?
I think we would have had to make the playoffs or DM make the Pro Bowl for the compensation to elevate.
12-17-2010, 01:37 PM
Mike Wilbon, Thom Loverro, and Steve Czaban all think that Shanahan's essentially one and done in Washington ala Marty and this is Shanahan's way of saying "F U" to washington. he's doing "donoughts in the lawn" on his way out.
Why though? What have we done to make Shanny want to get out? We gave him total control, it appears Snyder has completely stayed out of personal decisions other than writing the checks, so what would be the factor in making Shanny want to leave Washington? He's essentially the GM too, I mean I know Bruce Allen has the title but Allen has never really been a true GM in the sense of the word.
12-17-2010, 01:37 PM
Yay bitches! We're bringin' Rexy back!!!!! Take it to the endzone! That is all
12-17-2010, 01:38 PM
Yay bitches! We're bringin' Rexy back!!!!! Take it to the endzone! That is all
12-17-2010, 01:40 PM
The only thing I see that will start to fix this entire organization is something along the lines of a Bucs overhaul. They dumped every veteran on their roster almost and built the team with picks and young free agents. Maybe we don't do well for a season or two, but we haven't been doing well for awhile now. I seriously hope they can do something like this, and I wouldn't be upset if Shanny was still here to do it. I can't believe the number of people that are saying Shanny won't be here next year. I would be shocked if he wasn't.
Agreed. Honestly, it's disheartening when the team (with the resumes these guys have) makes decisions that a large % of the fanbase goes "what are you thinking?" and then the fanbase turns out to be right. But like SS said earlier, MS seems to be admitting making a mistake in picking up McNabb. If that's the situation, I'm glad he's not compounding it by stubbornly sticking with the guy he brought it.
I agree, the only bright side is they're not going to stick with their mistake just because of what they gave up for him.
If they have already determined that DM isn't a good fit for this offense (and rumors say that Kyle already has his mind up on that), fine, cut the cord and move on. I've got no problem with that at all.
12-17-2010, 01:41 PM
Is there any chance that this move is being made to prevent clauses in the trade that would escalate what we owe Philly?
Nope. He does miss a game bonus if he's not on the active roster though
12-17-2010, 01:42 PM
i think you have to look at the team as a whole, you can't keep scapegoating players year in and year out, shit this is the third? player we have turned into a scapegoat this year alone. we are a horrible team and mcnabb hasn't played great but he isn't the only problem with this team, and i would say he isn't the biggest problem either.
No, he's not the only problem, but he IS A PROBLEM. And if you're a problem, adios. McNabb has only gotten by on reputation this year. Hell, we traded for him based on reputation and he made (minimum) an extra 3.5 m this year off of that same rep. It was a huge mistake, one that a lot of us saw coming. But keeping his ineffective, bounce passing ass around and pretending like he's not a shell of his former self would be insanity.