Yeah but weren't we hearing from both Al and this private trainer of his how he is going to surprise everyone with the shape he's in? Wasn't his trainer publicly bragging about Al's conditioning just a few weeks ago? Also, his knee wasn't an issue until after his second straight day of failing the fitness test. I'll make no apologies for this man.
Yeah he's 115 lbs heavier than I am, but I also ran it 11 seconds faster than he's required to, and I'm not a multi-million dollar pro athlete. Fail Albert, fail.
Well he did lose 30 lbs but as we know that doesn't mean he's in better shape. I'm not apologizing for him at all, I wish he would have shown some heart on day 1 and just gutted it out vs. taking a 10 minute breather, errr I mean bathroom break. That said watching Mike Golic run it, or everyone and their mother does nothing to get AH back on the practice field.
I was on Shanahan's side at the start of this, I think we all wanted to see Ah suffer a bit. But now it's getting to the point where you have to ask what is this accomplishing?
What if he rests the knee a few more days and goes out and passes the thing, and in the process the knee flares up again causing him to miss another week of practice?
At this point this stalemate is a lose/lose for everyone involved. Once his knee is better just get him back on the practice field and let's move on already.
Yeah but weren't we hearing from both Al and this private trainer of his how he is going to surprise everyone with the shape he's in? Wasn't his trainer publicly bragging about Al's conditioning just a few weeks ago? Also, his knee wasn't an issue until after his second straight day of failing the fitness test. I'll make no apologies for this man.
Yeah he's 115 lbs heavier than I am, but I also ran it 11 seconds faster than he's required to, and I'm not a multi-million dollar pro athlete. Fail Albert, fail.
08-03-2010, 11:41 AM
Revis needs to get paid...I'd hold too. Chris Johnson should do the same too. I mean, you know the SOBs are going to franchise you after your contract is up and if they're trying to underpay you now they sure as shit won't pay you later.
Young Money.
08-03-2010, 11:48 AM
People still think there's a war between these two. Silly media propaganda. When Shanahan is even leaving open the possibility of letting AL practice without the test(albeit in the faaaaaaaar future), I'm inclined to think that they Al's been demystified.
08-03-2010, 11:51 AM
I was on Shanahan's side at the start of this, I think we all wanted to see Ah suffer a bit. But now it's getting to the point where you have to ask what is this accomplishing?
What if he rests the knee a few more days and goes out and passes the thing, and in the process the knee flares up again causing him to miss another week of practice?
At this point this stalemate is a lose/lose for everyone involved. Once his knee is better just get him back on the practice field and let's move on already.
I agree that this whole thing is totally detrimental to all parties at this point. But Shanahan was firm in his rule of Albert needing to pass the test to practice, what's gonna happen if he suddenly decides to just let him take the field?
08-03-2010, 11:54 AM
What concerns me more than his passing or not passing the test is the knee itself. If a 300 + lb. man experiences knee problems just from running, what is the likely outcome when he repeatedly get's hit on it. Is this going to be a recurring problem that limits him to in and out of the line-up for various portions of the season?
If Shanahan decides to allow him to practice with the team despite not being able to complete an endurance test, one has to think he's still not in the kind of condition that would be safe for him to continue without the risk of possible further injury. To me, this has the potential for far more serious consequences than just not being able to complete an endurance exercise.
I agree that this whole thing is totally detrimental to all parties at this point. But Shanahan was firm in his rule of Albert needing to pass the test to practice, what's gonna happen if he suddenly decides to just let him take the field?
That initial firmness about needing to pass the test has already loosened up. He alluded yesterday to possibly letting AH back on the field without passing the test.
What happens is everyone moves the F on.
08-03-2010, 12:02 PM
Revis needs to get paid...I'd hold too. Chris Johnson should do the same too. I mean, you know the SOBs are going to franchise you after your contract is up and if they're trying to underpay you now they sure as shit won't pay you later.
Young Money.
agreed.. I think that I read that the Jets are paying 7 db's more than Revis is schedule to make
I've also heard that they offered him around 10 a year and he was like "aww hell no!"
Jets need to pony up a bit more cash and Revis needs to realize if he wants OAK's best player money he needs to go to OAK
People still think there's a war between these two. Silly media propaganda. When Shanahan is even leaving open the possibility of letting AL practice without the test(albeit in the faaaaaaaar future), I'm inclined to think that they Al's been demystified.
Yeah I do think at this point the media and fans are making a bigger deal about it than it really is behind closed doors.