08-27-2010, 01:18 PM
Ace I love your optimism, but I would be shocked to see that type of scoring tonight.
1) NYJ do have aggresive and strong D
2) We are still testing our RB corp, I don't know how much CP - who is clearly the best of the bunch - will even play.
3) With Rex we are not going to be going wild with our offensive scheme. Sure we will take some shots, and make some plays, but NYJ are going to be treating this far more serious (in a bad sense) then we are.
4) it's preseason against an over aggressive D, my main concern, and hopefully the team's is getting out without any season damaging injuries.
08-27-2010, 01:20 PM
what time is the game? 7?
Yep 7 P.M.
For all of those out of towners like myself, the game will be reaired at 2 P.M. on Saturday on the NFL Network.
Set those DVRs folks.
08-27-2010, 01:23 PM
Message for Grossman: "DON'T SCREW UP!"
08-27-2010, 01:25 PM
Yea,lets stay healthy and everything is cool with me...
I also have it for recording tomorrow on my DVR on NFL network.
Does anyone have any links to watch the streams on the game?
I know there's a thread on Extremeskins for it,but I would prefer to talk to you
(I'll find one regardless)
08-27-2010, 01:25 PM
#1 on things to watch for when I get to see the live game action. Is Willie Parker going to play his way on to the team tonight.
#2 How aggressive will Haslett be with the 2nd year pro in Sanchez at QB for the Jets. He seems to have struggled this preseason.
#3 Playing against the best Oline in football, will we be able to slow down the Jets Running Game.
This is another great test for the team on defense and offense.
over the mountain
08-27-2010, 01:32 PM
im hoping willie parker has a good showing. i think if he can show his speed and quickness, he adds a different element to our runningback corps.
go skins
08-27-2010, 02:02 PM
IF this team is as good as I BELIEVE they are...Rex will score on the Jets Defense at least twice. At least take the field down for 2 scores...TD and FG minimum before he comes out.
This is also assuming our O-line gives him protection as well.
Just PROMISE me..when he does...No "LETS Start REX" posts...
When you see this will not be because of REX or because he knows the offense better than Mcnabb. It will be because we are better talently with aggressive QB's than with the 3 and out lets play not to lose and let the Defense win strategy...ok? (like we've seen forever)
You will know what I mean,when Rex moves the ball down the field,affectively against this jets team.
So you heard it here 1st...Rex will lead the team on 2 scoring drives...AT LEAST!
Lets kick butt!
Ahh the blind homers. As for you signature, if "you know a good football team when you see it," what makes this team capable of winning 10 more games than last year? LOL. Come on.
I personally expect a slow, stinker of a game. Rex will have no Mike Sellers blocking for him, and Willie Parker is known for being a lousy pass blocker. Personally I don't care about Grossman's numbers in this game, I'll be happy if he gets out alive. That's Jets D is something special.
As for our defense, well the Jets are 31st in ypg during the first few preseason games, so I'd like to see us confuse turnover machine Sanchize and play well.
I'll be happy if our offense moves it, but I doubt it happens. My number one goal: an injury free night. September 12th looms large.
08-27-2010, 02:17 PM
This game scares me as far a preseason goes because I fear injuries on offensive. (none pleeeease to the O Line) The Jets have a great D and they haven't really shown much during the preseason to justify all of this Super Bowl or Bust stuff going on with them. I bet they are thinking, no McNabb, no Sellers, Willie Parker???? pin back the ears and let it all hang out. That scares me. Maybe we will come out just as aggresive, but somehow I just don't think we will. I definitely don't see the skins puttin gup 59 like the Packers did last night!!!! Wow, against a Super Bowl team?
08-27-2010, 02:27 PM
I pissed myself off.
I put on a dark green polo short this morning without thinking.