WP: Haynesworth will skip minicamp, wants trade

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06-18-2010, 01:18 AM
Even the Redskins alumni are pissed at this fat piece of S., including my favorite all time Redskin (Arthur Monk).

Even Hall of Fame wide receiver Art Monk, never one to talk his way into anything -certainly not into controversy-weighed in when asked about the situation.

"I don't want to get into all that, but he made a commitment to this team and he needs to honor his commitment," Monk said. "Whether he likes it or not he made a commitment. He should be man enough to do that."Bottom line, when has Haynesworth EVER conducted himself like a man? Stomping Andre Gurode's head, the reckless driving where he seriously injured a young man, the recent dumping of his pregnant girlfriend - he's unaccountable. He's more interested in collecting expensive toys than being a dominant player and winning championships. All that BS about wanting to be like Reggie White is just that, BS. Albert Haynesworth will NEVER be the player that Reggie White was.

06-18-2010, 01:49 AM
i say bench him... we shouldn't make any rash decisions, take some time and think it over, weigh all the options. but when it's all said and done, i don't want anyone that doesn't wanna be here.

06-18-2010, 09:09 AM
what a week to be w/o the internet, i don't think we should make any quick decisions and just let him make more and more of an ass of himself, which should give us more and more ammunition to retreive some money back. theres a lot of time between now and training camp and a whole lot of time between now and the season. i say go mike leech on his ass and lock him in a dark room by himself everyday until he comes around. obviously they can't deal with him like an adult because he refuses to act like one.

unless he gives back over 75% of his bonus that he received in april i hope the skins just keep him and bench him i would hate to see him get anything close to what he wants. f you you fat pos, f you.

06-18-2010, 09:14 AM
We hold all the cards so Albert can say he doesn't want to play in a 3-4 defense so what they paid you 32 million so far and you are under contract. We can fine him everyday he does not report to training camp until he shows, if he doesn't show then we can look to recoop some of his signing bonus. I would not trade him unless we get at least a 2nd round pick. If we can not get a 2nd rd pick then just keep him and force him to come to work and earn his money regardless if he likes it or not. If he becomes a distraction than get him on player misconduct and void that contract if possible. Why should we be surprised that Haynesworthless is acting like a spoiled child. We have people getting layed off from jobs and he is crying after making 32 million. What a Joke he is. If he wasn't playing football what the hell would he be doing for a living besides being a bouncer in a strip club.

06-18-2010, 09:28 AM
I have a theory that he was expecting to get traded so he didn't work out all offseason. Now he is out of shape and needed an excuse to not show up so he didn't look bad for not working out after he preached that he "knows what he needs to do to perform at the highest level". This will all be over in about two months (once he is back in shape). He will appologize and all will be hunky dorey, meanwhile no one will know that the real reason that he missed camp is because he couldn't keep his lips off of Mrs. Buttersworth...but I will know; do you hear me Phat AL? I WILL KNOW!

KI Skins Fan
06-18-2010, 09:29 AM
The thing is after initially being frustrated about the switch, he came around to speaking to many of the guys at Redskins Park. Not the least of whom were Shanahan, Haslett, and Allen. And he told all of them, plus several players, hey I just want to help the team win and be the best player I can be. And after multiple conversations especially with Haslett, his attitude was "ok I think I understand what you want from me. I can do this. I like what's going on. I'm excited. I want to get in the best shape possible so I'm going to work out on my own in the spring but I'll be there for mini-camp." And he told that to multiple teammates, and he told it to friends and business partners outside the Redskins. That he had initial frustrations but after talking through it, he felt good.

But it turns out it was all a lie. Which is worse than just saying from the get go you want no part of it. And committing to that. I mean I guess you could argue he changed his mind back, but I'm not sure I buy that.

Look at it like this. As pissed off as Snyder was with Coles; Coles ultimately did the right thing. He spoke to Gibbs and I believe Musgrave and Hixon and said look I don't know where I fit in this offense I'm not sure it's for me. They spoke, he still wasn't convinced. Gibbs said ok, I respect that, let's see if we can find a better situation for you. Coles didn't say ok sounds good. I'll see you in June. And then the whole offseason goes through and suddenly Coles is like "yeah I didn't mean it"

Alls I know is Haynesworth has alienated many of even his staunchest supporters in the past couple of days

I guess I didn't really understand the Redskins fans who supported him until he skipped the mandatory practices. I thought some of them would support him no matter what. I was very wrong about that. Missing the mandatory work was the tipping point. I think that showed all of us that he did not intend to fulfill his end of the bargain and, with that realization, his support evaporated. In the end, we all care about the team first and that is a good thing.

