Haynesworth was "awful" (WP) - may not start against Dallas

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Pocket$ $traight
09-07-2010, 01:13 AM
Yeah right. Albert go out and stand there huffin and puffin with your hands on your knees to lazy to even get in a stance. While everyone else is in shape busting there tail. But idk who im more po'd at AH for having such a gift and whiping his arse with it. Or Danny boy for agreeing to such a worthless deal. I sure do miss guys like Joe Salevea, Big Griff, Ant Mo, Demetric Evans, Kedrick G., and yes even Ryan Boscheti.
Yeah Albert go out there and be a beast, and try to get a few of the hard working Americans that you disrespect by being such a poop to forgive you.

Man i loved what Bugges said in one of his retirement interviews on what he used to tell some of the players. "we fly over place like NY, Pittsburg, and Phili, where hard works live and they want to see tough football" . Yeah you go getem Albert. WTFever be realistic.

Crusty, your name is spelled wrong.


Pocket$ $traight
09-07-2010, 01:14 AM
So what are all the Haynesworth haters going to do when he plays the whole game against Dallas?

09-07-2010, 01:19 AM
So what are all the Haynesworth haters going to do when he plays the whole game against Dallas?

Uhhhhh Haynesworth has never played the "whole game" in his entire life.

Anyways I hope he gets in for at least half of the defensive snaps, but I kind of doubt it.

Or he will be in the starting lineup and this was all just a Shanahan smokescreen.

09-07-2010, 01:45 AM
Or maybe they'll play him when he's not tired. And maybe he'll give an effort because it's a regular season game, and not the second half of the 4th preseason game with a bunch of guys who aren't about to be cut playing beside him. And maybe after week 1 headlines will read: Haynesworth plays, makes impact. And then maybe this whole shit will finally die.

09-07-2010, 08:37 AM
So what are all the Haynesworth haters going to do when he plays the whole game against Dallas?

What will you do if he does'nt?

09-07-2010, 08:53 AM
So is that the kind of attitude you are rooty for Crusty?

My attitude is great its Dallas week baby!!! Maybe i'll owe AH an apology Monday morning but i doubt it... Don't yall know how this is all going to play out??

09-07-2010, 09:01 AM
So what are all the Haynesworth haters going to do when he plays the whole game against Dallas?

I'm not a hater but I'm not thinking all this drama is going to suddenly go away either.

09-07-2010, 09:27 AM
It's not going away, because at this point there can be no "winner". AH is to prideful to let the media think that MS "broke" him, and MS certainly is never going to come out and make nice. I really thought that the whole cigar joke gave a good point to re-start the situation (and I think it did) but there are media types, and apparently sources, who want to fan this all season long.

Last year AH played a large percentage of D snaps (i think the most but don't know the specific stat) and yet he gets hammered for not playing every snap. So what if he is not the starter, our nickel back isn't a starter but he sure is critical to winning these games.

I only hope that AH, MS, and Haslett are being pros about this and Sunday night they all perform to the best of their abilities. I tend to think they will.

09-07-2010, 09:46 AM
So what are all the Haynesworth haters going to do when he plays the whole game against Dallas?

well that's probably not going to happen. but all this crap will go away if al justs plays the defense, plays hard and makes some plays...which he should be able to do against a weak Dallas line.

09-07-2010, 09:54 AM
Haynesworth doesn't know how to play in a 3-4? I know its more complicated than this, but can we just put him in at NT and tell him to push the Center back into Romo's face on every play? That would work for me. Oh, and throw your big arm out and closeline Felix Jones everytime he comes between the center and the guard. :)

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