WP: Haynesworth will skip minicamp, wants trade

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06-18-2010, 03:19 PM
If James Arthur Monk calls you out then you are officially a complete and total douche. Art Monk wouldn't argue with you if you told him 2+2=5. He's that non-confrontational/vocal. It takes a special kind of douche baggery to actually get Monk to call you out.

So true, there are only a few guys who when they talk you really listen and Art Monk is one of them.


06-18-2010, 04:38 PM
Have there been any sighting of Haynesworths fatass. I will bet the real reason he did not show, is because he has not got out and did one sit up.

06-18-2010, 04:46 PM
I dont think he would create all this hoopla and immense negative press and rep on his part just to not look foolish by showing up out of shape. That seems like overkill and you would have to believe that AH is working his butt off right now as i type to get in shape for next month.

its about the money. he thought he could collect 32 mil for 13 months then bitch his way out of the skins and on to a new team to sign a new 5 year 60 mil contract.

this was a money grab from the very start. as soon as danny and vinny put 32 mil guaranteed for the 1st year then having his contract drop to 4-6 mil for the remaining 3 years.

Do you all honestly think AH came here with any intention of playing for 4-6 mil the next 3 years?

the smart money is take the 32 mil guaranteed for 1 year, then bounce to another team and sign a contract that will pay you 10 mil per year.

this 3-4 talk is nonsense.

he doesnt want to show up out of shape is nonsense.

AH IS ALL ABOUT MONEY. if he stays with the skins he gets vastly underpaid for the next 3 years when he is in his prime (29-32). by the time the skins can void his contract, the contract he will get at 33 will be paltry compared to waht he can get today at 29.

if he forces his way out he gets 10-12 mil per year for the next 3 years plus signing bonus money.
Although I follow what you are saying, I am not sure that is the underlying reason.

In this day and age of NFL contracts, there is only one thing that carries real weight with the player........GUARANTEED MONEY. Everything else is really just extra wording in the contract. For the most part, all they are truly concerned about is the guaranteed monies. They know that on any day of the week they can be released, but that guaranteed money does not go away.

I dont think it has anything to do with playing for chump change over the next 3 years, he already got what he expected from the contract, that which was guaranteed.

I could fathom him having a beef with the 3-4 because it would prevent him from reaching certain INCENTIVES in his contract. But all that really matters any way is the guaranteed funds.

So, no I think it just Haynesworth being a d*ck.

Cerratos quote sums it up nicely "Haynesworth did NOT sign a contract with the 4-3, he signed a contract with the Redskins."

06-18-2010, 04:50 PM
I heard Zoe Alexander on Mike Wise's show today. Gotta say, he's one impressive dude. This guy has more integrity and character in his little toe than Haynesworth.

Anyway, he didn't dance around any questions about Haynesworth. In fact, he was joking about how his wife was coaching him on how to respond while they were in the car prior to coming on the air.

Basically he said no one is on Albert's side on this one. He said the team is unified right now; it's Haynesworth against the rest of the team and organization. He went on to say that several players including McNabb, Philip Daniels, and London Fletcher, among others have personally talked to him over the phone recently and Big Al's not budging. He also said the only way he can begin to work his way back onto the squad in good faith if he shows up in stellar condition and worked hard as hell. Then he shocked me a bit by saying, even after all of that trust within the locker room still wouldn't be fully restored. It would take a long time for the guys to get behind Haynesworth. He also mentioned, yet again, how Haynesworth wasn't happy in Blache's defense last year.

He really laid it out there and said that AH had poor role models or coaches when he was a kid that allowed him to do what he wanted and once he got to the NFL coaches continued to accommodate and reward his me first attitude. Zoe ended by saying he just doesn't see AH on the roster come the start of the season.

06-18-2010, 05:48 PM
Such a shame my friends all made fun of me when we gaveup all that guaranteed money and I said oh no Albert wants to be the next Reggie White, now he just shit in our mouths, what a piece of trash!

06-18-2010, 06:06 PM
Not sure if this is new news.....

Redskins will have a very hard time getting Haynesworth's bonus money | ProFootballTalk.com (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/06/18/redskins-will-have-a-very-hard-time-getting-haynesworths-bonus-money/)

06-18-2010, 06:41 PM
HomerMcFanboy » shanahan sheds some light on haynesworth (http://www.homermcfanboy.com/2010/06/17/shanahan-sheds-some-light-on-haynesworth/#more-868)

06-18-2010, 06:47 PM
Why on earth would he have to pay only some of the mony back. If he wants to really get out, that cock sucker must pay all of the money back and on top of it... we get a third rounder for our troubles. Suck my dick Fatal Bert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

H T T R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BLOW ME Fatal Fuck!

06-18-2010, 06:53 PM
I really doubt the Redskins will recoup any of that bonus money unless they can absolutely prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Big Al just wanted to take the money and didn't intend on honoring his contract at all. If Big Al comes to training camp like he is saying he will there's not much we can do about it. The only way we'll actually see the Redskins get there money back and perhaps a trade out of this is if he comes in fat as hell and his poor work ethic gets him in trouble, like if he comes to work and decides to just take plays off instead of actually working out on the field.

06-18-2010, 06:54 PM
HomerMcFanboy » shanahan sheds some light on haynesworth (http://www.homermcfanboy.com/2010/06/17/shanahan-sheds-some-light-on-haynesworth/#more-868)

Every time I learn something new about Shanny, the more I love him.. I'm truly glad Snyder came to his senses and hired Allen and Shanny..

By the way, I hope Haynesworth will give the 21 millions back to Redskins soon, so all this drama ends.. Unfortunately, the chance of that happening is pretty slim..

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