04-07-2010, 02:12 AM
Your right. But did ESPN even once mention the possibility of McNabb coming here. But now they are saying TO is on his way,rumors suck.
The next 15 days are going to be very, very interesting. Buckle up and get ready for the ride and surprises.
04-07-2010, 02:17 AM
The next 15 days are going to be very, very interesting. Buckle up and get ready for the ride and surprises.
Oh Im ready, this is the only time of the year I know that we make noise, and I its the only time I know we come out winners. I just hope it transfers over to the regular season.
04-07-2010, 02:28 AM
You might as well say goodbye to Haynesworth ( The only salvation would be Suh as a replacement for him.
yeah we've been discussing that
I think Sellers said that Haynesworth was the only one not there
I understand Shanahan has no loyalty to Haynesworth but at the same time you better get a baller deal to ship away someone of his caliber.. he talks about using players to their potential, there's your guy
we'll see
04-07-2010, 02:29 AM
Only if AH is willing to go along Shanahan and Haslett's plans, if not he's a much more expensive Jason Taylor.
he said he'll do what's asked but also told them how he'd be contribute
kind of the same thing he did last year.. he played even though it wasn't utilizing him to the best of his ability
04-07-2010, 02:30 AM
Eff Haynesworth. Never liked him. He got one of the biggest contracts in league history from our B&G last offseason. Then he proceeds to be out of shape all year long, and if the dude so much as stubs his toe he writhes around on the ground like he just got shot. Now he won't participate in our offseason conditioning program, and has openly said he doesn't really want to play nose in our new 3-4 scheme. The guy is a shithead. That good game he talked during his introductory presser last year was clearly a truckload of BS. The fact that he got a contract like that and then had the nerve not to be in top physical condition speaks volumes about what little character he has.
Sure we paid him a mountain of money, but that's Snyder's problem now, not Allen's or Shanahan's. If we can get players and/or picks for him that will make us better, I say sayonara fat boy.
I'm not a big Snyder fan, but it annoys me that he'll end up getting $41M from the Skins for 12 games. Totally absurd. Talk about enabling douche bag behavior.
Pocket$ $traight
04-07-2010, 02:33 AM
I think that Shanahan would be taking a huge risk if he dumped the big guy now. First of all, a coach who is making 7.5 million should be able to manage a situation like this.
I don't care who you are, an owner's eybrow or two is going to be raised if within 3 weeks of paying a guy 21 million dollars you dump him. Especially a player as talented as AH who will go to another team and make them better.
I hear all the jokes but no one can deny that when that guy is on the field he is a dominating force.
04-07-2010, 02:37 AM
I think that Shanahan would be taking a huge risk if he dumped the big guy now. First of all, a coach who is making 7.5 million should be able to manage a situation like this.
I don't care who you are, an owner's eybrow or two is going to be raised if within 3 weeks of paying a guy 21 million dollars you dump him. Especially a player as talented as AH who will go to another team and make them better.
I hear all the jokes but no one can deny that when that guy is on the field he is a dominating force.
Yeah, but it wasn't Shanahan/Allen that gave AH that ridiculous contract. That's all on Snyder and Cerrato. Danny gave Mike and Bruce the keys and said do what you have to do.
04-07-2010, 02:42 AM
BA didn't restructure his contract for longevity's sake. I am not a AH hater and loved that he went to war for his teammates but if we can pickup another 1st, or a 2cd and 3rd/4th, well...
Pocket$ $traight
04-07-2010, 02:45 AM
Yeah, but it wasn't Shanahan/Allen that gave AH that ridiculous contract. That's all on Snyder and Cerrato. Danny gave Mike and Bruce the keys and said do what you have to do.
True but Dan Snyder didn't get where he was by pissing away 21 million periodically.
This is the type of decision where DS would have some input, and frankly, I think you could argue that he might deserve the final call on it.
BA and MS are being paid a lot of money, I do not think that asking them to manage a highly talented problem child is out of line.
Pocket$ $traight
04-07-2010, 02:47 AM
BA didn't restructure his contract for longevity's sake. I am not a AH hater and loved that he went to war for his teammates but if we can pickup another 1st, or a 2cd and 3rd/4th, well...
Why would any team do that? We are the desperate party in this situation.