04-08-2010, 04:17 PM
I honestly thought he was working out with his trainer until I looked him up in twitter, wow if this is him what a immature douche bag!
Albert Haynesworth (ahaynesworth3) on Twitter (http://twitter.com/ahaynesworth3)
04-08-2010, 04:22 PM
Haynesworth apparently won't be there as to not cause a "distraction"
Redskins Insider - Haynesworth to skip Redskins voluntary workouts, attend mandatory sessions (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/redskinsinsider/haynesworth-to-skip-redskins-v.html)
The frustrating thing is, why get a guy like AH who is a natural Pro Bowl DT and ask him to play NT? It seems extremely self destructive to me. If in fact it is true.
04-08-2010, 04:39 PM
I honestly thought he was working out with his trainer until I looked him up in twitter, wow if this is him what a immature douche bag!
Albert Haynesworth (ahaynesworth3) on Twitter (http://twitter.com/ahaynesworth3)
55 followers... non-verified account...
04-08-2010, 04:40 PM
The frustrating thing is, why get a guy like AH who is a natural Pro Bowl DT and ask him to play NT? It seems extremely self destructive to me. If in fact it is true.
I mean the guy may play it some.. and I'm no D-Coord.. but it doesn't seem ideal
04-08-2010, 05:09 PM
I just find it strange how you guys will piggyback any negative AH report but when there was something about JC, a guy who HASN'T proven himself in the league, so many jump to his defense.
If thats true then it's because JC is much better human being. I alluded to this before but if JC even had a hint of being a premadonna he would have been out of here as early as 2007. I think part of the reason he's been around so long and had so much support is aside from moments of brilliance he has shown really strong character. The nicest thing I can say about Haynesworth is that he's actually pretty articulate. You wouldn't expect that from a guy who the field you can compare to a gorilla. I mean he's no Alan Page, but he comes across well semantically speaking in interviews and the like.
04-08-2010, 05:15 PM
whatever the case is, we definitely have the pieces of the puzzle to put together a great defense. If the coaching staff can't make this group work, then they can't make any group work. We have all the talent in the world, and also plenty of veteran leadership. And on D, we aren't too old either...............
We shall see.
04-08-2010, 05:15 PM
Haynesworth seems like an alright guy to me
Beyond the Athlete: Albert Haynesworth Part*I - Beyond The Athlete - Back Sports Page (http://www.backsportspage.com/beyond-the-athlete/2010/3/31/beyond-the-athlete-albert-haynesworth-part-i.html)
Soles4Souls | A Shoe Charity Giving To Those In Need (http://www.soles4souls.org/friends/spokespersons/haynesworth_albert.html)
Haven't you ever had a job where you didn't feel like you were really being used to your best ability?
04-08-2010, 06:16 PM
Cutler was more talented than Plummer.
Nobody is more talented than Haynesworth.
Shanahan directs offense. Plummer was his QB. Haynesworth playes defense.
Thats the difference here.
04-09-2010, 12:17 AM
Cutler was more talented than Plummer.
Nobody is more talented than Haynesworth.
Shanahan directs offense. Plummer was his QB. Haynesworth playes defense.
Thats the difference here.Quite true, but Shanahan clearly wants total commitment from everyone. If Albert starts a trend where other team "stars" think that they don't need to be present either, then we're probably better off without him.
The Goat
04-09-2010, 12:54 AM
Agree. If the guy comes in shape ready to play lights out and you dump him because he declined a "voluntary" camp, then at the end of the day we got a tougher HC and a weaker football team.
Wiser words...
We can surmise all we want, but truly none of us know the gist of conversations between Al and the coaches/FO.
All I can really say is IF Albert has committed in word and deed to be the very best he can be this season (recognizing that likely means he'll train away from Redskins Park during involuntary) than Shanny/Allen will be very stupid and very culpable for looking to trade him. A committed Haynesworth is nearly priceless.
...I do worry Shanny has an ego so large his judgment can suffer. On the other hand I think his football intelligence is elite and if the good judgment is there he can lead us, or any team, to elite status.