For now, the Redskins can fine him roughly $10,000 for skipping the minicamp. If he stays out when training camp rolls around, the number increases to more than $16,000 per day.
Albert Haynesworth proves his worthlessness | ProFootballTalk.com (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/06/15/albert-haynesworth-proves-his-worthlessness/)
Still chump change to this a-hole
tryfuhl 06-16-2010, 12:42 AM damn al....
skinsfanthru&thru 06-16-2010, 12:43 AM For now, the Redskins can fine him roughly $10,000 for skipping the minicamp. If he stays out when training camp rolls around, the number increases to more than $16,000 per day.
Albert Haynesworth proves his worthlessness | ProFootballTalk.com (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/06/15/albert-haynesworth-proves-his-worthlessness/)
Still chump change to this a-hole
What about during the season? Is it a game check?
backrow 06-16-2010, 12:49 AM Nobody to blame but Snyder (or whoever structured the deal) for giving him so much guaranteed money up front.
Someone is going to blame Bush!
JoeRedskin 06-16-2010, 12:50 AM I'm sorry but I am not OK on how Shanahan has handled this. Unless, he pulls a great trade (i.e.: AH for Mankins, or AH for Jamal Brown, etc., etc.) nothing is going to help us this season. Shit, at least a 3rd rounder could have gotten us a player in this year's draft.
If this is not resolved, at least the team can fine AH and try to get some of their money back. Otherwise, even if his fat ass sits on a bench, that does nothing positive for the team.
Pull off a "great trade" b/c the player demands it?? I call BS. AH cost us the Skins nothing but Snyder's money (Cry me a river on that one). AH is not going to make or break this season. Clearly Shanallen have been planning for this contingency (How many DT's did we sign?).
Shanahan is telling the rest of the team - "I decide, nobody else - so you better get on board." Ultimately, that is a vast improvement over past years. If I am Shanny, the only way I trade AH is if we get a stone cold stellar offer otherwise it looks like I am caving. Not gonna happen (stellar offer or Shanny caving).
You would rather players be allowed to bitch there way out of playing how the coach's wants them too? (Santana: "I am the number one WR or I don't play"; CP: "Either I am a three down back or trade me"; Los: "I am the starting CB or trade me", etc. etc. etc.).
Sorry, whether it's where, how or when they play or if they are even part of the team, coach's dictate to the players. Not vice versa.
rbanerjee23 06-16-2010, 12:53 AM Our D is going to take a MAJOR hit losing this bastard. We shouldnt have even been switching to this stupid ass defense anyway. We shouldve at least waited till next year. I know this sounds dum, Im just f-ckin pissed right now.
hahahahaha wow, relax
diehardskin2982 06-16-2010, 12:55 AM I was a supporter of AH until today. This dude is a Lying, ugly, poor exscuse for a human being. I hope the Redskins don't trade him and let his ass sit all year, then if he still feels the same way sit out until the contract is up.
Gmanc711 06-16-2010, 12:58 AM Our D is going to take a MAJOR hit losing this bastard. We shouldnt have even been switching to this stupid ass defense anyway. We shouldve at least waited till next year. I know this sounds dum, Im just f-ckin pissed right now.
Well, I hate to agree with this post.... and I'm definitely in no way, shape or form defending Hayensworth, because he can go jump in a lake as far as I'm concerned right now.... but I think there is something to this point as well. One of the things that has really bothered me about the Skins' over the last decade or so, is our inability to adapt to the players that we have. Now, I totally understand that Shanny and Haslett didn't really get to choose these players, so I'm not blaming them either...but when I look at the players we have defensively, I think we'd have a heck of a team playing a 4-3, and I think we have many more question marks with a 3-4. I really hope to see the Redskins over the next couple years, taking advantage of some of the players they have and designing plays and schemes to their strengths. I mean that overall both offensively and defensively, not specifically just looking at fat Albert.
GMScud 06-16-2010, 12:58 AM And for all the people who said him missing voluntary workouts was no big deal.... This guy is a gigantic pile of shit. And he got $32M from us for playing in 12 games. This is irreconcileable at this point. Even if he is a Redskin this year, he'll be a fat, lazy, half-assed player. By that I mean he'll be himself.
And what really sucks is we're not gonna get any value for him.
GTripp0012 06-16-2010, 12:59 AM i thought reid and JLC were just making all those rumors up. i guess all those reports were true after all...Those were blind guesses. This is a descision made recently by the Haynesworth camp. I've heard: within the last 48 hours. It might not be THAT recent, but certainly, not before the draft. That's just not accurate.
If anything, we have two enabling parties in what is now actually a story:
the media, the Washington Post in particular, who created such a sustained negative backlash around Haynesworth that there's diminishing negative returns here with the backlash for this (substantial) decision.
the contract by Cerrato, which essentially (as I noted right when it was signed) traded any leverage the team had with the player to the player within 13 months of it being signed. It's nearly impossible to recoup a significant portion of the contract. We can get $4 million in pro-rated bonus money back, but -- aside from fines levied on him -- we can't touch the $20 million we payed out in March, nor can we touch the $1 million portion SB that was accrued and recognized on the books in 2009, nor his 2009 salary. That's something like $25 million that Haynesworth gets just for playing those 16 games.
He leaves another $17 million or so on the table in the next two years by not reporting at all this year, if he chooses to do so, and that's like half of his guaranteed money, so it's substantial. But $25 million for 16 games was made possible by the leverage Cerrato extended to get him (which was a risk known at the time, not necessarily a reasonable expectation of failure), was probably necessary to get him in the fold, and the media was already railing on him for essentially doing nothing wrong (which is fact), so it's really no skin off his back to not honor his contract if he doesn't feel like it.
Complete dick move by the Haynesworth camp, but the timing of the decision leads me to believe that level heads will, at some point, prevail.
The above is why you have his teammates going off on him now, and not before when he wasn't doing anything wrong, despite reports.