04-06-2010, 11:22 PM
For the life of me, I don't understand why so many people on here act like immature high school kids, arguing over petty points like "my Dad can beat up Your Dad". If you are a true Redskins fan, then you should be happy that your team now has a Pro Bowl quarterback. A quarterback with NFC championship experience, and MULTIPLE playoff appearances. A leader. A guy who can read a defense. A guy who is confident. All these things McNabb brings to the table. Jason Campbell had none of these things. That is not even something anybody can argue about. The Redskins are a BETTER team this week than they were last week. That is not even something anybody can argue with. Those are the simple facts, and there is nothing to argue about. Just celebrate.
Sorry, suggesting that the only way to be a "true fan" is to agree with your position is a pretty high schooley argument.
04-06-2010, 11:26 PM
Everyone just has seemed so tense lately, I mean, can't we all just get along?
(I almost went on a group hug rampage, one in each thread, but the monkey on my back said let it be)
Laron Landry says he wants it back...
04-06-2010, 11:50 PM
Talk about no class. Everything about how this is being handled is wrong. Okay, so you decide that McNabb is the way to go. Fine. Plenty of argument fo rhim to be the better man. But hey, Jason didn't exaclty throw games and curse out players. He didn't cause any huge scandals or name names. Between Bruce and Mike, SOMEBODY should've had the the testicular fortitude to have a honest, man to man talk with Jason Campbell and tell him about McNabb. At least call him up and say, "Yo! We got your boy Donovan!"
No class at all in this organization. After the way he was treated, I wouldn't wanna be seen there either.
Its a business man they aren't required to have a conversation with him. Like ppl have said JC had to some extent know that Shanny wasn't sold on him. To say they handled it with no class is crazy cause I thought JC already got his degree from Auburn.
04-06-2010, 11:51 PM
My dad can eat a whole hollpanino pepper!
You mean Jalapeno pepper????
04-06-2010, 11:59 PM
I think he knew from the lack of talk from this FO for the past 3 months that his job was in MAJOR jeopardy, and he was going to more than likely be traded or moved somehow.
Just the fact that the H.C. met with him personally and asked him about his possible thoughts or wishes says a hell of alot more than most front offices in this league. JC is actually lucky in my honest opinion. He is getting traded with the shot of starting and becoming that ever elusive franchise QB that he thinks he is, and some team will take a shot with him, and prolly feel real good about doing it too.
Not to mention, I am sure he will end up seeing an increase in his salary.............nuthin but upside for all parties involved if u ask me.
04-07-2010, 12:02 AM
Its a business man they aren't required to have a conversation with him. Like ppl have said JC had to some extent know that Shanny wasn't sold on him. To say they handled it with no class is crazy cause I thought JC already got his degree from Auburn.
BTW, that was an absolutely horrid attempt at humor m8
I feel 3 IQ points dumber for reading that now.
04-07-2010, 12:13 AM
Its a business man they aren't required to have a conversation with him. Like ppl have said JC had to some extent know that Shanny wasn't sold on him. To say they handled it with no class is crazy cause I thought JC already got his degree from Auburn.
Nice to have you back Quake.
04-07-2010, 12:16 AM
When Shanahan tells JC to have his agent go find a team, is that an off-hand way of saying "Look JC, we tried to move you and came up with nothing so see what you can do and let us know."?
04-07-2010, 12:22 AM
When Shanahan tells JC to have his agent go find a team, is that an off-hand way of saying "Look JC, we tried to move you and came up with nothing so see what you can do and let us know."?
04-07-2010, 12:24 AM
BTW, that was an absolutely horrid attempt at humor m8
I feel 3 IQ points dumber for reading that now.
You sure you just weren't stupid to begin with??? Its a joke dude take the pantyhose off.