04-05-2010, 11:03 PM
I'll take D-Mac as the face of the franchise 10 times out of 10 over a Jimmy Clausen (half due to my hatred of ND). The man's a winner, bottom line. Excellent move, considering keeping the first round pick for help on that line.
04-05-2010, 11:03 PM
There's definitely an intangible (not found in Football Outsiders) quality that shouldn't be overlooked in all this. McNabb is a proven veteran who has shown for over a decade that he can win and has won in the NFC East and against the rest of the NFL. He has handled the adversity of the Philadelphia fans and media (which should make DC a cake walk), and he's been successful despite-in my opinion-Reid and Morninwheg putting him in ridiculous situations with their propensity to abandon the run at crucial junctures.
Guys like Moss, Thomas, Cooley, etc will have a much easier time showing respect for a guy who has accomplished all that than a rookie like Bradford. Not that Bradford couldn't be successful here. I think he certainly would have been. Just that the "acclimation curve" is not as steep now.
SYRACUSE is in DA HOUSE!!! Nice points here SS...
04-05-2010, 11:03 PM
Good thread. Shock and awe aside, Donovan McNabb is a Washington Redskins, and as such he will have my support. As I've always preached, it's all about the team and right now he is part of that team.
04-05-2010, 11:09 PM
There's definitely an intangible (not found in Football Outsiders) quality that shouldn't be overlooked in all this. McNabb is a proven veteran who has shown for over a decade that he can win and has won in the NFC East and against the rest of the NFL. He has handled the adversity of the Philadelphia fans and media (which should make DC a cake walk), and he's been successful despite-in my opinion-Reid and Morninwheg putting him in ridiculous situations with their propensity to abandon the run at crucial junctures.
Guys like Moss, Thomas, Cooley, etc will have a much easier time showing respect for a guy who has accomplished all that than a rookie like Bradford. Not that Bradford couldn't be successful here. I think he certainly would have been. Just that the "acclimation curve" is not as steep now.
Is this for certain that they aren't looking at a QB in the first round anymore?
04-05-2010, 11:16 PM
In 24 hours he has grown on me. I looked at some mcnabb jerseys online but it just doesnt look right in the B&G. A few touchdowns oughta change that and I am glad we made this move.
I was actually surprised at how quickly I got excited about seeing him in burgundy and gold. Maybe it's a reflection of the regrettable state of modern day pro sports . . . but I'll leave that to others to elaborate on. Go #5!!!
04-05-2010, 11:21 PM
For the record I was always a fan of McNabb's and never 'hated' him
04-05-2010, 11:41 PM
Is this for certain that they aren't looking at a QB in the first round anymore?
I'd be more surprised by that than I am that we got McNabb, which is the most surprised I've been by a Redskins move in almost 15 years.
Slingin Sammy 33
04-05-2010, 11:44 PM
I'm interested in seeing how much more effective McNabb can be in a version of the WC offense that places an emphasis on running the ball. Coming from a team that passed the ball 60% of the time he put up great numbers over an eleven year period despite his periods of inacuracy. A solid running game may be the best antidote for him at this stage of his career.Great point, look what it did for Elway late in his career.
04-05-2010, 11:49 PM
I'll say that at seasons end I was halfway on board the bandwagon simply cause Cerrato was out. I was about 75% on board when shanahan was brought in. when we unloaded some of the older guys I was about 90% on board. Basically it boiled down to what we did in FA and the draft. We get younger and pick up youth at all positions as well as a franchise QB and move JC out of here then I'd have been 100% on board. With the mind set that we are trying to get better through youth, health, and speed which might take 2-3 yrs and a mind set of getting to the SB in 3-5 yrs.
I'm tired of this win now attitude. It has not worked in 14 yrs. All through Norv, Marty, Spurrier, Gibbs, Zorn, and now Shanahan. We started picking up aged vets who were released part because of monitary issues and part because the players were not living up to their contracts. Although we did get them somewhat cheap. Now we go out and pick up Grossman (yes he led his team to one SB), and McNabb (who led his team to one SB). Apparently the youth movement has been cancelled. The win now attitude is back.
In any event the steps the team has taken to pull me into buying into this whole mess 100% just took a major set back. If they can move JC I'll be happy and yes I have been one of the people who has said it's time to move on, but although McNabb is somewhat of a better QB, I'm extremely hesitant to call this a knock out.
I feel like I just bought a used car from a dealership. All my friends are excited that I have a car, they like how it looks, I'm excited that I have some actual wheels, but there is a little voice in the back of my head say "hey, how did the dealer get over on you? how did you get screwed this time?" Don't worry I'll be patiently waiting to point it out or say "I told you so" when we as fans finally find out how we got screwed in this deal.
04-06-2010, 12:02 AM
When will we get the DMcnabb Avatar? He's the face of THEWARPATH Also lol