skinsfan69 11-04-2010, 04:05 PM Kentwan Balmer=Huge bust, not disappointment.
The SF fans and coaches might think so. But he's now a starter for Seattle. Another man's trash is another man's treasure.
steveo395 11-04-2010, 08:46 PM 2 34 Devin Thomas (http://www.nfl.com/players/devinthomas/profile?id=THO112147) WR Michigan State
2 48 Fred Davis (http://www.nfl.com/players/freddavis/profile?id=DAV318170) TE USC
2 51 Malcolm Kelly (http://www.nfl.com/players/malcolmkelly/profile?id=KEL691432) WR Oklahoma
3 96 Chad Rinehart (http://www.nfl.com/players/chadrinehart/profile?id=RIN211738) T Northern Iowa
4 124 Justin Tryon (http://www.nfl.com/players/justintryon/profile?id=TYR460013) CB Arizona State
6 168 Durant Brooks (http://www.nfl.com/players/durantbrooks/profile?id=BRO122997) P Georgia Tech
6 180 Kareem Moore (http://www.nfl.com/players/kareemmoore/profile?id=MOO445539) DB Nicholls State
6 186 Colt Brennan (http://www.nfl.com/players/coltbrennan/profile?id=BRE307886) QB Hawaii
7 242 Rob Jackson (http://www.nfl.com/players/robjackson/profile?id=JAC492068) DE Kansas State
7 249 Chris Horton (http://www.nfl.com/players/chrishorton/profile?id=HOR552347) SS UCLA
Thomas: Bust
Davis: Good but still a backup
Kelly: Still has a slight chance to be good if he can stay healthy, but probably a bust
Rhinehart: Bust
Tryon: He's ok, but he's playing for the Colts and we only got a late round pick for him. Does anyone know what pick that was yet?
Brooks: Worst punter ever to live, and the only punter taken in this draft, which is pretty bad
Moore: Our only starter from this draft, good in coverage, can't tackle
Brennan: Crap
Jackson: 3rd year on the practice squad
Horton: Had one good game as a rookie, been pretty bad since, but at least he's still on the team I guess. Can't expect much from a late 7th rounder.
So basically Vinny sucks ass, which we already knew. 1 starter out of 10 picks is pretty pathetic. As someone said earlier, putting names in a hat probably would have worked better.
mooby 11-04-2010, 11:16 PM Technically it's been 2 1/2 seasons since the draft. Usually they do the 3 year draft judging rule after their third season is over. I think Felix Jones is a good player as well, he's just not being used properly in Dallas right now.
SouperMeister 11-04-2010, 11:24 PM 2 34 Devin Thomas (http://www.nfl.com/players/devinthomas/profile?id=THO112147) WR Michigan State
2 48 Fred Davis (http://www.nfl.com/players/freddavis/profile?id=DAV318170) TE USC
2 51 Malcolm Kelly (http://www.nfl.com/players/malcolmkelly/profile?id=KEL691432) WR Oklahoma
3 96 Chad Rinehart (http://www.nfl.com/players/chadrinehart/profile?id=RIN211738) T Northern Iowa
4 124 Justin Tryon (http://www.nfl.com/players/justintryon/profile?id=TYR460013) CB Arizona State
6 168 Durant Brooks (http://www.nfl.com/players/durantbrooks/profile?id=BRO122997) P Georgia Tech
6 180 Kareem Moore (http://www.nfl.com/players/kareemmoore/profile?id=MOO445539) DB Nicholls State
6 186 Colt Brennan (http://www.nfl.com/players/coltbrennan/profile?id=BRE307886) QB Hawaii
7 242 Rob Jackson (http://www.nfl.com/players/robjackson/profile?id=JAC492068) DE Kansas State
7 249 Chris Horton (http://www.nfl.com/players/chrishorton/profile?id=HOR552347) SS UCLA
Thomas: Bust
Davis: Good but still a backup
Kelly: Still has a slight chance to be good if he can stay healthy, but probably a bust
Rhinehart: Bust
Tryon: He's ok, but he's playing for the Colts and we only got a late round pick for him. Does anyone know what pick that was yet?
Brooks: Worst punter ever to live, and the only punter taken in this draft, which is pretty bad
Moore: Our only starter from this draft, good in coverage, can't tackle
Brennan: Crap
Jackson: 3rd year on the practice squad
Horton: Had one good game as a rookie, been pretty bad since, but at least he's still on the team I guess. Can't expect much from a late 7th rounder.
So basically Vinny sucks ass, which we already knew. 1 starter out of 10 picks is pretty pathetic. As someone said earlier, putting names in a hat probably would have worked better.10 picks, and only one starter. Epic Fail, and arguably our worst draft ever.
LavaRnChad 11-04-2010, 11:35 PM 10 picks, and only one starter. Epic Fail, and arguably our worst draft ever.
I'm pretty sure we aren't the only team to have a horrible draft, just ask the Raiders and Lions.
SirClintonPortis 11-04-2010, 11:54 PM In hindsight, we could have just stayed pat with BPA and have taken Sam Baker. BPA being the player the lowest probability of not busting
But for all you all who would have said "BUT WE ALREADY HAD CHRIS SAMUELS" fellas who would be shocked at drafting for the future, I think 2009 showed why apparently irrational decisions are actually very rational.
Also, we could have done a better job of ignoring "need", which in this case was "Size at WR" and instead took the "playmaker" least likely to bust REGARDLESS OF SIZE.
Fred Davis was a good decision, IMO.
steveo395 11-05-2010, 01:55 AM In hindsight, we could have just stayed pat with BPA and have taken Sam Baker. BPA being the player the lowest probability of not busting
But for all you all who would have said "BUT WE ALREADY HAD CHRIS SAMUELS" fellas who would be shocked at drafting for the future, I think 2009 showed why apparently irrational decisions are actually very rational.
Also, we could have done a better job of ignoring "need", which in this case was "Size at WR" and instead took the "playmaker" least likely to bust REGARDLESS OF SIZE.
Fred Davis was a good decision, IMO.
Too bad Vinny came out and said that if he stayed at that pick he would have taken Devin Thomas.
skinster 11-05-2010, 01:59 AM In hindsight, we could have just stayed pat with BPA and have taken Sam Baker. BPA being the player the lowest probability of not busting
But for all you all who would have said "BUT WE ALREADY HAD CHRIS SAMUELS" fellas who would be shocked at drafting for the future, I think 2009 showed why apparently irrational decisions are actually very rational.
Also, we could have done a better job of ignoring "need", which in this case was "Size at WR" and instead took the "playmaker" least likely to bust REGARDLESS OF SIZE.
Fred Davis was a good decision, IMO.
what does bpa stand for?
SirClintonPortis 11-05-2010, 02:05 AM Too bad Vinny came out and said that if he stayed at that pick he would have taken Devin Thomas.
Even more reason to thank God that dumbass is out of here.
SirClintonPortis 11-05-2010, 02:05 AM what does bpa stand for?
Best player available.