04-11-2010, 09:49 PM
agreed...we need to be focusing on becoming a YOUNGER team.
Wow, and all this time, I thought we needed to be focusing on becoming a WINNING team. Shoot, now that I know the goal, Trade everyone over 30 for 7th round picks, load up on 22 yo rookies, and that way we will have the YOUNGEST team.
04-11-2010, 10:14 PM
Bang a young chick then bang an older chick and then judge which one has the best skills. That saying the younger the better is BS.
04-12-2010, 12:21 PM
Bang a young chick then bang an older chick and then judge which one has the best skills. That saying the younger the better is BS.
True but most of us aren't thinking about sex with the Redskins roster...we're more interested in seeing their ball-playing abilities ..which can dimishish with age, especially at skill positions. Notice I said abilities, not skills. Skills are earned and picked up with experience. The ability to use the skills you've learned can go away though. Look at Tomlinson. He has more skills than anyone, but his abilities are a different story.
04-12-2010, 07:31 PM
Bang a young chick then bang an older chick and then judge which one has the best skills. That saying the younger the better is BS.
older chicks are usually better when it comes to technique, knowing how to drive you wild
younger chicks seem to be a bit more "giving" and "allowing" .. there's a period in the 20s it seems, especially from college educated women, where they get a bit more prude
once they get older though usually smooth sailing again