06-02-2010, 11:44 AM
Here's what really pisses me off. The media makes a point to report every story involving a player in the NFL. I just Googled "Hockey Player arrested assault" and pulled up a plethora of similar stories. I don't see anyone generalizing the entire sport of Hockey and labeling them criminals.
...and in Europe the press revels in the pecadillos of soccer players instead of NFL players. Any surprise there?
The reason NFL players get more attention is that more people in the US give a damn about NFL football than hockey or soccer or ...
Ergo, the news coverage of events associated with NFL players is greater in the US. There is no conspiracy here; there is no secret cabal of the media elite to ruin NFL players' lives. It's just that more folks in the US care about NFL players than other categories of athletes.
06-02-2010, 02:54 PM
...and in Europe the press revels in the pecadillos of soccer players instead of NFL players. Any surprise there?
The reason NFL players get more attention is that more people in the US give a damn about NFL football than hockey or soccer or ...
Ergo, the news coverage of events associated with NFL players is greater in the US. There is no conspiracy here; there is no secret cabal of the media elite to ruin NFL players' lives. It's just that more folks in the US care about NFL players than other categories of athletes.
You're completely missing my point. I never insinuated anything about a vast conspiracy. What I'm ticked off about is the selective criticism and condemnation that NFL players receive. The media, plus some of the fans act as If this type of behavior is unheard of amongst professional athletes. Lastly, there's always the undertone of "Typical Black Thug". When in reality, it's only a small percentage of players who're actively breaking law by doing nefarious deeds.
06-02-2010, 05:34 PM
You're completely missing my point. I never insinuated anything about a vast conspiracy. What I'm ticked off about is the selective criticism and condemnation that NFL players receive. The media, plus some of the fans act as If this type of behavior is unheard of amongst professional athletes. Lastly, there's always the undertone of "Typical Black Thug". When in reality, it's only a small percentage of players who're actively breaking law by doing nefarious deeds.
First: I don't think SC missed the point at all - there is not "selective criticism ... of NFL players". More fans watch the NFL, their players provide a higher profile for the media and, as a result, they get more coverage. If the NHL were the big sport in the US then you can bet its bad boys would be getting more coverage.
It's pretty simple: More fans are concerned about the local NFL team so more fans want to know what "their" players are doing. Its not selective coverage, its pandering to the lowest common denominator of the largest identifiable group. Really, how many folks are going to run to stories about bad NHL players - some Canadiens and a couple of drunk guys in Boston. It's simple math and money.
Second: HUH? Racial undertones? Is that why you picked the NHL as opposed to the NBA which also has it's share of bad boys that don't get the coverage the NFL does? I get the feeling you're more pissed b/c of some perceived racial issue than b/c "football players" get bad coverage.
You're completely missing my point. I never insinuated anything about a vast conspiracy. What I'm ticked off about is the selective criticism and condemnation that NFL players receive. The media, plus some of the fans act as If this type of behavior is unheard of amongst professional athletes. Lastly, there's always the undertone of "Typical Black Thug". When in reality, it's only a small percentage of players who're actively breaking law by doing nefarious deeds.