Mc2guy 06-17-2010, 12:50 PM Yeah, there was a good quote in one of these articles that said something like, "Make him sit on the bench and become everything he doesn't want to be: unproductive and forgotten." Beautiful.
I would go one step further. If I am Shanahan, I would actually use the media and teammates to antagonize Haynesworth. I would air all the dirty laundry, call him everything short of a d*&k in the media, and encourage teammates like London and Daniel and McNabb to tell everyone what a shit this guy is.
I would push every button that I could, legally short of slander, and antagonize this guy relentlessly. I would try and make this big baby so furious that there would be no WAY he would consider coming in for Training Camp. Make it so Albert would have to tuck his tail, swallow his pride, and show up for camp humiliated, and I promise you that he won't. He's too big an ego...too much false pride to hear all that smack and show up.
Then, once he doesn't show, I would have firm legal ground to sue for the money and release him outright. He would be lucky to be picked up by a bottom dweller team for an incentive only minimum contract two year deal at that point.
Stick it to him...
saden1 06-17-2010, 12:55 PM Letting him ride the bench is a waste of a roster spot.
JoeRedskin 06-17-2010, 12:55 PM Yeah, there was a good quote in one of these articles that said something like, "Make him sit on the bench and become everything he doesn't want to be: unproductive and forgotten." Beautiful.
If Haynesworth comes back, everyday Shanahan should come up to the guys next to Haynesworth's locker and say "Llet see some hard work today - that's what makes players great. Dog it, and be forgotten. Oh, by the way, 92, no need to get dressed. Your riding the pine again today."
In meetings, "See Lorenzo's hustle - and that's the third position he's learned, notice how he goes full tilt and adapts to whatever required of him? That's how Hall of Famer's play. Too bad not everyone in this room has his drive. - Nothing could stop us then."
To the press, "Haynesworth a distraction? Naww. He is an excellent example of wasted talent. His actions help motivate the guys who actually play."
Truthfully, selfish as he is, I think Haynesworth really wants to be considered a great player. I am betting that sitting on the bench, being professionally embarrased and ignored would just eat him up.
skinsfan69 06-17-2010, 12:59 PM Forgive me if someone else said the same thing.
But how is this different from any other hold out from any other team from years past?
We all know the scenario. Player unhappy, player sits out voluntary OTA's, player sits out mini camp. Player demands trade.
Training camp rolls around. Player fails to show for first day. Player fails to show for second day. Player fails to show on third day. Team hits player with fines for not showing up.
Now the holdout is affecting the players back account. Player shows up on day 5, kisses and makes up with cocach. Team waives fines. Player joins team mates on field, apoligizes and swears allegance to team.
Seen it a hundred times in the past (Ochocinco comes immediatley to mind). The player will continue to kick and scream for a trade, calling out the origanization. And at this point what has it cost the player? NOTHING. He is still getting paid, he has not been fined, he is not facing any discipline. He has lost nothing.
Then, when he skips training camp days and NOW it starts costing HIM money, I assure you he will have a change of heart.
If any of these hold out players in the league were truly sincere in the demands to be traded, then, they should buy out the remainder of thier contract. If they really dont want to be there, if money is not the issue, then they should put thier money where thier mouth is and show some good faith on thier part and repay the organization the money they have paid out.
Promise you this is very very rare. I have never heard of this happening except in baseball and basketball. I've never seen it in the NFL.
So I am willing to bet that AH will kick and scream all the way up until he starts getting fined. Then he will have an "epiphany" and report to camp. Just sit back and watch.
he still has to pay the fines. i'm pretty sure teams don't waive them. the giants didn't when strahan decided to skip all of caughlin's camp and it was something like 200k out of a 4 mil salary.
JoeRedskin 06-17-2010, 01:00 PM Letting him ride the bench is a waste of a roster spot.
