06-16-2010, 08:05 PM
This is what I hope to see:
He agrees to a trade and return bonus money back to the team as part of the trade agreement. After the trade, a bunch of women that he has banged come out with love children that he has fathered and they sue his ass till he's broke. Nothing would satisfy me more to see this guy go broke like many clueless athletes out there. Karma baby!!
06-16-2010, 08:19 PM
Well of course and he was when he stole it I mean cashed it. I would have to think his game plan all along is unfolding just as we see it. He's no more than a low down dirty con.
Buyer beware! All the red flags where up on this worthless, fat ,lazy, good for nuthin POS! I'll tell ya what I really think on a future post.
The 21M was only guarranteed if he was still on the team.
06-16-2010, 08:48 PM
Well of course and he was when he stole it I mean cashed it. I would have to think his game plan all along is unfolding just as we see it. He's no more than a low down dirty con.
Buyer beware! All the red flags where up on this worthless, fat ,lazy, good for nuthin POS! I'll tell ya what I really think on a future post.
If you dont mind I'll add a little something. She is just a gold digging coniving lazy slut that excited me at first and when it was time to get down to business she flaked out. She just SCANDALOUS!
06-16-2010, 08:50 PM
I say we make Haynesworth the highest paid practice squad player in NFL history. Just to screw him like he's screwed us.
At this point, will any team want to trade for him? He's proven he only cares about himself and can't be trusted. Seriously, is there any interest from other teams in his trade demands?
06-16-2010, 08:54 PM
I think this thread wins the award for most uses of "POS."
Not that AH doesn't deserve it.
06-16-2010, 08:56 PM
Well one thing is for sure and that is he's not going to give back the money folks. It aint gonna happen.
06-16-2010, 09:07 PM
Fat Albert is a disgraceful jackass who only cares about himself never seen a guy (a very rich guy) bitch about something so minor, Hopefully we'll call his bluff and see if he comes to Training Camp... if not take him to court.
KI Skins Fan
06-16-2010, 09:19 PM
Well of course and he was when he stole it I mean cashed it. I would have to think his game plan all along is unfolding just as we see it. He's no more than a low down dirty con.
Buyer beware! All the red flags where up on this worthless, fat ,lazy, good for nuthin POS! I'll tell ya what I really think on a future post.
Now, that's an interesting point. Under contract law, is it possible that the bonus he accepted from the Redskins could be considered to be unearned if the Redskins could prove that AH had no intention of fulfilling his part of the contract at the time he was offered an out by Shanahan prior to the payment of the bonus? Are there any lawyers here who can answer that question?
06-16-2010, 09:23 PM
Let Haynesworth rot at the end of the bench.
I would never trade him, bench him until his contract expires.
There should be a section at Fed-Ex dedicated to booing and belittling Haynesworth where the end of the bench is.
Agree 1000% if there is such a thing.
06-16-2010, 09:26 PM
Haynesworth's power play could include blowing the whistle on tampering | (