More Haynesworth Drama? Big Al Sounds Off After Ravens Game

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08-22-2010, 04:24 PM
IMO on a fan football forum; lazy, fat, greedy, childish, selfish, just plain ol' stupid = putty cat.

haynesworth is a skins player, we are fans, we can type putty cat next to his name in our posts if we feel that way IMO.

the whole internet tough guy, hiding behind a computer screen cliche really doesnt apply to fans talking about a professional player.

if it was 2 average joes, then yes i agree that using fighting words over the net is putty cat.

just my 2 cents.

You are entitled to your opinion. I will respect it even if I do not agree with it.
IMO Haynesworth is a member of the human race just like you and I are. To make diffrent rules for diffrent sectors of the population usually leads to problems.

08-22-2010, 04:25 PM
Thats great in hockey, where post whistle intimidation is part of the game and enforcers are given a job. However in football that results in a 15 yard penalty. It's an honor to bait your opponent into smacking you after the whistle.

It is also weak and seriously lacking of team pride to stand by and watch your teammate get his ass kicked by TWO other opponents.

08-22-2010, 04:29 PM
Really? So if anyone here has negative opinions about a player, if they voice them from behind a computer screen they're a pussy? Nah. It's a fan forum. This whole site is based on our opinions.

Nobody else had the guts or pride? I lol'd. The guy shoved a few dudes by the sideline. Big deal. He's a hot head. It's what he does. If it really came down to it, you don't think a London Fletcher or a Philip Daniels would back up their teammates? Come on.

The way Haynesworth has acted and carried himself, well, pussy is a darn good adjective if you ask me. Along with lazy, childish, fat, and arrogant.

Did you read my post? I said,
"Internet tough guys calling Haynesworth a pussy?
Call him lazy, fat, greedy, childish, selfish or plain old stupid, but a pussy?
Haynesworth was the only Redskin to defend and throw down to defend his smaller teamates last year. Nobody else had the guts or the pride!
Calling him a pussy to his face is incorrect and dangerous.
A true pussy is someone calling someone else a pussy from behind a computer screen and not his face."

08-22-2010, 04:36 PM
So you think he's worth the hassle cause he defended a teammate in a fight? This isn't MMA. To me the guy is a pussy cause he let's his teammates down. To me that's the issue, not defending guys in a push and shove match.

I am not sure if he is worth it. Much less am I saying because he defends teamates he is worth it.
My only point is in my opinion some of you guys in an attempt to be funny incorrectly threw around the word pussy and I am just trying to point it out.
Haynesworth being a selfish ass and letting his teammates and fans down is many negative things. But pussy is not the right word. That is all. A pussy is someone who backs down from a fight because he is afraid. Not someone who runs into a fight to defend a friend and teamate.

08-22-2010, 04:47 PM
Rhabdomyolysis: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia (

Just googled rhabdomylosis. Hopefully AH did indeed just had a bought with this. If chronic, his kidneys are in for a tough time. They better have tons of gatorade for him. I think this might be a classic the boy who cried wolf type of situation. The guy made noise/ held out too much that was BS and now folks don't believe him when he is really sick. I wouldn't be surprised if he contracted it going nuts losing all that weight. Whatever the case, this drama needs to be put to rest.

08-22-2010, 04:55 PM
what is RHABDOMYOLYSIS? ESPN text says AH has that condition.

08-22-2010, 04:59 PM
To answer my own question:
From medicinenet
What is rhabdomyolysis?

Rhabdomyolysis (RAB-DOE-MY-O-LIE-SIS) is the rapid destruction of skeletal muscle resulting in leakage into the urine of the muscle protein myoglobin.

What causes rhabdomyolysis?

Rhabdomyolysis has many causes. Some of the common ones include:

* muscle trauma or crush injury,

* prolonged lying down on the ground ...

come on, you can't tell me there aren't a Million and one jokes forming just from that one line

08-22-2010, 05:02 PM
It is also weak and seriously lacking of team pride to stand by and watch your teammate get his ass kicked by TWO other opponents.

Sorry but that just doesn't happen in football. Players only get one second to either make a push or slap a facemask and most of the time they get caught when they swing in some way shape or form. It's very easy to get ejected in the NFL and fined. He wasn't getting his ass kicked, he was getting a little shove. If they can't deal with that to draw a penalty then the player in question has a fragile ego that's in constant need of protection.

I mean fine. It was nice that he did that with us down 38-12 in a lost cause of a season. Even I can appreciate that. However as shown last night Albert can't control himself. What happens if theres a little shoving match during a close game in the playoffs? Is standing up for your boy getting a little push, that doesn't hurt at all, going to outweigh winning the game? Heck Rex Ryan set up a scuffle for Vernon Gholston in training camp. What's to stop a coach from telling his offensive line to try and bait Haynesworth to commit a penalty? Sometimes you have to swallow your pride for the greater good.

You want to get even do it like this.

08-22-2010, 05:03 PM
This ass clown would have never made it in the old school football days. the NFL has definitely gotten soft and unfortunately the evolution of the game has breeded the Irvins, Keyshawns and TO's of the world. None of these so called "players" would have gotten away with their shenanigans on a team with say, a Jim Brown or Dick Butkus or John Riggins or Larry Czonka or Conrad Dobler to name a few. Haynesworth represents everything negative about professional sports accross the board. His sense of entitlement, imagined sense of persecution and subsequent media tirades are the direct result of an overpaid, self important, propped up baby. No ONE player is worth putting up with all the baggage he brings. Just another major blunder left over from the Cerrato years. It's a big shit sandwich and the Washington Redskins are gonna have to take a couple of big ole bites.

08-22-2010, 05:11 PM
I just think it's time to move on and we should cut the guy. He's really not that good of a player and the defense played well w/out him last year. They seemed to play very well w/out him last night. We've got a new regime here and he doesn't fit well with the new staff. Enough of this bullshit drama. Just cut his lazy crybaby ass.

"Stupidest thing ever said on this board"

- I know he is a pain in our ass, but cut arguably the best DT in the entire league??????

Talk about fvckin foolish.

And Defensewins. Did you need 6 straight posts in a row to get your point across? LOL. Brainstorm, THEN post. Get it all together, THEN post!!!!!

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