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Retarded logic. Staying in your house pretty much ruins your life (unless you're JD Salinger). Choosing not to ride a motorcycle doesn't at all.
There are risks you have to take in order to live a life worth living. Then there are unnecessary risks. Riding a motorbike qualifies. There are so many other ways to seek a thrill.
Don't dismiss the risk of riding a motorcycle, even as safely as possible. The insurance premiums say it all.
This may come as a shock S10, but your opinion is based on things that you believe to be true and not necessarily on any kind of fact.
It's one of the things that makes this country great. It is completely meaniningless what you believe to be true as it has......no influence on anybody elses life....unless they choose it to be.
warpaint 10-08-2010, 10:43 PM This is a good article if you want know something on AL and his little bro's relationship. He was like his father man it really this really has to hurt. You heart has to go out to them.
1/5/03: Albert Haynesworth is his brother's keeper | tennessean.com | The Tennessean (http://www.tennessean.com/article/20101008/SPORTS01/101008017?loc=interstitialskip)
FRPLG 10-08-2010, 11:24 PM Retarded logic. Staying in your house pretty much ruins your life (unless you're JD Salinger). Choosing not to ride a motorcycle doesn't at all.
There are risks you have to take in order to live a life worth living. Then there are unnecessary risks. Riding a motorbike qualifies. There are so many other ways to seek a thrill.
Don't dismiss the risk of riding a motorcycle, even as safely as possible. The insurance premiums say it all.
You just made my point. To many many people this is the case. Hell motorcycles have spawned communities. To a good amount of people riding motorcycles is a way of life. I am not saying they're not dangerous.
tootergray34 10-08-2010, 11:53 PM Nah, eff that nonsense.
1) I'm not religious and don't feel like pretending there's somebody or something out there that can hear me say "God please care for his soul."
2) He deserves no prayers anyway, he was driving a motorbike at 100 mph. It's as stupid as it gets and the world is better off without him. In a way, it's better he died this way in an accident in which he killed nobody else. It prevents him from getting in another one down the line where the results could be different.
3) I feel for Albert though. He did lose his brother, and wouldn't hold it against him if he couldn't play. I know I wouldn't be ready to.
But regardless, this moron is the exact kind of example everyone should learn from.
This! while i'm sorry for his loss...I don't feel for the guy who is a MAN and decided to go over 100 on a freaking BIKE. i'm not religious either, I think that stuff is silly, but still, he chose this fate, not some supernatural being.
Fact being go fast on something that can lose control easily = not good.
If Albert chooses not to play I understand, i'd go to work though if I were him, didn't a certain Farve play on MNF when his father died?
skins89moss 10-09-2010, 12:33 AM This is a good article if you want know something on AL and his little bro's relationship. He was like his father man it really this really has to hurt. You heart has to go out to them.
1/5/03: Albert Haynesworth is his brother's keeper | tennessean.com | The Tennessean (http://www.tennessean.com/article/20101008/SPORTS01/101008017?loc=interstitialskip)
Good looking out Warpaint I was not sure how close he was with his step brother. The article really clears that up he raised him during his teens. This has to be very dificult for Albert and his family right now. Lets just pray that his brother is saved and Albert to. God Bless you AH and your family and we can not wait for u to get back to Redskins Nation.
Dirtbag59 10-09-2010, 03:54 AM I'd hate to have to block him when he get's back. Talk about a man on fire.
warpaint 10-09-2010, 05:44 AM Nah, eff that nonsense.
1) I'm not religious and don't feel like pretending there's somebody or something out there that can hear me say "God please care for his soul."
2) He deserves no prayers anyway, he was driving a motorbike at 100 mph. It's as stupid as it gets and the world is better off without him. In a way, it's better he died this way in an accident in which he killed nobody else. It prevents him from getting in another one down the line where the results could be different.
3) I feel for Albert though. He did lose his brother, and wouldn't hold it against him if he couldn't play. I know I wouldn't be ready to.
But regardless, this moron is the exact kind of example everyone should learn from.
You must have A-hole stamped across your forehead or it's that you just want to be a sometype of a provocateur.
At 23 everyone makes bad decision, and his decision caused his tragic death. He deserves all the prayers he can get, as well as his family.
You S10 come off like the example of a moron that has his foot lodged down his throat to bad your hands are free, I did learn something from you. Thanks!
SBXVII 10-09-2010, 08:04 AM Half brother to be clear. A strong warrior would suit it up and get out there and play the game of his life in his honor.
Favre played the DAY AFTER his father died and played one of the most heart felt games I've ever seen. Guess we'll see if Albert is a warrior.
"Hard work helps heal grieving"
Penny Chenery -owner of Secretariat
I can't believe some of you. I really don't think it matters what you call the family member, what matters is how close the individual is to that person.
If AH was around him all his life, or grew up with him then he quite possibly is grieving hard. But even if he hardly knew him people fail to think others in his family might be having a hard time with this and he needs to be there for them.
Its one thing to be incensitive about AH not playing well, practicing, or not performing but to be incensitive about having a death in the family is just not right.
mlmdub130 10-09-2010, 08:27 AM you guys are talking about 100 mph on a street bike like it's insane, it's really not. and why keep talking about how dumb he was or that he is an example, he is a 23 year old who was out having fun and made a mistake and now he is dead. thats the bottom line.
Chico23231 10-09-2010, 08:28 AM Nah, eff that nonsense.
1) I'm not religious and don't feel like pretending there's somebody or something out there that can hear me say "God please care for his soul."
2) He deserves no prayers anyway, he was driving a motorbike at 100 mph. It's as stupid as it gets and the world is better off without him. In a way, it's better he died this way in an accident in which he killed nobody else. It prevents him from getting in another one down the line where the results could be different.
3) I feel for Albert though. He did lose his brother, and wouldn't hold it against him if he couldn't play. I know I wouldn't be ready to.
But regardless, this moron is the exact kind of example everyone should learn from.
Completely uncool, worst comment ive every read here. Everyone has made a bad decision, no one deserves to die over it...:stop: