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CRedskinsRule 05-06-2010, 05:54 PM I AM not defending him....lets make this clear please.All I'm saying is this sounds a bit strange to me,remember the Dukes LX team .The story as is just doesn't sit right with me.Look at it like you didn't know who he was.
I didn't think you were defending him, I just don't get how all the pieces that you pointed out fit together. I agree some parts seem strange. Of course, the police aren't gonna say everything. And, I, right or wrongly, assumed that she had been talking to the uncle prior and he was somehow associated with the "pimp". Doesn't say much of his being an uncle, but that's how I filled in the back story.
SBXVII 05-06-2010, 05:58 PM Umm....
Since you seem confused or disturbed by my comment I shall enlighten.
Had the little tramp not ran away to be with said boyfriend (pimp) or thought the grass would be greener away from her family she kinda got what she deserved. I don't condone abuse at all, but had she stayed at home where she should have been, instead of running away from home, she most likely would not have been in this situation and protected....by her family.
Instead she must have thought screw this I'm out I don't have to listen to this, ran away, hooked up with a pimp (either she met him or was introduced to him through a friend), and put herself in this situation. Maybe if kids would take a moment to realize they are not as smart as they think and there are people who are out there willing to take advantage of them any way they can, she might not have been pimped out or abused.
I see it all the time. Kids running away cause they don't like what mommy and daddy are punishing them for. Mostly its bad grades and they aren't going to be told they can't speak or see their boyfriends/girlfriends. Unfortunatly there are a small % that hook up with the wrong people as in this case or hooking up with people through the internet.
Schneed10 05-06-2010, 05:58 PM Also I'm betting she would not have said a thing to her family had it been an average joe. Because it was LT and perhaps he was stupid enough to mention it or she recognized him is why I'm betting she contacted her family. Basically trying to brag about it. "Hey Unc, guess who I just shagged? LT."
Just stop, moron. #1, you're making shit up, you have no idea what happened. #2, you're blaming the victim of an alleged crime, which makes no sense at all.
SBXVII 05-06-2010, 06:04 PM Just stop, moron. #1, you're making shit up, you have no idea what happened. #2, you're blaming the victim of an alleged crime, which makes no sense at all.
Yep I'm making it all up. So your saying this would have happened had she not run away? Ok. I'm sorry.
Again I'm in no way saying abuse is all right it's not. Someone should hang. If it's LT then let him fry for assault. If it's the pimp let him fry. As far as the pimping goes I hope to hell the pimp does jail time for enlisting a juvenile. It is wrong.
But lets start at the beginning. Had she supposedly not run away would she be in this predicament?
SBXVII 05-06-2010, 06:08 PM I'm also using what little facts we have right now. Supposedly the girl was listed as a run a way two weeks ago. Which could be proven by the police had they truly made a report. If the family pimped her out then I certainly can't blame the girl now can I.
I just wish people would stop blaming everyone else, or pointing fingers at everyone but themselves. Maybe if society would start taking a little responsibility for their own actions.
mlmdub130 05-06-2010, 06:08 PM Q.What do Big Ben and Lawrence Taylor have in common?
A. both douche-bags
SBXVII 05-06-2010, 06:11 PM Q.What do Big Ben and Lawrence Taylor have in common?
A. both douche-bags
Touche. I never was a fan of either. Especially when LT came out and admitted he was high on cocain on and off the field.
SmootSmack 05-06-2010, 06:15 PM Look if he's guilty throw the book and lock him up.All I am saying is if this story is true ...it strikes me as odd that the girl only gets in touch with the uncle ..till after having sex with LT....on the way home,not in any of the weeks before ,not after getting beaten by her "Pimp",and if you were a girls pimp and had to force her to do this (crap)....would you let her have a cell phone?
It sounds like the allegations of getting beat and being forced to have sex with LT happened pretty close together. I didn't get the impression that she was beaten and then several days passed before the LT incident.
If the allegations are indeed true, the biggest child in all of this is Lawrence Taylor. At 51 years old, you should be able to act like a responsible adult and know right from wrong. Sadly, Taylor's never shown that ability
Dirtbag59 05-06-2010, 06:17 PM What is LT doing getting a hooker in New York? Go to Vegas where the girls are tested for diseases and most likely much hotter then some random 16 year old girl brought to you by a pimp. Man this sucks though. I like LT.
It is an odd double standard though, assuming this was consensual. When I was 16 I would have loved to hook up with a cougar. It's like that South Park episode where the young kid hooks up with a Teacher and the cops hand him a "luckiest boy in America" medal.
However when a guy is the older participant people seem much more likely to get up in arms. Ironically I'm one of those people, for some reason I feel really weird about it when it's a girl thats underage but if it's a guy I feel like finding him and telling him how great he is.
mlmdub130 05-06-2010, 06:19 PM What is LT doing getting a hooker in New York? Go to Vegas where the girls are tested for diseases and most likely much hotter then some random 16 year old girl brought to you by a pimp. Man this sucks though. I like LT.
It is an odd double standard though, assuming this was consensual. When I was 16 I would have loved to hook up with a cougar. It's like that South Park episode where the young kid hooks up with a Teacher and the cops hand him a "luckiest boy in America" medal.
However when a guy is the older participant people seem much more likely to get up in arms. Ironically I'm one of those people, for some reason I feel really weird about it when it's a girl thats underage but if it's a guy I feel like finding him and telling him how great he is.