Gibbs: No Truth to Report

11-30-2004, 12:07 AM
Hopefully this will squash the rumors, from the WP

According to Redskins sources, Gibbs was flabbergasted about an ESPN report that said he was mulling stepping down because of health-related issues. Gibbs emphatically dismissed the report in his postgame interview. However, because the rumors were bandied this weekend, players said, Gibbs briefly reiterated his stance in a team meeting yesterday.

"He cleared it up to us," cornerback Fred Smoot said. "He said he's not going anywhere. That's what we're going by. It made me feel good. When I heard the rumors it made me think about his health. I wanted to make sure he was all right. That's what really counts. Even if you love football, you can't base your life around it."

Other teammates were skeptical of the report, and said they didn't need to hear Gibbs's denial. "I knew it wasn't true at all," Daniels said. "A couple of times before, he told us: 'We'll finally get things turned around. And if you want to be here go out and play hard . . . we'll win a championship one of these years.' Someone just wanted to make up a story."

Gibbs, 64, who signed a five-year, $28.5 million contract in January, is a diabetic. But one coaching assistant noted that Gibbs has shown no signs of tiring recently, working until late most of last week and sleeping on his hideaway bed at Redskins Park.

11-30-2004, 12:39 AM
thats good news
he will gets us back to the top just takes time

11-30-2004, 02:34 AM
hoe could anybody not love this guy

11-30-2004, 11:13 AM
Joe will right the ship....this team is not very far from being a contender. Even though they continue to lose games, they are not getting blown off the field and are competitive in all the games (at least through the 3rd qtr). Joe will turn it and all of us will be back in the glory days once again!

11-30-2004, 11:55 AM
The offense needs work and I'm sure Gibbs will dive right in once the season ends.

During the season it's too difficult to make wholesale changes.

Plus I'm expecting the execution to improve with a year in the system under the belts of most guys. Bugel said they don't run a ton of plays, but each play has many variations formation wise. The players have a lot on their plates, another offseason of camps should do them a lot of good.

11-30-2004, 04:55 PM
Check out the recording of Monday's press conference on (

At the end, Gibbs talks about his attitude about criticism and how he's been treated here by the fans and the press. He is a strong, committed person and he really has the correct attitude, even in the face of this year's difficulties. He's even laughs a little at the end. (It's nice to hear.) He'll get us through this.

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