tootergray34 06-16-2010, 02:09 PM what a pile of shit dude. should be in jail anyways after putting that kid in a wheelchair. hope he burns for this in the public as he should.
he raped the redskins of money like big ben rapes ... well ... chicks.
GMScud 06-16-2010, 02:16 PM Report: Haynesworth Will Be At Mini Camp To Avoid Fine - SB Nation DC (http://dc.sbnation.com/2010/6/16/1520817/Albert-Haynesworth-trade-mini-camp-fine)
Nothing like a fat-ass malcontent on the field. Bury the SOB on the bench unless he returns his signing bonus. As a matter of fact, I put him on the PUP list or whatever so he's not in the locker room or near the team. If he returns the SB or a large portion of it, trade him to a $hit team for whatever you can get for him. He was a FA, we didn't give any picks/players up to get him.
I guess the "bitter girlfriends" had a point. This guy will be a MAJOR locker room cancer.
And now that Fletcher and Co have called him out big time to the media, it's going to be even harder for him to come back into the locker room. I read yesterday that one player flat out called him an "asshole."
Considering Shanahan's history is dealing with players with AH's kind of attitude, I'd be surprised if that fat selfish D-bag is a Redskin this year. At this point the negatives outweigh the positives.
He's not a hard worker, he doesn't care about being in shape, he's a bad teammate, he's selfish, and he's a big puss. One play he's writhing around on the ground like he just got shot, then he stumbles off the field, sucks wind for a while on the sideline, and then comes back in like nothing happened. Then rinse and repeat. I really, really, really dislike him. He can just go away.
SBXVII 06-16-2010, 02:18 PM This from ExtremeSkins via NFLDraftBible.
via NFLDraftBible twitter - JLC of NFLN reports Bucs & Lions interested in AH - EXTREMESKINS.com (http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?t=321196)
Edit. sorry old news but they were interested maybe they still might be.
drew54 06-16-2010, 02:20 PM You can say "I told you so" any time now.
No I took the high road like Denny Green always does.
Slingin Sammy 33 06-16-2010, 02:20 PM Now: his agent has requested a trade -- one that he's not going to get -- in order to speed of the process of getting Haynesworth out of here. I don't like it at all, but it's hardly a code red situation. It's just a selfish, dick move considering the financial circumstances. It's a slap in Snyder's face more than it's intended target, which is Shanahan.It's a code red when a team captain and leader of the defense says this publicly regarding AH: "At the end of the day, right now, he's shown that he can't be depended upon."
Will the rest of the team play with him if they have to, of course. Will the team chemistry be a big problem, of course. If AH comes back because of money, how can any of his teammates know he's giving his best effort? A good team can't have players questioning each other's level of effort.
This SOB got a 8 figure check, STFU and get on the field and play. If he wants out, give back the money and get the F out of dodge.
JoeRedskin 06-16-2010, 02:21 PM That saying would apply if Reid and JLC were just making stuff up and one of their fabricated stories just happened to be true. However, it doesnt jive with reality. Reality is that JLC had actual SOURCES telling him Haynesworth was unhappy and wanted to be traded. Now, the majority here chose to stick their head in the sand and foolishly pretend that these were just rumors and the sources were crap. They foolishly chose to believe what Haynesworth, whose teammates refer to him as an "actor," said instead - even though anyone with any sense at all recognized that Haynesworth would be saying the exact same things whether or not he wanted to be traded or not. Hopefully, in the future, people will learn from this and not discredit JLC simply because they don't like what he has to say.
Everybody new AH was disgruntled that was no secret. The "rumours" were that the 'Skins were actively attempting to trade AH. JLC consistently indicated that the front office was attempting to trade Haynesworth. In light of Shanny's statements, JLC was either simply wrong or making intentionally deceptive reports. I find Shanny's statements credible as they seem consistent with his personality and with the FO's attempt to reign in attempts by players to run the team.
JLC's multiple reports that the Skins were trying to trade AH were clearly coming from team reports that AH's agent had contacted the teams. Unable to verify from the source, JLC simply created the "fact" that the Skins were seeking a trade.
Your consistent beef was that the front office mishandled things b/c they let everybody know they wanted to trade AH. Apparently, not so much.
JLC is a rumour mongering little nudge w/ an ax to grind against Snyder. Regardless of his sources, when it comes to the Skins, he is going to spin it his way - damn the facts.
SBXVII 06-16-2010, 02:25 PM Haynesworth Wants Trade, Won't Attend Minicamp - ESPN Video - ESPN (http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=5292163&categoryid=2459789)
according to Schefter (10:00 AM today). AH is making a major mistake.
By not reporting to camp today, he puts at risk not only the $9M in guaranteed money for the future, BUT also it could open the door for the Skins to go after about $25M in monies ALREADY PAID.
Pretty bad miscalculation on the part of AH and his agent.
Edit: People are getting so confused about all this.
Until he misses training camp, the 'skins can only fine him day by day. And even missing training camp the Redskins have limited options (in part because the bonuses were converted from signing bonuses), it's not until he misses games that they can really go after the money.
SBXVII 06-16-2010, 02:30 PM Gotta love Casserly also.....
D.C. Sports Bog - Casserly: "Haynesworth is on strike" (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/dcsportsbog/2010/06/casserly_haynesworth_is_on_str.html)
GMScud 06-16-2010, 02:30 PM It's still funny to me how many people took the "move along, nothing to see here" approach when AH skipped all the voluntary stuff. For all the times I heard, "but it's voluntary! who cares??" This right here is why so many of us were concerned. This is the type of guy AH is.
Sadly I'm not surprised one bit by this. I hope no one else is either.
SBXVII 06-16-2010, 02:37 PM I was one of those "nothing to see here" people. I figured he would be a problem or issue but I just didn't think we needed to discuss it then cause it was voluntary. I still feel that way. Mainly because I'm always looking at the legal side of things and legally AH didn't have to be here so no harm no foul.
Since it's manditory camp now and he has not shown up now is a great time to discuss it and complain. I think we all kinda expected it but he had a right to sit at home.