11-23-2004, 12:46 PM
OK, I need some sympathy here from my fellow skins fans. I have just learned that I am moving to Texas! :madani:
May the good Lord shine on me to weather all the Dallas idiots! And may my mission be successful in converting all of Texas to Redskin Country!
Damn, I hate TX.
11-23-2004, 12:55 PM
I am really sorry to hear that! Texas? :vomit-smi Thank God for Direct T.V.
There are a few good looking women out there. But man, I feel your pain. :confused-
11-23-2004, 01:57 PM
Hey the best thing about Texas is their women! I should know I have one! ;-P
Other than that...I feel your pain! lol
11-23-2004, 01:59 PM
You know outside of Dallas, I'm a Texas, country type of guy. You're going right into the dragons fire, but at least its not Philedalphia. Southern Girls are hot too
11-23-2004, 04:45 PM
Where in Texas? It's a BIG place.
Some areas of Texas are really nice places to live and some others are sorta like where the Good Lord would put the tube if he decided to geve the Earth an enema.
11-23-2004, 05:16 PM
i live just north of dallas, i talk friendly sh!t everyday with cowpuke fans. it's been pretty fun this year bashing each others teams, seeing as how they both suck!!! jbcjr14, you'll definitely have to have the nfl sunday ticket, b/c all they play here is either dallas or houston games, it's disgusting.
11-23-2004, 05:19 PM
also, sportscurmudgeon is right, if you are by chance moving anywhere near the texas panhandle, jump off a friggin' cliff, oh and make sure there's rocks at the bottom b/c you don't want to have to live through that sh!t. west texas IS the arm pit of hell.
11-23-2004, 05:38 PM
I am moving to the Austin area. Suppose to be nice and will be there this weekend. I currently reside in Florida and have the NFL Ticket and will NOT go anywhere without it!
Thanks for all the sympathy! :banghead:
11-23-2004, 06:38 PM
jbcjr14: I plan on applying to UTexas @ Austin. Doubt Ill get in seeing as how I'm out of state and don't have a 4.0, but hey worth a try! We'll have to grab some beers and a game one week if I somehow do get accepted!
dont convert everyone, i love to hate those fools!