skinsfaninok 09-08-2010, 11:34 AM Good points Credskins and 12THMAN, I just hope this shit can get resolved soon.. Lets just play football and get a HUGE win on SNF! Big AL needs to start or atleast play almost every down in this game.. ( If he's still here)
KI Skins Fan 09-08-2010, 11:38 AM I'm on record as saying that AH is selfish. I believe that he is. I don't think that he's much of a teammate and I doubt that he helps other players on the team to develop their skills. He's hard-headed, he defies authority figures, and he's determined to do things his way as much as possible.
But then there is Game Day. In games that count, he is a true badass. He is practically immovable on short yardage plays. What he does for our defense on Third Down and in the Red Zone cannot be replaced. He also demands double teams, collapses the pocket on pass plays and frees up our speed rushers to pressure the QB.
For me, the key to the entire soap opera between AH and Shanahan is this: I believe that AH will play hard an effectively in the real games. He has too much personal pride to not do so. I think it is time for Shanahan to accept that AH is a special player whose peculiarities need to be tolerated to some extent. I don't think that allowing AH some special privileges will adversely affect the attitudes of the other players as long as they see AH dominating on Sundays. Special treatment for special players is part of the culture of professional athletics (see Brett Farve).
Add to that the extremely remote possibilities that the Redskins could ever negotiate equivalent compensation in a trade for him or get back any of the sunk cost they have in him and it becomes a no-brainer for me. Shanahan should back off of AH a little, tell his minions to STFU about him, end all trade talk, tell Albert that he will not be traded, put him in the starting lineup, and then send the man out on a mission to destroy the Cowboys offense.
GhettoDogAllStars 09-08-2010, 11:40 AM I like Shanahan's "tough-guy, don't tread on me" attitude. At first I wasn't sure how to feel about him -- if we won, then I'd like him -- but now I know. Wins or not, Shanahan is the real deal. He's building a team, and there is absolutely no place for compromise. You submit, and fall in line, and you never defy the coach. That's good leadership, in my opinion. People usually respond well to people who know what they want. Shanahan knows what he wants, and he doesn't waver.
SkinzWin 09-08-2010, 11:42 AM After reading everyone's opinion I have come to my own conclusion. What's going to happen is going to happen. No one really knows what that may be until it actually happens. I think we would be much better served talking about Dallas and comparing our two teams, not comparing our own players and staff. I for one am very excited about Sunday night and I hope be beat the pants off of the Cowboys. :spank: I'm starting a grass roots movement. Let's lock this thread and EVERYONE will go streaking through the quad to the gymnasium. And then to the thread on Dallas. Who's with me? :food-smil
Defensewins 09-08-2010, 11:43 AM One of the biggest questions lost in this whole mess (why the 3-4). I really hope it doesn't come to this, but if our defense falters I hope someone makes MS accountable for making this switch. I'm still surprised that with his win-now attitude (instead of rebuilding), he would want to make such a drastic change.
This is exactly right. I was one of the folks that was not happy about the change to 3-4. I like 4-3 better.
We made the move to increase saks, so we better get more sacks soon or else this move will be a waste. So far this preseason we have not seen an increase in sacks. I am hoping Hasslett is just hiding his bread and butter plays for Dallas.
I am still concerned about Andre Carter, he still looks like he is constantly behind the play. His mental part of the game is not there yet. I am hoping he will catch up and get comfortable.
CRedskinsRule 09-08-2010, 11:44 AM A solid/simple ending to this drama would be for AH to play lights out on whatever number of snaps he gets, MS in the post game presser to say AH showed tonight why we paid him that 21Mill in the first place, and Haslett on Monday to put him in the starting lineup. That would make me nearly as happy as Ace's 41 point prediction coming true (and I think my scenario has a far better chance of happening)
KI Skins Fan 09-08-2010, 11:46 AM After reading everyone's opinion I have come to my own conclusion. What's going to happen is going to happen. No one really knows what that may be until it actually happens. I think we would be much better served talking about Dallas and comparing our two teams, not comparing our own players and staff. I for one am very excited about Sunday night and I hope be beat the pants off of the Cowboys. :spank: I'm starting a grass roots movement. Let's lock this thread and EVERYONE will go streaking through the quad to the gymnasium. And then to the thread on Dallas. Who's with me? :food-smil
I'm 62 years old. Nobody should have to see my naked body. :eek:
skinsfaninok 09-08-2010, 11:47 AM This is exactly right. I was one of the folks that was not happy about the change to 3-4. I like 4-3 better.
We made the move to increase saks, so we better get more sacks soon or else this move will be a waste. So far this preseason we have not seen an increase in sacks. I am hoping Hasslett is just hiding his bread and butter plays for Dallas.
I am still concerned about Andre Carter, he still looks like he is constantly behind the play. His mental part of the game is not there yet. I am hoping he will catch up and get comfortable.
I understand the move to 3-4, Haslett feels like Orakpo will be the elite pass rusher that Ware, Dumerville and Suggs are. All 3 of those guys play in a 3-4 defense or atleast did. I didn't really care for the move either but lets be patient and give them a chance.
GhettoDogAllStars 09-08-2010, 12:01 PM This is exactly right. I was one of the folks that was not happy about the change to 3-4. I like 4-3 better.
We made the move to increase saks, so we better get more sacks soon or else this move will be a waste. So far this preseason we have not seen an increase in sacks. I am hoping Hasslett is just hiding his bread and butter plays for Dallas.
I am still concerned about Andre Carter, he still looks like he is constantly behind the play. His mental part of the game is not there yet. I am hoping he will catch up and get comfortable.
Washington Redskins' defense: New scheme installed to increase turnovers (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/07/AR2010090704321_2.html?sid=ST2010090801731)
Much to Shanahan's delight, the Redskins produced eight turnovers in the first three preseason games, generally considered the most important games for evaluating players and choosing the opening 53-man roster.
"We had eight in [the first] three games," Shanahan said. "If you did that for the season it'd be 42, 421/2. I think Green Bay led the NFL last year with 40, so you feel pretty good."
Hall became the first Redskins player with two interceptions in the preseason since safety Sean Taylor had three before the 2004 season.
"And the thing is we haven't run any of Has's defenses," Hall said. "We've just been out there playing vanilla, not trying to show nothing. Just wait 'til we start the season and start running all this stuff we've been working on from the start. It'll be on then. It's scary."
skinsfaninok 09-08-2010, 12:07 PM Again Adam Schefter just reported on ESPN SC that Haynesworth will remain in Washington because no team is willing to give up what we are asking for.