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SouperMeister 08-22-2010, 06:32 PM The same guy who sat the 1980 season. He is the original diva. Hell listen to his rants now days.Don't go comparing Fat Albert to Riggo. Late in Riggins' career when his back was shot, he'd spend the early part of the week in traction, but he answered the bell on Sundays and ALWAYS played hard. Haynesworth CLEARLY takes plays off, and has done so his entire career. I can't think of a more talented D-lineman that has produced so little aside from the two seasons leading up to his free agency.
SirClintonPortis 08-22-2010, 06:44 PM If there's a case for the massive modularity hypothesis, this thread can help as a case study.
dblanch66 08-22-2010, 06:49 PM Don't go comparing Fat Albert to Riggo. Late in Riggins' career when his back was shot, he'd spend the early part of the week in traction, but he answered the bell on Sundays and ALWAYS played hard. Haynesworth CLEARLY takes plays off, and has done so his entire career. I can't think of a more talented D-lineman that has produced so little aside from the two seasons leading up to his free agency.
Yeah, that was my point. I certainly haven't forgotten Riggins sitting out the '80 season but the difference is: he sat out the season. there was really little drama involved. When he DID suit up, though, he played with a ferocity and had more guts than any Redskin player I can remember. He was the only non-lineman HOG. says something. I don't give a rat's ass what he rants about now. He's a guy trying to get ratings. My point is that players like AH couldn't have hacked it in the old days and in the old days the game was a lot more fun to watch. not living in the past, I'm just waxing..
warpaint 08-22-2010, 06:56 PM Don't go comparing Fat Albert to Riggo. Late in Riggins' career when his back was shot, he'd spend the early part of the week in traction, but he answered the bell on Sundays and ALWAYS played hard. Haynesworth CLEARLY takes plays off, and has done so his entire career. I can't think of a more talented D-lineman that has produced so little aside from the two seasons leading up to his free agency.
AH has showed up and he isn't sitting out this season. AH isn't at the end of his career so we cant assume how will handle a true injury like that. I cant say he takes off plays. Does he flop around on the ground? Yes. Is he selfish? Yes, but he is a beast on the field and he makes teams adjust for him. If just him being unconditioned last season means he took plays off then that goes to a piss poor run orginazation last year.
We dont know the truth of his illness but if he really does have what's being reported then how cant you compare them. They are the same type of people just diffrent times.
GusFrerotte 08-22-2010, 07:00 PM Well in the good old days, the game was a game, now it is a business trying to generate revenue, with the added virus of the cult of celebrity and hype. Like I mentioned before, the good ole Protestant work ethic has been pretty much wiped out to boot. Pick your poison. The salaries and money are so out of this world you have athletes just going after the $$$$$$$$, and since the bulk of the salaries are guaranteed money, not much incentive to bust ass. That is why guys on their second or even third contracts usually have a big decline in production. The AH situation could be salvaged, but AH and MS need to come to terms and end the drama. IF AH can beat this affliction of his and stay healthy and produce this all will die away. This drama didn't have to get to the point of being a circus though.
GMScud 08-22-2010, 07:44 PM Did you read my post? I said,
"Internet tough guys calling Haynesworth a pussy?
Call him lazy, fat, greedy, childish, selfish or plain old stupid, but a pussy?
Haynesworth was the only Redskin to defend and throw down to defend his smaller teamates last year. Nobody else had the guts or the pride!
Calling him a pussy to his face is incorrect and dangerous.
A true pussy is someone calling someone else a pussy from behind a computer screen and not his face."
Yeah sorry. Just gonna flat out disagree with you. Me calling him a puss from "behind my computer screen" doesn't make me a pussy. If he didn't act like one, I and plenty of other fans of this team wouldn't have that opinion of him.
Giantone 08-22-2010, 07:52 PM "Stupidest thing ever said on this board"
- I know he is a pain in our ass, but cut arguably the best DT in the entire league??????
Then why won't he practice with the rest of the team and why would a coach whose job depends on the teams performance ....not play him?
CRedskinsRule 08-22-2010, 08:27 PM I thought that AH would come around, and that he was just "expressing himself" (use air quotes for full effect). But now I have no idea how this whole thing plays out. I don't see a trade as being in the best interests of the Skins, and AH definitely doesn't sound like he is getting with the program.
Here is a Fanhouse interview with Shanny:
Mike Shanahan Not Taking Albert Haynesworth's Excuses -- NFL FanHouse (http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2010/08/22/mike-shanahan-not-taking-albert-haynesworths-excuses/)
On Sunday afternoon, Redskins coach Mike Shanahan had his say.
"One thing for sure that is clear to me is that Albert has gotten away in the past with playing without practicing,'' Shanahan said. "That will not happen under this regime. If he's going to play, he's going to practice, and that is the same with every player here. The days of him playing without practicing are over. And that, to me, says it all.''
And as far as the condition that Haynesworth is reported to possibly have -- rhabdomyolysis -- that concerns muscle fiber damage? Shanahan said: "Not aware of that.''
Lotus 08-22-2010, 09:19 PM Rhabdomyolysis occurs when you work out in extreme heat without being in shape. Notice: without being in shape.
So AH's remarks, recontextualized, were: "Why did Shanny call it a headache when I have rhabdomyolysis, which you get from not being in shape. Why didn't he tell everyone that I'm out-of-shape? But I didn't have it so bad that I missed the game. So what I'll do is miss OTA's again next year and show up out-of-shape again - that will solve the problem."
Once again we see that arrogance is as stupid does.
GusFrerotte 08-22-2010, 09:26 PM I think he got it(Rhabdomyolysis) when he lost the 35 lbs. He overdid it got it, then couldn't perform for the fitness test, thus the drama. Who knows how it played out in reality, since AH and the team docs only know. AH could be bullshitting of course, but it could be a case of the boy who cried wolf type thing. AH has been such a pain in the ass on his own and this stuff comes up. It could be a real issue, maybe not, but nobody is going to believe him. His outbrust though saying he is going to miss OTA's next year doesn't help his case any. I just can't see how the guy loses 35 lbs and isn't in decent shape. He had to do a lot of running, etc to lose that much.