08-05-2010, 01:44 PM
3 times as many as your team. ;)
No, since 1993 Dallas has more playoff wins.
we're not picked to win the SB every season, we're not really letting anyone down annually. :D
Your words, not mine. But you will get no argument from me.
08-05-2010, 02:44 PM
Dallas fans every year: 14-2! We're going to win it all!
Media every year: No team in the NFC can touch Dallas!
Cowboys players every year: Reserving tee times in January.
los panda
08-05-2010, 03:46 PM
cowboys: 30 playoff appearances - 5 league championships
redskins: 22 playoff appearances - 5 league championships
08-05-2010, 04:08 PM
cowboys: 30 playoff appearances - 5 league championships
redskins: 22 playoff appearances - 5 league championships
Skins have the higher postseason winning %. :food-smil
08-05-2010, 04:29 PM
The list is long, but how about -
* Bob Hayes (1978), WR - Distributing Cocaine
* Lance Rentzel (1970), WR - Exposing himself to a 10 year old girl
* Thomas 'Hollywood' Henderson (1983), LB - Sexual assault of teenage girls
* Rafael Saptien (1987), K - Indecency with a child
* Larry Bethea (1987), DL - Stealing $64,000 from his own mother
* Harvey Martin (1996), DE - Woman beater and Crack head
* Dwayne Goodrich (1987), DB - 2 counts Vehicular Manslaughter
* Dexter Clinkscale (1988) - Sexual relations with an 18 year old boy
Honorable Mention:
* Nate Newton (2001) - Transporting hundreds of pounds of MJ
* Michael Irvin (1996) - Snorting cocaine off the breast of a stripper
How about them 'boys!
08-05-2010, 05:13 PM
Never heard of that Dexter guy (1988), but that's another fine addition to Dallas' resume! Wow.
los panda
08-05-2010, 05:16 PM
hey! come on guys, at least their uniforms match. nothing wrong with navy blue and royal blue at the same time.
08-05-2010, 05:23 PM
hey! come on guys, at least their uniforms match. nothing wrong with navy blue and royal blue at the same time. true.
Their official color palette:
SO many shades of blue, silver and even GREEN. It's a trainwreck.
08-06-2010, 08:04 AM
Why are their colors blue, silver and white in the first place. Didn't most real Cowboys wear mostly tan or beige back in the day. I mean I can see blue jeans later but what is really going on?
08-06-2010, 10:08 AM
During the early 80's I disliked Danny White and the smirk he always had on his face.
90's- Irvin and Smith
Have always disliked the majority of their fans. I find a lot of them to be fairweather, smack talkers who think they are entitled to something because they pull for "America's Team".