If we learned anything today I think it became clear that the offensive problems aren't all on the QB.
Everyone needs to step up their games, the line, the WR's and the QB.
VTSkins897 11-14-2004, 08:24 PM If we learned anything today I think it became clear that the offensive problems aren't all on the QB.
Everyone needs to step up their games, the line, the WR's and the QB.
but we want a qb that brings our team together and fires them up... not some washed-up lamer who is as sorry as a sack of rotten apples... i think the team needs a person to rally behind and hopefully ramsey will be it
SKINSnCANES 11-14-2004, 08:53 PM ramsey made more throws downfield today then brunell made all year. If anythign that stretches the D and gives Portis more opporutnities. Portis was running great today but we played from behind the whoel time.
Drift Reality 11-15-2004, 12:59 PM Is it just me or did Coles really look happy to see Ramsey come in?
I think that is because they have Coles running benches, post-corners and in patterns in the 15-30 yard range. Unfortunately, Brunell doesn't really have the arm strength to get the ball to the sides of the hash marks so that eliminates a lot of Coles' patterns.
With Ramsey in there, I think you'll see those 20 yard gains increase considerably.
Hail to the Redskins 11-15-2004, 01:34 PM We have a complete tradeoff at QB...
With Brunell, you get a game manager. A guy who won't stretch the field, knows when to throw the ball away (which he is VERY good at... incompletions are his forte), and won't turn it over.
With Ramsey you get a kid who comes from a pass-first college program, tutored by the 'Ol Ball-Coach (and please, no one think that Ramsey actually likes Gibbs' system better than Spurrier's... he really likesd Stevie) who will throw downfield even in triple coverage. He will keep safeties off the line to help your RB, but also throw them a couple throughout the game...
So whats better... Lots of yards AND turnovers or few yards and fewer turnovers? What's more important to you guys? Yards or Turnovers? I think that'd be a good poll... just to do something that isn't just Brunell vs. Ramsey....
Personally, I dream of the QB Genetic Chamber where we can keep Ramsey's Arm and Accuracy, Brunell's Head and Legs (even when he's 57 he'll be more mobile and aware of the pocket collapsing than Ramsey).. THEN we'd have ourselves a QB!!
SkinsRock 11-15-2004, 03:13 PM Ramsey started slowly, but came on later and almost pulled it out. Remember that it has been close to a full year since he's seen full-speed regular season game speed.
Yeah, he brings a different set of problems, but has much more upside. Brunell was supposed to be the smart, accurate, semi-mobil veteran, but it really looks like he has lost it. Now we get the young gun that is less mobile and might make a few more mistakes, but I believe he will do enough good things to offset them.
I'm VERY curious to see how Ramsey does:
1) After a full week of practice with the starters.
2) In a more of a max-protect, play-action type scheme that will give him more time.
3) Starting the game and not being put in to try to come back from a 10+ point deficit.
4) With a pro bowl running back behind him.
These are all things that he has never had, so it will be interested to see. I'm excited about it.
One more thing....why couldn't Gibbs have had that "gut feeling" to go with Ramsey during the week instead if during the game...
skinsguy 11-15-2004, 03:45 PM I didn't get to see the fourth quarter, but I can definitely say that from what I did see that the problems in the passing game were not soley Mark Brunell's problem. There were dropped passes all over the place....from Jacobs, Coles, Gardner, even Portis. Ramsey looked very very rusty....pretty much reminded me of Brunell. However, according the the numbers I saw on Ramsey, it appeared that he settled down a bit and nearly brought the team back to tie. From what you guys said, it seems like he should have had several interceptions, but I agree that having no practice time with the first team offensive will do that to a QB. I imagine once he gets more practice time he'll improve somewhat. I just hate that if he does start the rest of the season, that he has to start against teams like the Eagles and the Steelers. I think he can do a pretty decent job against the Giants, Cowboys, 49er's... but its a rough time for Patrick to finally get the starting nod. I do think he'll spark our offense...as long as the teams we have left to play doesn't get us off of our game plan which is a heavy dose of Portis.
bedlamVR 11-15-2004, 04:58 PM I hate that fact too the kid gets his chance against the toughtest part of the schedual and to begin away at the linc is a real batism of fire but I would be happy with 2 wins out of the remaining games... Hell i would be happy with more than 56 yards passing...
wolfeskins 11-15-2004, 07:22 PM ramsey will look rusty and out of sink for a couple of games aspecially considering the next few teams we play but in time he will get back in the groove and play pretty good. i wish he would have been the starter at the beginning of the season, he would already be playing well and the skins record would be much better. i agree that coles looked very excited about the return of ramsey. you know it's got to break gibbs' heart having to bench the player he most coveted.
P.S. mccants needs to get more playing time, i never see him drop passes.
skinsguy 11-15-2004, 07:31 PM I would love to see us improve on our record from a year ago though...even if it's a 6-10 record. I don't think I can stand another 5-11 season. I would be thrilled to see the Redskins make it to 8-8.....which is still possible. The Giants, Cowboys, and Vikings are all taking a nose dive it seems, and we should be able to beat the 49ers. Right there could make us 7-9 at season's end...and who knows...we might play great against the Eagles at least once and split the series making us 8-8. We still have possiblities to make this season a decent season and to make us end it at .500; but we got to beat the teams we know we can beat and I know we can beat the Giants, Cowboys, and 49ers...and I think we have a good chance at beating the Vikings. Maybe by then, Ramsey will be settled and playing well....Lord knows if we get our passing game going we're going to be very tough to beat. Heck, we're tough to beat now without a passing game. Even though we were down by 17 points yesterday, we still came back and gave ourselves a little chance to tie the game. To this day, we have not been routed or shut out....now that might change agains the Eagles I dunno...but we are still so close in become the team that I know Gibbs is wanting us to be! A team that restores the glory years!!