04-21-2010, 10:10 PM
Every day that passes by, makes me wish the worst for him. If the Steelers are really trying to trade him they know more to the story than we do. They have the story from the teammates and the bodygaurds that will eventaully comeout. The Steelers are asking for a top 10 pick but Im sure they will settle for less. Rapistburger just screwed himself in the bumhole.
04-21-2010, 10:30 PM
It was just reported on by Adam Schefter on ESPN that the Steelers are now calling other teams around the league to try and move him. I will be interested to see what kind of compensation they end up bringing in for him.
04-22-2010, 12:28 AM
anyone else read about Ben packin a grey ween?
04-22-2010, 12:30 AM
anyone else read about Ben packin a grey ween?
Details would help.
04-22-2010, 12:36 AM
What are the odds?
Ben roethlisberger tiger woods image by lennydpocketqb on Photobucket (http://media.photobucket.com/image/ben%20roethlisberger%20tiger%20woods/lennydpocketqb/dumbanddumber.jpg)
04-22-2010, 08:16 AM
Details would help.
Um....I think those are details I'd rather not have
04-22-2010, 09:04 AM
He is not going anywhere.
04-22-2010, 11:19 AM
On the douche bag note. Ben owns part of a restaurant here in Mount Pleasant, SC. A friend on mine's ex works there. Ben was randomly texting every girl who worked at this establishment. When one of the girls finally responded to him, the dude texted her about 55 times in 24 hours.
not normal behavior for anyone. I am so surprised to see an NFL QB have no game when it comes to women. What a tool.
What's the name of the restaurant? I visit Mt. Pleasant somewhat often, my sister owns a condo in Montclair across from the Mt. Pleasant town center. Love me some Charleston & that area!
I certainly wouldn't go to a restaurant because a Pitt. player owns it, don't know if I'd boycott it because Ben is part owner either, but would like to know the name & location please.
Back on topic, I am surprised that people are this upset about Big Ben. Not saying he doesn't deserve some public scrutiny, I just don't think its enough to warrant trading him, unless there was more of a discipline issue w/the team that's not reported. I think Pitt. is just trying to scare him, as a PItt. reporter said last night.
04-22-2010, 11:29 AM
King Street Grill. It is right off hungry neck Blvd. The new road they built recently that travels from the Georgetownn exit off I526 and goes to the IOP connector. I love Chuck Town as well, but we are headed back to the Northern Virginai area.
04-22-2010, 11:34 AM
King Street Grill. It is right off hungry neck Blvd. The new road they built recently that travels from the Georgetownn exit off I526 and goes to the IOP connector. I love Chuck Town as well, but we are headed back to the Northern Virginai area.
I've seen their ads, kind of a sports bar place if I remember correctly. Any news from their about Ben? has it affected biz?