09-21-2010, 06:51 PM
Whoa: Andy Reid names Michael Vick as team's starting quarterback.5 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/Adam_Schefter/status/25154225076) via ÜberTwitter (http://www.ubertwitter.com/bb/download.php)
RT @nfl (http://twitter.com/nfl): The #Eagles (http://twitter.com/search?q=%23Eagles) just announced Andy Reid has named Michael Vick the team's starting quarterback
Jesus_M_Christ (http://twitter.com/Jesus_M_Christ)
Weird, whenever Mike Vick comes on the TV the dogs up here start going nuts. It's like they know him or something.2:55 PM Sep 19th (http://twitter.com/Jesus_M_Christ/status/24954461524)
09-21-2010, 06:53 PM
LMAO Vick won't take that team to the playoffs!
I wonder how that conversation with Kolb is going to go???
Ahhhh......lookahere' Kevin, YOU are still my guy...MY only one.....STARTER...
BTW...Mike is gonna' just fill in for...say ....53 minutes with maybe some Wildcat shit.
09-21-2010, 06:58 PM
This is why the Eagirls will never win a SB, they always make dumb ass decisions.. Dawkins, McNabb, and now saying Vick is the guy, I like Mike as a quality backup but lets face it, the guy cant hit anything.. Sure he lit up detroit but I just don't trust him as a passer.
Donavon McNabb should be laughing his ass off right now!!!
09-21-2010, 07:01 PM
I completely approve of this decision. It might make them better this season, but Vick isn't their long term solution at qb and in the end it will only make things worse with Kevin Kolb.
Aka I feel it would've been better for the Eagles to put Kolb back in the lineup and actually take their lumps with him because from limited action last season it looked like he had a bright future ahead of him, instead they're stunting his mentality by naming him starting quarterback and then taking it away from him because of injury.
09-21-2010, 07:06 PM
Mayock speculated that it probably has more to do with Kolbs health then it does Vicks play.
09-21-2010, 07:07 PM
I love when an opponent's plan backfires...this quickly.
Skinny Tee
09-21-2010, 07:15 PM
This is pretty huge considering Reid already said Kolb would be the starter next week.
The inmates are now running the asylum in Philly. Quick fix fans are rejoicing but their long term integrity is shot. Their McNabb decision is goin to keep coming up if Kolb doesn't show behind center.
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Alvin Walton
09-21-2010, 07:20 PM
Dogs and cat living together...mass hysteria!