Haynesworth is Behaving Selfishly

over the mountain
05-18-2010, 01:34 PM
its all about the money imo. AH is set to make 3.6, 5.4 and 6 something mil over the next 3 seasons respectively.

all this 3-4 and training talk is just hot air. AH thought he would be headed out of DC by now with 32 mil in his pocket and another team ready to re-sign him to another contract.

he didnt get traded. allen didnt blink. now we are in a rather odd and uncomfortable position. The new coach's initial and limited interaction with AH didnt go well. when AH does show up, i imagine its gonna be weird.

05-18-2010, 01:36 PM
If you're a reporter with a deadline and there's not much to report.....speculate.....develop scenarios...whatever. This s**t sells. Just look at how many people post excerpts from these articles that are based on nothing but speculation. It seems like this time of year when there isn't much to report, the sports version of National Enquirer journalism comes out in full force.

WTF.....Brett Favre is really an alien who must return to his pod between the months of February and September. That would explain why he misses camp.

05-18-2010, 01:38 PM
its all about the money imo. AH is set to make 3.6, 5.4 and 6 something mil over the next 3 seasons respectively.

all this 3-4 and training talk is just hot air. AH thought he would be headed out of DC by now with 32 mil in his pocket and another team ready to re-sign him to another contract.

he didnt get traded. allen didnt blink. now we are in a rather odd and uncomfortable position. The new coach's initial and limited interaction with AH didnt go well. when AH does show up, i imagine its gonna be weird.
I don't see it even being that honestly. The guy really wanted to select a team that he'd fit in with (or that would fit in with him) it seems, based on actual reports.

over the mountain
05-18-2010, 01:55 PM
i know tryful, im out here on my own lil conspiracy island. I saw BHA's ship cruise by, i thought she might head over and drop anchor for awhile but she had other plans.

oh well.

its really not that bad out here once you get used to talking to yourself.

05-18-2010, 02:26 PM
None of the reports have any actual info though. It's just being recycled over and over because there's no other real news.

Instead of a reporter really taking the time to turn the Cushing thing into a story into the dangers of young men falling into the steroids trap (unless I've missed this.. or it's still developing) they're taking the easy way out and just sweeping the shit across the floor without actually dumping it.

So because you haven't read anything indicating that he's currently working out very hard you think that it's very possible that he shows up out of shape? Man it just never ends with you does it?

thats not true. there have been several reports which site "unnamed sources close to hanyesworth." now, that's so vague that i understand why some people dismiss each one individually. however, its not like its the same story getting recycled. the THEME of the stories is recycled, but its brought up because there are new reports from these unnamed sources.

This is all true (most likely), but it's not like Haynesworth is the only one of the Shanahan-Haynesworth dynamic that has to earn the others' respect.

Shanahan doesn't nead to "earn" anyone's respect. His position alone should be enough to warrant respect. When I start a new job, my boss doesnt have to do anything to earn my respect. His position as my superior entitles him or her to respect from the beginning. It should be the same here. Haynesworth is a player. Shanahan is his boss. Respect should be a given. Additionally, its not like Shanahan is some career idiot quarterbacks coach handed a head coaching gig by another idiot. Shanahan's aa proven head coach that has won superbowls. So Haynesworth has all the more reason to respect him instantly.

The fact that Haynesworth is not demonstrating respect to Shanahan by doing what he's asking is just further evidence that Haynesworth is just stubbornly self-centered.

Fair points in here. However, what I also see is that this is a topic that has been overhyped by this media...

I think it be ridiculously stupid for Haynesworth to show up out of shape and not ready to play. He has been a successful player in the past, and you're right, if he doesn't then his agent and whoever his people are, are not doing their jobs. I still think that Haynesworth has always been painted in a negative light, and that will never go away (see Randy Moss, TO, etc., etc.). No matter what he does, people will always criticize him. And honestly, that's where I think his mistake is, he (or his agent) needs to be aware of this negativity. But also fans need to be aware of this negativity painted by the media, as I said overhyped/exaggerated/negativity sells.

I agree with you on all these points, but I would also add that Haynesworth's signing a record-breaking contract makes anything he does newsworthy. If he hadn't stomped on a players face during a game and if he didnt have a history of producing at a higher level when he was in a contract year, then he wouldnt be under so much scrutiny. Because of his "celebrity," hes under more scrutiny than, say, Colt Brennan. if he does show up out of shape, it would be very stupid of him. However, if you look over his career, he's done a number of stupid things, so its not like he's earned the benefit of the doubt.

05-18-2010, 02:36 PM
If I had to predict, AH won't be here after 2010, and I imagine the departure won't be amicable.

05-18-2010, 02:37 PM
Shanahan doesn't nead to "earn" anyone's respect. His position alone should be enough to warrant respect. When I start a new job, my boss doesnt have to do anything to earn my respect. His position as my superior entitles him or her to respect from the beginning. It should be the same here. Haynesworth is a player. Shanahan is his boss. Respect should be a given. Additionally, its not like Shanahan is some career idiot quarterbacks coach handed a head coaching gig by another idiot. Shanahan's aa proven head coach that has won superbowls. So Haynesworth has all the more reason to respect him instantly.

The fact that Haynesworth is not demonstrating respect to Shanahan by doing what he's asking is just further evidence that Haynesworth is just stubbornly self-centered.Shanahan doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't care about being successful. His position gives him the power to treat his players however the heck he wants.

If he cares about more than just sustaining himself as head coach of this team, he's going to have to do more than just handle business with his superiors. He'll have to command the respect of any player he's counting on to contribute.

05-18-2010, 02:46 PM
The Sports Radio station here in Houston prefaced a segment this morning by saying, 'Well now is the time of year for the OTA volunteer workouts, and like every year a player or two from every team skips out and the media and fans blow it way out of proportion. Well today Andre Johnson did not report so get ready for....'
Right on time the articles calling Andre Johnson an agitator, greedy, evil have started. The difference is the local fans here do not care about who misses a volunteer work outs. Where as in DC every working class Joe is up in arms about Haynesworth not reporting because of his contract and that some how in their eyes makes him a mandatory attendee going AWOL. What a joke.

05-18-2010, 02:52 PM
Shanahan doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't care about being successful. His position gives him the power to treat his players however the heck he wants.

If he cares about more than just sustaining himself as head coach of this team, he's going to have to do more than just handle business with his superiors. He'll have to command the respect of any player he's counting on to contribute.

I agree and how that starts is stop airing the private businesses of the team in the media. The Redskins really need to take a page form the Patriots operations by keeping all personal team information out of the media. The old practice of a coaches sending his players messages in the press about their play or other team related things is old and outdated. It has to stop. You get better results and the respect from the players if you talk about it with them in private, behind closed doors. Stop trying to humiliate them in the press. That is disrespectful.

05-18-2010, 03:09 PM
Shanahan doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't care about being successful. His position gives him the power to treat his players however the heck he wants.

If he cares about more than just sustaining himself as head coach of this team, he's going to have to do more than just handle business with his superiors. He'll have to command the respect of any player he's counting on to contribute.

i'd say by doing exactly what he's doing, Shanahan IS commanding the respect of the team. By standing his ground and not "letting the inmates run the asylum," shanahan is ensuring that the entire team is on the same page. well, the entire team except for one bad apple. If shanahan were to cater to Haynesworth, I imagine that he'd lose the respect of other players and open himself up to more problems in the future. In this situation, there are only two possibilities - Haynesworth gets in line or the team gets rid of Haynesworth. We can't let one bad apple ruin the whole bunch.

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