WP: Haynesworth will skip minicamp, wants trade

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06-17-2010, 01:32 PM
Unity is not a problem when the entire locker room is disappointed or totally ticked off at the guy and he's riding the inactive list every week. He'll be ostracized by everyone.Agree. The team seems quite unified in it's criticism of Albert's behavior.

06-17-2010, 02:42 PM
Plain and simple IMO, Hayneworth is a thief. The team said if you take the money, you are expected to attend mandatory activities. He took the money and is now refusing to attend. That's theft if you ask me.

06-17-2010, 02:48 PM
Plain and simple IMO, Hayneworth is a thief. The team said if you take the money, you are expected to attend mandatory activities. He took the money and is now refusing to attend. That's theft if you ask me.

Couldn't agree more especially when Shanahan said to him in February if he wanted to be traded or taking the money. He took the money and ran or in his case waddled (the Fat Fuck!!).

06-17-2010, 03:05 PM
Forgive me if someone else said the same thing.
But how is this different from any other hold out from any other team from years past?

We all know the scenario. Player unhappy, player sits out voluntary OTA's, player sits out mini camp. Player demands trade.

Training camp rolls around. Player fails to show for first day. Player fails to show for second day. Player fails to show on third day. Team hits player with fines for not showing up.

Now the holdout is affecting the players back account. Player shows up on day 5, kisses and makes up with cocach. Team waives fines. Player joins team mates on field, apoligizes and swears allegance to team.

Seen it a hundred times in the past (Ochocinco comes immediatley to mind). The player will continue to kick and scream for a trade, calling out the origanization. And at this point what has it cost the player? NOTHING. He is still getting paid, he has not been fined, he is not facing any discipline. He has lost nothing.

Then, when he skips training camp days and NOW it starts costing HIM money, I assure you he will have a change of heart.

If any of these hold out players in the league were truly sincere in the demands to be traded, then, they should buy out the remainder of thier contract. If they really dont want to be there, if money is not the issue, then they should put thier money where thier mouth is and show some good faith on thier part and repay the organization the money they have paid out.

Promise you this is very very rare. I have never heard of this happening except in baseball and basketball. I've never seen it in the NFL.

So I am willing to bet that AH will kick and scream all the way up until he starts getting fined. Then he will have an "epiphany" and report to camp. Just sit back and watch.

Sandtrap, this is WAY different than the avg. holdout. The avg. holdout is a guy who is demanding a renegotiated contract, not a guy that just cashed the largest paycheck ever for his position in the nfl. Those guys that "kiss and make up" w/their team in the middle of training camp, usually only do so because they've just signed a new (bigger) contract.

The only thing the skins could do is go back to running a 4-3 defense. EVen then, he was unhappy w/the lack of freedom he had in the system last year.

Adam Schefter said there was a chance that the skins could get some of their money back because this case is "so egregious." How often have you heard that about a player not reporting?

This isn't really a holdout, it's a flat out no-show!

Trample the Elderly
06-17-2010, 03:51 PM
I say trade that POS for a pack of Kools to BP. They can put some floaties on him, stick him in the gulf, and let his fat ass blow all that oil into Cuba instead of Florida. We all know how good at huffing and puffing on his back he is. Two problems solved with one transaction.

06-17-2010, 03:57 PM
Sandtrap, this is WAY different than the avg. holdout. The avg. holdout is a guy who is demanding a renegotiated contract, not a guy that just cashed the largest paycheck ever for his position in the nfl. Those guys that "kiss and make up" w/their team in the middle of training camp, usually only do so because they've just signed a new (bigger) contract.

The only thing the skins could do is go back to running a 4-3 defense. EVen then, he was unhappy w/the lack of freedom he had in the system last year.

Adam Schefter said there was a chance that the skins could get some of their money back because this case is "so egregious." How often have you heard that about a player not reporting?

This isn't really a holdout, it's a flat out no-show!
In the example I presented, I specifically mentioned Ochocinco. And he did not get a new contract, nor did the team give into his trade demands.

But when camp started and they started fining him, all of the sudden he was the MODEL Bengal, and showed up to camp.

This is not the first time this has happened in the NFL. Haynesworth is not reinventing the wheel.

Until an NFL player buys out his own contract to be traded or released, I do not pay heed to any trade or new contract demands from any player in the league. It is all just noise, that will have no affect.

Just sit back and watch with the other hold outs in the league. Chris Johnson, Revis, Andre Johnson. Come camp time they will play.

I dont see AH any different.

06-17-2010, 04:15 PM
How fitting that his initials are AH.

06-17-2010, 05:01 PM
Three days ago I would have told you there's a possibility that Haynesworth would suit up and play against Dallas. After listening to the local radio show, including LaVar's rant (106.7) most of the day, there is no way in hell --NONE-- that the Redskins can keep this guy around. It's been 48 hours of non-stop Haynesworth hate and bashing here in D.C.; the anger is truly palpable. This situation sort of reminds me of when the organization was interviewing Jim Fassel for head coach and Snyder suddenly reversed course and ended up hiring Jim Zorn. There is a similiar backlash building against Haynesworth, but it's far more intense.

I think there's a campaign underway to print flyers with Haynesworth's picture with "wanted for stealing $21 million dollars" and distribute them in the Reston area. Because Dan Snyder is so PR concsious, I just don't see how he risks losing the new image and direction of the franchise by having Haynesworth on the roster for too much longer.

06-17-2010, 05:08 PM
Vinny the clown chimes in, "you know":

Redskins Insider - Cerrato: Haynesworth would like playing for Shanahan (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/redskinsinsider/albert-haynesworth/cerrato-haynesworth-would-like.html#more)

06-17-2010, 05:10 PM
If Haynesworth comes back, everyday Shanahan should come up to the guys next to Haynesworth's locker and say "Llet see some hard work today - that's what makes players great. Dog it, and be forgotten. Oh, by the way, 92, no need to get dressed. Your riding the pine again today."

In meetings, "See Lorenzo's hustle - and that's the third position he's learned, notice how he goes full tilt and adapts to whatever required of him? That's how Hall of Famer's play. Too bad not everyone in this room has his drive. - Nothing could stop us then."

To the press, "Haynesworth a distraction? Naww. He is an excellent example of wasted talent. His actions help motivate the guys who actually play."

Truthfully, selfish as he is, I think Haynesworth really wants to be considered a great player. I am betting that sitting on the bench, being professionally embarrased and ignored would just eat him up.

I like your style, Joe.

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