12-02-2010, 01:41 PM
With a new baby on the way next year, I figured I wouldn't have much time to watch much football next year even if there was a season (which I think there will be)
As it is, I don't even watch that much on Sunday afternoons. I tend to watch a bit here and there but more often will watch later at night or the next day. My days and many of nights are consumed with sports, so Saturday and Sunday afternoons I usually spend that time decompressing from sports before the next week.
12-02-2010, 01:50 PM
With a new baby on the way next year, I figured I wouldn't have much time to watch much football next year even if there was a season (which I think there will be)
As it is, I don't even watch that much on Sunday afternoons. I tend to watch a bit here and there but more often will watch later at night or the next day. My days and many of nights are consumed with sports, so Saturday and Sunday afternoons I usually spend that time decompressing from sports before the next week.
Actually you will find that with a new born they sleep allot so you find yourself sitting around stuck in the house with more time to watch TV. That's what my wife told me anyways.
12-02-2010, 02:45 PM
It's insane how much football i really do watch .. having the football package on sundays take's it to another level .. especially out here in AZ .. i literally start watching games at 10am until 8pm . that's like the entire day ... obviously i painfully watch every Skins' game .. but RED ZONE feature on DirectTV kicks so much ass for fantasy football
12-02-2010, 06:09 PM
Without the Redskins for a year, the general health and well-being of men and select women in and around the beltway will improve substantially.
12-02-2010, 07:37 PM
Actually you will find that with a new born they sleep allot so you find yourself sitting around stuck in the house with more time to watch TV. That's what my wife told me anyways.
Shit my son never slept and hardly ever does now.. He's 16 Months
12-02-2010, 07:39 PM
With a new baby on the way next year, I figured I wouldn't have much time to watch much football next year even if there was a season (which I think there will be)
As it is, I don't even watch that much on Sunday afternoons. I tend to watch a bit here and there but more often will watch later at night or the next day. My days and many of nights are consumed with sports, so Saturday and Sunday afternoons I usually spend that time decompressing from sports before the next week.
Is the game atleast on? I'd go nuts if I didn't know whats happening in a Skins game.. That's why I got the Sunday Ticket also on my Iphone lol
12-02-2010, 07:57 PM
I'd probably be a lot happier,these Skins have been so frustrating to watch the past few years,and when they lose Im in a bad mood for 2 days.Im second guessing myself on buying the sunday ticket this yr,they are so frustrating to watch and every frickin game theyve won has come down to the wire and almost gives you a heart attack.
12-02-2010, 09:06 PM
Take it back where it belongs, High school and college games.....where the players play for the game .
Unless your Reggie Bush or Cam Newton
12-02-2010, 10:57 PM
Is the game atleast on? I'd go nuts if I didn't know whats happening in a Skins game.. That's why I got the Sunday Ticket also on my Iphone lol
Sometimes it's on, sometimes I just get alerts, or listen to it on my phone while I'm doing stuff. It really varies, but I always know whats going on and I see the game by the next morning at the latest. Sometimes I'll watch a different version of the game though