12-13-2010, 12:58 PM
This would be it for me too. I have 25 jerseys and everything under the sun redskins merchandising and I would stop putting money into the organization for everything. Never to go to another game and never buy so much as another hat. I'd jump ship and swim to detroit if by sewer if need be until SNYDER sold the team and that would kill me b/c my family has had season tix for 40+ years and my grandparents (long passed on) would have to understand.
But no seriously- breaking point I would leave for the Ravens.
I think the story is BS but Ive always said when this team operates as a team 1st and not a business we see production on the field.
12-13-2010, 01:18 PM
This team might be a laughing stock of the league, but I will be darned if I ever become a fair weather fan. I have stuck with this team through thick and thin and that isn't ever going to change. I may not invest the money into going to games each year (because I don't live close enough to do so nor do I have the money for it,) but I do invest my time on Sundays, Monday nights, and the occasional Thursday nights to watch the Redskins play. I even try to catch every preseason game being played.
I suppose some of you guys who were born in the "losing" era could find it easier to jump ship.....because there hasn't really been much to get excited about in the last 18+ years. But, for those of us who were privileged enough to watch the glory years as they were played out in the 80's and early 90's, we know and remember how it is to feel that pride for the Washington Redskins. That's why we devote all of this time arguing about coaching changes and player acquisitions. That's why we spend time on these discussion boards when we have reports that need to be in by 3 PM (yeah, I'm looking at you Skinsguy!) That pride in our team won't change for most of us. Sure, there will be a few fair weather fans that were probably not BIG fans of the team to begin with. Maybe just fans because they happen to live in "Redskins country". But, most of the rest of us will continue to support this team through all the mess that's going on, because we know at some point, somewhere, this franchise will figure things out. It might take Snyder selling the team, might take yet another coach to come in, or it might just take this current coaching staff time to right the ship.
But, most of us here believe that this team will experience those winning years again, but we just have to keep going through what we're going through now until we get to where it is that this team needs to be at. It truly is a process, and sometimes that process is not so clear to see as it translates to on field play, but I believe you do have to keep pressing on.
This team has to reverse the past decade of blunders, band-aid fixes, aging players, bad draft choices and free agency choices, and bad management from the top down. That doesn't happen within a year. May not happen within two or three years, but I believe it will happen. It really all comes down to Daniel Snyder having enough faith in Allen/Shanahan's process to rebuild the team.
I'll never understand the mindset of someone who switches teams. If you ask me they aren't a real fan to begin with. And the threats of switching are even more hilarious. Just switch, who cares.
12-13-2010, 01:43 PM
Seriously fellas stop faking. If you're done with the team then be done. Stop with the if this and if that because newsflash,...it will not be all sunshine and flowers. Do you think Patriots fans were this happy years ago ? How about Colts fans ? They had their time and now it's ours.
Don't bullshit around about this, there are 31 other teams in the league so pick one that will win and do everything that you, ESPN and the NFL Network will praise at all times. Either piss or get off the damn pot.
Hail to the muhfuggin Redskins !
12-13-2010, 01:47 PM
I'll admit sometimes it's "Hail To The Redskins" and other times it's "Go to Hell Redskins" but it's my team...PERIOD!
12-13-2010, 01:48 PM
I mean seriously, how much worse can it get? The Skins are laughing stocks, clearly the worst team in the NFC East with little hope of being more than that next year. The roster is lacking starter quality talent in most positions and the team has traded away two key draft picks this year for marginal (at best) players, one of which is a past his prime quarterback who was way overrated from the beginning. There's not much hope for a big improvement next year.
The only bright side is that it's actually better now than a year ago. Last year they were 4-12 and running the "swinging gate" with a hopelessly outmatched assistant turned Head Coach and a coked up GM. If you didn't leave then, why now? You should be most proud to be a fan today, because that means you can enjoy it that much more when this team finally gets its collective shit together. Sure, it'll be 2043, but at least you can tell your grandchildren that you stuck with them through Spurrier, Gibbs 2.0, Zorn (seriously, f'ing zorn) and Shanahan. Your QBs have been Wuerffel, Ramsey, Brunell, Campbell and McNabb. A portion of your fanbase was actually excited about Colt Brennan.
That's called street cred folks. And it's worth its weight in wins.
12-13-2010, 01:52 PM
This article is simply BS. Snyder recently told the Jason Reid that he believes what BA and MS are doing and to be patient.
12-13-2010, 01:56 PM
I will never understand how anyone can switch teams. When I watch Redskins I am emotionally invested. That's not a conscious decision -- it can't be. I didn't choose to be a Redskins fan, that's just how I was raised. I could never choose to be a fan of a team and force myself to have emotional ties to them - it doesn't work like that.
12-13-2010, 02:03 PM
This article is simply BS. Snyder recently told the Jason Reid that he believes what BA and MS are doing and to be patient.
Snyder said the same thing about Zorn and he said that they would be going through "growing pains". Snyder is a liar plain and simple and you can't beleive anything that comes out of his mouth.
12-13-2010, 02:05 PM
He didnt say the same thing and change his mind the week later.
Snyder also practically asked Zorn to resign. Those are two different scenarios. Even if Shanny gets fired, they are far from it.