05-27-2010, 11:46 AM
Think you're letting your bias show. If this was say Chris Cooley being sued, would you be as quick to conclude he's at fault?
Did you pick Cooley because he was a fan favorite, or because he cheated on his first wife, divorced her, and married the cheerleader? because while i love cooley as a player and find some of his antics hillarious, on a personal/private level, cheating on your wife makes someone a scumbag in a lot of people's opinions (mine included). cheating and non-support of one's children is just a notch below sexual assault in my book. on a personal level, all the guys we're talking about are scumbags to varrying degrees (atleast based on the reports we have, which may or may not be true).
05-27-2010, 12:00 PM
No rhyme or reason behind it. Just a random name I picked out of the air.
And most of the guys are actually good guys.
05-27-2010, 12:16 PM
No rhyme or reason behind it. Just a random name I picked out of the air.
And most of the guys are actually good guys.
that would probably depend on ones defination of a good guy.
05-27-2010, 01:19 PM
Did you pick Cooley because he was a fan favorite, or because he cheated on his first wife, divorced her, and married the cheerleader? because while i love cooley as a player and find some of his antics hillarious, on a personal/private level, cheating on your wife makes someone a scumbag in a lot of people's opinions (mine included). cheating and non-support of one's children is just a notch below sexual assault in my book. on a personal level, all the guys we're talking about are scumbags to varrying degrees (atleast based on the reports we have, which may or may not be true).
"non-support of one's children" Yeah to me thats worse thatn cheatn. I hate to judge anyone (unless its Albert H.) but come on man. His play is pretty darn good, but his leadership and just overall manup natural evolvance blows.
05-27-2010, 01:41 PM
Ed Curry's got some serious bills to pay (he even owes Juwan Howard over a quarter of a million for some reason)
Anderson has turned his life around at least
Anderson has. I remember reading that he went back to school and got his degree so that is something to be very proud of. But he's still broke after making millions and millions of dollars.
05-27-2010, 01:42 PM
........all facts to the contrary.
05-27-2010, 01:49 PM
until a paternity test is done to see if this is AH's child, there is no reason for him to provide support to her... if the child is his he should fill for custody like dirk.
05-27-2010, 02:12 PM
Oh man the can of worms.. pray tell why they would go on welfare
I'm not quick to call people on racism but damn
just saw this. how can anyone be called on racism. we don't even know what race the woman is.
05-27-2010, 03:10 PM
Free paternity test on the Maury Show.