So, I don't think the Haynesworth drama is all bad. Just look at the unity of Redskins Nation right now! We think that we might have a good thing going and we're not about to tolerate anyone who might screw it up. It reminds me of the good old days of George Allen and Joe Gibbs.

06-18-2010, 09:54 AM
I would go one step further. If I am Shanahan, I would actually use the media and teammates to antagonize Haynesworth. I would air all the dirty laundry, call him everything short of a d*&k in the media, and encourage teammates like London and Daniel and McNabb to tell everyone what a shit this guy is.

I would push every button that I could, legally short of slander, and antagonize this guy relentlessly. I would try and make this big baby so furious that there would be no WAY he would consider coming in for Training Camp. Make it so Albert would have to tuck his tail, swallow his pride, and show up for camp humiliated, and I promise you that he won't. He's too big an ego...too much false pride to hear all that smack and show up.

Then, once he doesn't show, I would have firm legal ground to sue for the money and release him outright. He would be lucky to be picked up by a bottom dweller team for an incentive only minimum contract two year deal at that point.

Stick it to him...

Honestly..I think the best thing to do is forget he is on the team. Shanny and Allen put a "no Hayensworth" talk on the team. Advise the media if they talk about Hayensworth, then the session is over. The best way to get this fat ass to either give the money back and get cut/traded or to come to work and play is to just pretend he isn't even a part of the organization. Business as usual at Redskin Park, play football with who we have, and just move on. When he realizes these guys aren't going to give in to what I want, then maybe he'll play, or maybe he'll give some or all of the 21million back and we'll cut him. I just think playing this crap out in the media, having all the guys on the team and front office and being all over the OTA's, the mandatory camps, the papers, ESPN, MASN is exactly what him and his agent want. They want it posted everywhere, talked about all the time so they can say "look at the distraction its causing, get him out of here or cut him or its going to get worse" Like I said, I would just act like he isn't even on the team until he shows up.

06-18-2010, 10:22 AM
I have a theory that he was expecting to get traded so he didn't work out all offseason. Now he is out of shape and needed an excuse to not show up so he didn't look bad for not working out after he preached that he "knows what he needs to do to perform at the highest level". This will all be over in about two months (once he is back in shape). He will appologize and all will be hunky dorey, meanwhile no one will know that the real reason that he missed camp is because he couldn't keep his lips off of Mrs. Buttersworth...but I will know; do you hear me Phat AL? I WILL KNOW!

Whether he was expecting to get traded or not he's a professional football player. That means conduct yourself like a pro and stay in shape no matter what your situation is. Anyone out there listen to Darnell Dockett yesterday on Lavar and Dukes? Now that is what I call a 100% professional stand up leader. A man's man. That is the guy you want on your team and in your locker room.

06-18-2010, 11:08 AM
I have a theory that he was expecting to get traded so he didn't work out all offseason. Now he is out of shape and needed an excuse to not show up so he didn't look bad for not working out after he preached that he "knows what he needs to do to perform at the highest level". This will all be over in about two months (once he is back in shape). He will appologize and all will be hunky dorey, meanwhile no one will know that the real reason that he missed camp is because he couldn't keep his lips off of Mrs. Buttersworth...but I will know; do you hear me Phat AL? I WILL KNOW!

You're not the first person to speculate that one reason he didn't attend this week is that he can't his physical. And if that's the case, that'd be pretty pathetic

KI Skins Fan
06-18-2010, 11:22 AM
You're not the first person to speculate that one reason he didn't attend this week is that he can't his physical. And if that's the case, that'd be pretty pathetic

We need the paparazzi to start following him around. Then we'll know what he's been doing. Maybe they can get a shot of him at the pool so we can see just how big of a gut he's got.

Hey, I know it's a repugnant thought to do that to someone but he is a public figure and, as a famous sports personality, he's fair game.

Jeez, I'm ashamed of myself.

Edit: BTW, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that the Redskins have private investigators following him around right now. If I felt that someone had taken my $21M check on false pretenses, I know I would be trying to find a way to get some leverage on him. I assume he's no saint.

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