08-16-2010, 10:48 AM
Right after the word "Hail" JK
What words could you replace Vanilla with?
Filter it, so it gets replaced with an insult about the poster who typed it. :D
08-16-2010, 10:53 AM
Lol, you wouldn't happen to be buying into a certain pattern with the NFC South would you?
On another note I just rewatched the Devin Thomas touchdown pass. Turns out the Devin deserves more credit then he got for that play. Thomas actually was able to use a head fake and quick cut to draw the cover man outside before turning back inside for the post. On top of that he was able to do this against a veteran defender, not some guy simply hoping for a roster spot. So congrads Devin, you're one step closer to cementing your place on this roster. If I can learn how to upload videos I'll post it.
This one is more of an inside joke with me and my brother.
I don't think Thomas was ever in danger of not making the team just cause he can play teams. From everything we've heard DT just needs to start learning how to be more of a pro.
08-16-2010, 11:03 AM
SO how many times did everyone watch the game?
I could not see it on Friday, was at a baseball game, but I watched it twice on Saturday and one and a half more times on Sunday. (watched the first half again)
3.5 watches total for me. :D
Hey...I honestly can't remember the last time we scored 42, preseason or not.
08-16-2010, 11:18 AM
2.. does anyone know when a reair is coming on this week?
08-16-2010, 11:20 AM
KW is #35
Morris is #40
#36 is Darrel Young (FB)
Yeah I corrected my self in another thread. Sorry for the confusion.
Also will self ban vanilla from my vocabulary.
08-16-2010, 11:23 AM
If you have NFL Network, it will be on a few more times.
Watched it a few times on NFL and on CSN too.
Checked their schedule. It just ended, next airing is Wednesday at 7 a.m. Last airing before the new games start.
NFL Network Schedule (
Looks like they're finished airing it on CSN.
08-16-2010, 11:26 AM
I will have to say the CSN broadcast was just plain awful and the Synder interview was awkward at best.
I loved how the cameras kept getting fooled on play action. On that deep bomb attempt to Galloway all you saw was Portis running without the ball. :doh:
08-16-2010, 11:34 AM
I loved how the cameras kept getting fooled on play action. On that deep bomb attempt to Galloway all you saw was Portis running without the ball. :doh:
lol seriously, so annoying
08-16-2010, 11:39 AM
I loved how the cameras kept getting fooled on play action. On that deep bomb attempt to Galloway all you saw was Portis running without the ball. :doh:
I know, too bad the CSN camera men don't play safety for the Cowboys!