Is Roger Goodell Good For the NFL?

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10-06-2011, 05:55 PM
Who really cares about the halftime show anyway? I can't remember the last time I even watched it.

10-06-2011, 08:34 PM
Who really cares about the halftime show anyway? I can't remember the last time I even watched it.


Alvin Walton
10-06-2011, 09:41 PM
Halftime is for peeing and making nachos.

10-06-2011, 10:28 PM
Goodell is more responsible for where the league is today than a guy who was commissioner 20+ years ago. Rozelle did a lot but it was a long time ago. The league isn't like it was even 10 years ago. Although I wouldn't argue that Goodell is the main reason for how popular the league is by any stretch.

How is he more responsible for how popular it is today? Give me one example of what he's done. Rozelle, Paul T. and a few of the old time owners are truly the ones who made this league what it is today. Not Roger Goodell. All Roger Goodell has done is cause controversy, piss off the players and try to get Eurpope to buy into american football.

10-07-2011, 10:31 AM
@Skinsfan: Yeah i strongly believe Goodell is just riding the remaining coattails of Rozelle and Tagliabue, of which anyone could do with little effort for a very long time. In fact I think any commissioner follow those 2 could make very unpopular decisions without drastic ramifactions due to their groundwork. Perhaps that’s Goodells role, do the things no one else wants to do (but thinks should be done), take the blame for it, make his money and step down when the new savior commissioner is ready to step in. My issues with him are with his inconsistencies, inability to articulate rules, and his push to limit defenses and advance offenses and scoring.

@Alvin & Matty: I agree that halftime shows suck and are for nachos, peeing, refilling, smoking, talking, or filliping to the puppy bowl. But since no one really watches it and the media only talks about it to slam it, don’t you think that’s something Roger should attempt to change? Imagine if he made it watchable and liked, how crazy would that be????

I know how much everyone likes Chris Chase so heres his take on Paul’s game check fine:

Rookie fined $20,000 for hit; player he hit tells him to appeal - Shutdown Corner - NFL*Blog - Yahoo! Sports (

10-07-2011, 11:20 AM
I don't understand why fines are not adjusted to the player's salary. It doesn't make sense to fine a rookie making the minimum salary the same amount as a superstar who makes millions.

10-07-2011, 11:28 AM
How is he more responsible for how popular it is today? Give me one example of what he's done. Rozelle, Paul T. and a few of the old time owners are truly the ones who made this league what it is today. Not Roger Goodell. All Roger Goodell has done is cause controversy, piss off the players and try to get Eurpope to buy into american football.

Okie dokie.

10-07-2011, 11:36 AM
Who really cares about the halftime show anyway? I can't remember the last time I even watched it.


10-07-2011, 11:46 AM
I hate the isolationist mentality. Why not grow the sport abroad?

I think developing the game overseas only helps the game grow and reach greater heights. It also increases the player talent pool. Hardcore Brits probably hate that the international community has invested hard in US soccer, but we in turn have provided some great talent back to the EPl. The likes of Tim Howard, Stuart Holden, Brad Friedel, Clint Dempsey, etc. A win-win.

The more I talk to people about their concerns the more it seems their main issue is they dislike uk/europe and rather preserve the NFL as a US only brand. It turns more into a globalization vs. isolation debate.

10-07-2011, 12:10 PM
Okie dokie.

Can you name anything game related that he has done that hasnt caused significant controversy or pissed players and fans off, besides forcing NFL on Europe? I can think of a couple things.

1) Hes cleaned the NFL up so to speak. I personally feel that this should be left to the individual teams as I think they should be able to brand themselves as they want to, but I commend his efforts and think that overall its a great thing.

2)Breast Cancer Awareness. I think Snyder had a big hand in this too. Im against Breast Cancer (and any other cancer) as much as anyone else is. I think that the NFL’s promotion of breast cancer awareness and desire to help fight for the cure is nothing short of a great thing. Although I have to say it has a pandering to expand the females demographic type feel to it. Breast cancer charities are a easy thing anyone can and should absolutely get behind, although I ask if it was another disease (like MS or AIDS) would the NFL be as supportive if there was no pay off for them? Either way I think its great they are involved in this cause and hope that they become involved in more.

3)NFL Play 60. Encourages kids to not be fat and play video games all day. Definitely a good thing for kids and the NFL.

All the positive things hes done are reflective of current social issues which is great. But when it comes to the game everything hes done is cloudy in controversy. Do you know of any that’s not?

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