09-07-2010, 07:37 AM
Pretty sure he says Gilligan, not Ginn
It's a joke. Ted Ginn Jr is the only one to escape from Revis island. Why do I have the feeling that you're playing dumb on this one?
09-07-2010, 08:49 AM
They suck, of course they caved in.......he'll get hurt and suck all year....watch.:)
I actully agree with Giantone on this one! 100%!
Money has a way to do funny things to people...
We should know this as much as anyone...It's not always like this,but we have all seen many times where a player in a contract year gets his cash,then packs it in.
Revis is different though..Already had 3 years left on his contract and basically just got a raise and a 1 year extension...and a butt load of money...
Would anyone seriously be surprised if the guy got injured being out of football,or all of a sudden,those great WR's who were not getting 100 yard games against him,start doing just that?
Cause I wouldn't...
I have the jets missing the Playoffs anyways and this won't change anything...
Until Sanchez starts looking better than he has,I won't change my mind.
Got to remember people...this team was 9-7 last year...Shoot,Rex thought they were eliminated from playoff contention until weird things shaped up for them in the final week 17 matchups...
Do they have the potential to be GREAT? Absolutely,,,all they need is for Sanchez to just play Average...and their a lock for 10 wins...
But I'm not sure that will happen.