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53Fan 05-07-2010, 01:03 PM Super Bowl ads? Their job is to spread the word of Jesus and they do so and to find more followers. Plain and simple.
There is a big difference between "spreading the word" and pushing something on someone. The way the laws have become, I find it hard to believe Christianity could be "pushed" on anybody. God AND the cross have been taken out of just about everything. I'm not sure why people get so uptight about others talking about Christianity. It won't bite you you know. :) Giving thought to your particular situation though, unfortunately there are overzealous people in all religions. This does more harm than good IMO. Causing resentment and over-reaction to those of the same faith who only want to tell others of their experience and belief. There is nothing wrong with letting people know they have a choice they may not have been aware of, but that is the extent of it. People have the right to make their own choices. Religion shouldn't be "sold' like Gatorade.
SirClintonPortis 05-07-2010, 04:42 PM Seems we are at an impasse good Sir. I would agree Gator fans are a driving force in these sales as well but i think the additional religious factor is propelling an otherwise so-so jersey.
And I'm a guy who doesn't really like Protestants but realize that the only data analysis tools available to me is some truisms of statistical inference; namely, the demographics, after accounting for double-counting and triple-counting of categories such as "Protestant and Broncos fan", will likely not be too different from the national percentage of nominal Protestants(around 51%), but that category does not distinguished between the "lapsed" and "non-lapsed" folks within the category. Still, even though this is what I think the demographics would look like, this is speculation and real data analysis is impossible because I can't find what exactly are the actual numbers of the jersey sales are, just their ranking and that 30% of the buyers were Floridians.
SirClintonPortis 05-07-2010, 04:55 PM Super Bowl ads? Their job is to spread the word of Jesus and they do so and to find more followers. Plain and simple.
And if they do not seriously impede on one's ability to say "no" to them, they are still legally able to go ahead and do so. It's only forced if it involves coercion. If they do resort to such coercive tactics, then they've gone too far.
Simply requesting something is an insufficient condition for coercion, and Tebow's alleged request was still technically a request. He wasn't commanding all of them to say a prayer or else.
Monkeydad 05-07-2010, 05:00 PM Their Super Bowl ad never even mentions the word "God" or "abortion" actually. Sure it was supporting a pro-life Christian group called Focus on the Family, but it definitely wasn't pushing beliefs, it was just his mother sharing her story of her tough pregnancy with Tim. I'm actually pro-choice (with strings attached), but I had no problem with this ad.
I don't get the haters. I just don't. I guess people will find a reason to hate anything. We all talk so much smack about all the criminals and scumbags throughout pro sports. So here's a kid who just gets it, and people still want to bash.
Yeah, there was seriously nothing to be offended by in it. If petty people looking to be offended had not made such a huge stink about it before the Super Bowl, you would not have even noticed the ad. In fact, I was watching for it specifically because I wanted to see what the fuss was about...I didn't see it! Maybe I stepped into the kitchen or something but the game was over and I had to look it up online because I didn't notice it.
So what if he's a Christian. Does it REALLY hurt anyone?
Would you prefer a QB to shoot middle fingers at the fans like Vick?
Monkeydad 05-07-2010, 05:02 PM To say that Tebow pushes religion on others because he allegedly suggested everyone say a prayer before taking the Wonderlic test (which apparently was some major deal, yet it's not when the coach or a player gathers everyone together in the locker room for a pre-game prayer) is like saying Kedric Golston pushes alcoholism if he suggests everyone go out for a drink after the game.
Funny how I don't hear all of this hatred for Joe Gibbs around here. He's FAR more open and public about his faith. I hope all of you hating Tebow because of his personal beliefs are honest enough to also denounce Art Monk and Darrell Green. I guess they sell jerseys because of Church-goers as well.
Funny how I don't hear all of this hatred for Joe Gibbs around here. He's FAR more open and public about his faith. I hope all of you hating Tebow because of his personal beliefs are honest enough to also denounce Art Monk and Darrell Green. I guess they sell jerseys because of Church-goers as well.
Well said Buster.
Now that you mention it....how many players when they score turn their heads toward the sky and give thanx to.....who????
Is that a problem as presumably they are all....Bible thumpers?
hagams 05-07-2010, 07:14 PM Wow, from jersey's to church? This threads going straight to .....:)
I believe that people have a right to their opinion. The same right to opinion that has taken the word "God" from the pledge of allegiance, and makes public prayer in schools a worse crime than selling crack to kids. So much focus is put on everyone's personal opinion, they're "freedom of speech". This is a two-way street, so why wouldn't someone be able to put a commercial on T.V telling people that they are in danger of hell fire? There are extremes, and I agree that it should be controlled at times (look up Weslyen Baptist Church, spelled it wrong). THOSE people are taking it to the extreme.
DBUCHANON101 05-07-2010, 11:03 PM Like the guy or not but i doubt he will ever
1. Show up for camp weighing 300 lbs and out of shape.
2. Get caught in a hotel with a 16 yr old girl.
3. Get caught with a Kilo of dope in his trunk.
4. Strangle and shoot dogs for fun.
5. Get caught in the Airport with a firearm..
Well, you see what I mean. Like it was said before there are far worse things he could be doing.
GMScud 05-08-2010, 02:42 AM Funny how I don't hear all of this hatred for Joe Gibbs around here. He's FAR more open and public about his faith. I hope all of you hating Tebow because of his personal beliefs are honest enough to also denounce Art Monk and Darrell Green. I guess they sell jerseys because of Church-goers as well.
Great point. Anyone who wants to crap on Tebow for the religious stuff should also bash Gibbs for the same thing. Now how many people are gonna keep talking? Shhhhhhh
tryfuhl 05-08-2010, 05:20 AM GMScud really fought his guts out in this thread.