04-11-2010, 06:42 PM
Agree'd that it has nothing to do with the rape allegation. But it still brings up the question that his judgement is below par.
And you really think that if he was accused 200 wouldn't even once think that he did do something wrong? don't think it's at all shady...that the video evidence was destroyed? Not a single bit?
But I will tell you a FACT...if he were a regular human on a normal salary right now...he'd be behind bars...same with Dante Stallworth. NFL players...and celebrities...are always given a free card...and it's ridiculous.
Free card not always and with Pacman, he had been arrested 10 times prior to being suspended and if he had been accused 200 times when I see proof of sexual assault i.e. torn clothes, cuts defensive wounds etc. then I will take notice. If I had 200 different people tell you I was an astronaut, you'd stll want to see me blast into space before you believed me.
04-11-2010, 06:45 PM
I am not certain, but does this topic have anything at all to do with the Redskins? Doesn't this thread belong in a Pittsburgh Steelers forum or in a general NFL topic forum?
I was just wondering why this thread continues to grow longer and longer as we near the Redskins draft.
because A) Its a NFL topic AND B) We talk about everything on this board from Schneed's cap numbers to Pet Peeves to Wrestlemania 20 check the archives its all there.
04-12-2010, 12:25 PM
Looks like Ben wont face any charges. What do you think?
Sources: Ben Roethlisberger will not be charged - ESPN (
I think there are going to be a lot of conspiracy theories about the law enforcement and Steelers organization if/when #3 comes to light.
I hope he learns from this (again) but he just doesn't seem like the type of person who learns anything from mistakes. He's put himself in bad situations over and over and over since he's become a pro football player.
Maybe that wreck did do some brain damage.
it's probably a situation where foreplay went too far and she might of slipped and fell down and hit her head.
Says skinsfan69...
I love that kind of forepl...nevermind.
04-12-2010, 03:32 PM
I guess now we'll see whether the Steelers live up to their reputation and take some type of disciplinary action against Big Ben. Goodell has definitely taken action before without waiting for some type of conviction.
From Mort's Tweet:
DA provided lot of detail; just said on SC I believe Goodell was still disgusted by what he heard, as are Rooneys.
04-12-2010, 03:49 PM
I wonder if Campbell was waiting to sign his tender until finding out whether or not Big Ben would be charged. If he had been, Pittsburg would have been an ideal trade destination for Campbell.
04-12-2010, 04:14 PM
I don't care either way but I love that everyone is saying he bought his way outta this. Do you have proof that he did?????
the girl he raped didnt want to go through with the prosecution. $$$$
he still should get suspended at least 4 games
04-12-2010, 04:16 PM
hi, welcome to the warpath. i dont think ben was ever accused or raping this person. who knows what he did, but the general consensus here is that he's a scumbag. that said, if he did commit a crime here, i would have hoped the victim would insist on a criminal trial and THEN sue Rothlesberger in a civil trial to collect financial compensation for damages. I'm very suspicious when things like this are privately settled outside of the judicial system. If Rothlesberger committed a crime, then avoiding a trial and privately settling the matter would only say the victim cared more about getting paid than seeing Rothlesberger punished and sent to jail so he couldnt hurt anyone else. On the flip side, if i were accused of something I didn't do, i'd want to go to trial to be vindicated. Basically, this whole things stinks.
04-12-2010, 04:21 PM
the girl he raped didnt want to go through with the prosecution. $$$$
he still should get suspended at least 4 games
first, lots of rape victims don't want to go through with prosecutions regardless of $$$$
second, he wasn't accused of rape.
third, you are right he probably will get suspended, at least for 1 game, maybe more, either by the league or by the team.
04-12-2010, 04:28 PM
the DA says rape and why would she be saying "HE DID IT! HE DID IT!" then all of a sudden not want to go through with the prosecution. the bar owner probly got paid too to dispose of the tape. this guy is a prick who needs to be suspended
04-12-2010, 04:41 PM
the DA says rape and why would she be saying "HE DID IT! HE DID IT!" then all of a sudden not want to go through with the prosecution. the bar owner probly got paid too to dispose of the tape. this guy is a prick who needs to be suspended
From ESPN's report:
What happened in that bathroom is unclear, Bright said. A doctor who examined the woman could not say if she was raped, and while some DNA was found, there was not enough to determine whom it belonged to.
"We are not condoning Mr. Roethlisberger's actions that night," Bright said. "But we do not prosecute morals. We prosecute crimes."
"I know when I have a case and I know when I don't," Bright said. "And I do not have enough evidence to convince 12 jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Roethlisberger was guilty of rape."
Any way, let's see how Goodell and the Rooneys deal with it now. Wish they would give us a 3 or 4 for JC.