Not really. Somebody has to play the final back up DT. Even half assed, fat albert is better than most 3rd or 4th string DT's. It's late in the game, he goes in to relieve the starters for a play or two. Never play him in a critical time, but he still gets 3 or 4 plays a game to be a deadweight.
Oh, and guess who is playing every preseason snap?
Slingin Sammy 33 06-17-2010, 01:05 PM So I am willing to bet that AH will kick and scream all the way up until he starts getting fined. Then he will have an "epiphany" and report to camp. Just sit back and watch.No question this worthless fat-ass will show up to camp and go through the motions. Problem is no one wants him here because we know that's exactly what he's going to do. MS/BA and the 99% of players that showed up to all the OTAs are trying to change the culture and put a winning team on the field. Can't do that with a big, fat malcontent on the field.
And what the F does this guy have to complain about, the vast majority of player holdouts concern $$$ and wanting more vs. their production/value (or perceived value). Fat-ass is the highest paid defensive player....ever.
Lotus 06-17-2010, 01:18 PM Yeah, there was a good quote in one of these articles that said something like, "Make him sit on the bench and become everything he doesn't want to be: unproductive and forgotten." Beautiful.
a) if AH gets his head screwed on correctly and shows up ready to play, play him
b) if he eventually shows up but is not ready to contribute, let him languish on the bench
c) if he never shows up, don't trade him. Put him in the closet and Sean Gilbert him for a year. Let him be everything that he doesn't want to be: unproductive and forgotten, with a wasted year shaved off of his career.
I believe that quote was not from an article. :)
SirClintonPortis 06-17-2010, 01:22 PM I understand your position. I think you're coming at this from the POV of how to make the best use of a valuable asset. On the other hand, my POV is that there is a spirit and a unity on this team that we haven't seen for a while and I just wouldn't want to see AH come back in here and upset the apple cart with his bad attitude and lack of cooperation with his coaches and teammates.
He's a bad teammate. He'll never be satisfied with his role. He'll never play the defense the coaches call. He doesn't care about winning, despite his claims to the contrary. As talented as he is, he's not worth having around if he drags down the rest of the team. I don't think he will necessarily be cut. He may be traded for a ham sandwich.
As far as his not showing up for training camp, NFW would he not show up. It's all about the money for him and not showing up would create his first real exposure to losing the $21M bonus. I have accepted the possibility that this POS may get away with stealing tens of millions of dollars from our beloved team but I won't accept the possibility that he could be allowed to continue fouling our locker room with his toxic presence. After all, for me, as a fan, it's all about winning and supporting my team. He doesn't care about either of those things, so I don't want him here.
Unity is not a problem when the entire locker room is disappointed or totally ticked off at the guy and he's riding the inactive list every week. He'll be ostracized by everyone.
GTripp0012 06-17-2010, 01:29 PM Maybe some of you cap guys can tell me why didn't they just cut his fat ass before he took the 20 mil in April? There is no cap so why not just cut our losses since we didn't give up anything to get him.The $20 million option bonus would have become guaranteed if we released him before 4/1. It became paid money on that date.
The Shanahan ultimatum is a bit confusing. When he offered to grant Haynesworth his freedom in order to get that money back, he's actually asking Haynesworth to trade in 50(ish)% of his guaranteed money to buy his own freedom...almost exactly like Lavar did, but on a much larger scale. It was more like a: "hey, you're going to be a Redskin for the forseeable future and there's nothing you can do about it...unless you want to talk about giving back you $20 mil bonus."
I mean, we can still release him, but then we owe him all of the money guaranteed in the contract through the first three years, which comes out to (I believe) $48 million ($32 of which has already been paid). If he breaches his own contract though, then we can start to go after a lot of that $32 million, piece by piece.
SBXVII 06-17-2010, 01:30 PM You guys keep forgetting that Arrington said the worst thing that could have happened to him was being benched. He sat there watching the team lose, hearing the fans calling him names, and ended up buying back his contract. lol. We should do the same with AH.