12-13-2010, 03:21 PM
Most of would be Redskins fans in my area switched to the Panthers when they came into the NFL in the 90's. I am technically much closer to Charlotte, NC than I am D.C., so it's basically Panthers territory now, although it used to be nothing but Redskins fans around and the Redskins games would always be shown on both the Virginia channels and the North Carolina channels. Not the case nowadays though.
Nowadays, I'd say Redskins fans are a lot fewer. I see more in my home town pulling for the Cowboys, Giants, Eagles, Steelers, and Patriots than I do the Redskins. Which is sad, but that's about how it is nowadays.
12-13-2010, 03:55 PM
I shared this with the mods back in July, some results of a survey done. Redskins fans are at an all-time low. Less than half a percent of the people polled said they were Redskins fans. That's the lowest it's been in over 10 years. Redskins have dropped to the 20th most popular pro sports teams; they're usually just outside the top 10.
12-13-2010, 04:28 PM
But make no mistake, the majority of the Skins fan base is the older crowd that witnessed 3 SB wins.
Three Super Bowl wins, but FOUR appearances. Yes, SB18 was painful but I'd take the thrill and excitement of that season again any day. Especially today. And to accomplish all that within 10 years still leaves me breathless which is why I will always be a Redskins fan. Simply put, those years provided me, my family and friends some of the best memories of our lives - up there with births and graduations. So to bounce to another team? What?
That said, I'm not someone stuck in the past. I'm all about the future; I want to revere another coach as I do Joe Gibbs; I want to proudly wear jerseys of current players who actually show up to play. I want new memories, dammit. But the current team leaves me no choice. And so I remain with quiet hope, keep up with Warpath analysis, and make sure if I run into Gary Clark to offer my sincere thank you and shake his hand. The one that never dropped a ball.
But if you didn't have this, I understand taking off.
Clark never dropped a ball eh? Hate to rain on your parade but he didn't have the surest of hands and would get a case of the dropsies here and there.
12-13-2010, 04:35 PM
Clark never dropped a ball eh? Hate to rain on your parade but he didn't have the surest of hands and would get a case of the dropsies here and there.
The operative word being "here and there" unlike the current receiving corp with their chronic case of dropsies.
The operative word being "here and there" unlike the current receiving corp with their chronic case of dropsies.
I would say Moss and Clark are pretty similar with their hands.
12-13-2010, 05:13 PM
I was in my 20's when the skins won their SB's and I'm 46 now and I really can't remember what it was like back then. So I'm like most and my memories are of our current teams and the pleasures they have brought me the past 10 or so years.
12-13-2010, 05:18 PM
I will never understand how anyone can switch teams. When I watch Redskins I am emotionally invested. That's not a conscious decision -- it can't be. I didn't choose to be a Redskins fan, that's just how I was raised. I could never choose to be a fan of a team and force myself to have emotional ties to them - it doesn't work like that.
I couldn't agree more. If you love a team, you can't just turn it off. Sometimes I hate my wife and think my kids are ridiculous. But, let anyone else say something about them and I'll kick some ass.
12-13-2010, 05:20 PM
I would say Moss and Clark are pretty similar with their hands.
Clark was good for at least one big drop a game. And one jaw dropping big play. Kinda similar.
12-13-2010, 09:16 PM
I swear, if Matty or SmootSmack make another post, I'm jumping ship to another message board. I'm sick and tired of the damn Ego and his lap dog. I swear I'll do it, I swear!