09-13-2010, 12:47 PM
Well folks, this is what happens when you transition to a defense that doesn't fit your personnel.
Well folk, you were wrong. :D
So maybe switching to a 3-4 defense with a "win now" attitude wasn't the best idea?
Wrong again. :food-smil
09-13-2010, 12:57 PM
why does moss have on a Oakland A's hat on CSN....odd
A's = Alex Barrons...wish they had a whole team of them.
09-13-2010, 01:02 PM
Nice statement from Alexander about Shanny's attitude after the game:
Outside linebacker Lorenzo Alexander said that Shanahan was all business after his first victory with the Redskins.
"Everything about him said, 'Been there, done that,'" said Alexander. "He's ready to move on to next week."
09-13-2010, 01:20 PM
Thought I'd have a heart attack before the game finally ended. That was a game the Skins always lose.
Moving forward, their offense was lacking and needs work. The coaching, however, is 100% better!
over the mountain
09-13-2010, 01:26 PM
oh man that game was intense. it seemed like the crowd was rockin hard last night. particularly with 2 mins left. it seemed like the TV crew had to switch to 3 different cameras before they found one that wasnt rocking up and down.
the stadium was as loud as ive ever heard it on tv.
an exciting win at home = more fans in the future. the skins got alot of work to do to win back or give birth to the new generation of fans they have failed to attract or lost over the past 10 years.
listening to espn 980, some good points made.
Defense speaks for itself..fairly solid (need some run stopperage) MADE critical plays when needed. Scored a TD...first since 2007
On offense, execution needs some work, playcalling..GOOD. Our guys TOTALLY outcoached their guys. It was a PROFESSIONALLY played game by a respectable PROFESSIONAL looking squad......nice
09-13-2010, 01:43 PM
Thought I'd have a heart attack before the game finally ended. That was a game the Skins always lose.
Moving forward, their offense was lacking and needs work. The coaching, however, is 100% better!
Yeah...went from getting ready to punch something and break my OTHER hand to trying not to pick up my sleeping dog and hug him...which would've resulted in me getting my face bitten and son woken up.
It was so confusing, especially when McNabb started celebrating before we knew the call...for a split-second it looked like he was cheering for Dallas.
Here's what my wife seconds of insanity looked like...probably similar to everyone else's:
:eek::stop::vomit::hitfan::cussing::censored::bang head: -----> :woot: :httr::owned::insane:
I couldn't watch the final play, I buried my face in a pillow and my heart sank when they said TD, but as I looked up that's when the flag graphic went up and it was quickly obvious that the TD was going to be wiped out.
09-13-2010, 01:54 PM
They wanted to rotate the line a bit because a) Brown didn't get to play much in the preseason so Shanahan/Foerster wanted to ease him back in b) Kory L, according to Shanahan, had a great preseason and he wants to see him in the rotation some, and c)they plan on rotating the line some to give the D different looks and keep their guys fresh.
Thanks for the info. From were I was sitting it looked like Kory L. played good, but Heyer I think played poorly. For me its always hard to tell how well a lineman did. Everytime, I think someone did well they cut him.
09-13-2010, 01:55 PM
I couldn't watch the final play, I buried my face in a pillow and my heart sank when they said TD, but as I looked up that's when the flag graphic went up and it was quickly obvious that the TD was going to be wiped out.
Ditto. I saw the TD and died a little inside. It probaboly took a good 2-3 seconds before I noticed the flag... then I lost it.