skinsfan69 04-05-2010, 12:51 PM You're hardly making an apples to apples comparison, but I'd say that Colt McCoy will be a better player than McNabb by 2011. I don't know if McCoy will make it to 37 though.
Not meaning to insult your opinion but you're NUTS. You're talking about a guy that didn't play in a pro offense in college...and in one year he's going to be better than a 34/35 year old professional NFL QB that has a long successful resume that's a boderline fringe HOF QB? No freakin' way. Colt McCoy = Alex Smith.
KLHJ2 04-05-2010, 12:52 PM I guess a lot of us don't know football then.
I could really care less about stuff like Joyner's stats honestly. If he's looking at the trade only for pure trade value as it pertains to stats, fine. But there's more to the picture than McNabb equaling a 273 yard difference over Campbell.
Like a better TD to INT ratio...oh and wins too.
Honestly I don't like the fact that they will probably be getting a 3rd rounder next year too, but acquiring McNabb is still nice. I just wish that it was a 2nd and 4th or 5th instead of a 3rd or 4th.
over the mountain 04-05-2010, 12:53 PM shanny and allen and kyle im going to assume like the trade. im going to assume they have enough information before them and enough tenure in this league to properly analyze what they are looking at.
any glowing or doomsday opinions right now are premature. we goota see how this plays out, what additions are still to made and play on the field before any opinions can carry any weight.
but right now, our FO likes the move. im going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they know more than any of us and whatever blogger from idaho might think.
Pocket$ $traight 04-05-2010, 12:53 PM Talked to five football analysts that I really respect (not including myself). None are Redskins fans. None are Eagle fans. Two are Giants fans.
It was unianimous, 5-0, that the Redskins got boned hard in this trade. There is no one who I have talked to, who understands the game, who likes this trade for us.
That's just the facts.
Are these experts as accomplished as Mike Shanahan and Allen? A lot of the ESPN guys have even mentioned positives for Washington on this trade which surprised me.
One thing that I haven't heard, "Washington is going to be missing a great leader once Campbell is traded".
Okay, here's Cowlishaw:
Tim Cowlishaw Blog | Sports News | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News (http://timcowlishawblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2010/04/rangers-opening-day-closing-ti.html)
These columnists aren't the people I've been discussing takes on the trade with. They're just mainstream sources. For every columnist who doesn't like it for the Redskins, there are two who do. But I'm also not citing columnists as experts here. I'm just telling you that people that I have reached out to are "lukewarm" about what the Redskins are receiving.
There's no anger: these are not Redskins fans. It's just being panned as more of the same from a franchise that has come to deliver it on a consistent basis. And I tend to agree.
I guess you're right. There is a huge knowledge gap between these anonymous sources of yours and Mike Shanahan. Shanahan's knows very little.
backrow 04-05-2010, 12:54 PM I've heard a lot of uninformed opinions today as well, but it's staggering how little dissent is among the people who feed me my football information. I mean, literally, I haven't found an impartial observer who does this stuff for a living and likes this deal.
The knowledge gap re: McNabb could not be bigger between those who study it, and those who take their opinions from others. I don't say that to suggest football is an elitist game that only a select few understand (it's not), but that in the case of this one player no one is really doing their homework before spouting off. It's obvious.
Tripp, I don't like it much either.
We controlled the beginning of the 2nd round, now, we have a PBler at QB. Not a particularly bad thing.
We had a 3rd rounder next year, now we don't and possibly DM may move elsewhere for more cash. This smacks of the J. Taylor debacle.
I agree with an earlier poster, that LDS managed to cut his way out of the duct tape.
All of the rest of the stuff (Soup, Los, Landry, and CC) getting traded just makes our team look worse than the 4-12 record. Desparate.
And AH not with the team for workouts puts him on the outs with MS.
But overall, our players seem to like this move.
Me, I would have settled for simply moving down from #4 to acquire more picks and bolster the OL. I've heard it a million times, it all starts with the lines.
KLHJ2 04-05-2010, 12:55 PM Well all I can say is that with the addition of McNabb, this makes the Redskins INSTANTLY a better team. Now is it 6 or 7 more wins better? I doubt it. But the QB position abosolutely got better.
However, I would be interested to see what KIND and LENGTH of extension that Allen negotiates with McNabb to get a better feel for his role. They could still be looking at Clausen in the first round.
Biggest need of the team is Offensive Line and Depth along that front. Putting a rookie behind the line that is there now would be devestating. It could be that McNabb is being used to groom a young QB for a couple of years, and in that time frame, build a line around the new QB as he matures.
At the end of the day, however, I would love to see McNabb FINALLY get a fair shake from the fans and media of his team. He has always been sorely mistreated by the fans and media in Philly. He has always deserved better, and for that I think he landed in the right place.
The Skins lost the most games by 3 points or less last season. He only has to make us 3 points better per game and we are over .500. That's already more than I was expecting this year.
53Fan 04-05-2010, 12:57 PM The Eagles are well known for getting rid of players who still have some value, but when their best days are behind them. Reid said he can't predict how well Kolb will do, he thinks he'll be good but he has to show it. Just curious, if THEY think McNabb still has 5 good years ahead of him, why not trade Kolb and extend McNabbs contract for 4 more years?
Apparently Skins v Eagles on 10/26 was based on the 2009 schedule. lol big oops to whoever first mentioned this at ESPN.
GTripp0012 04-05-2010, 12:57 PM I guess a lot of us don't know football then.
I could really care less about stuff like Joyner's stats honestly. If he's looking at the trade only for pure trade value as it pertains to stats, fine. But there's more to the picture than McNabb equaling a 273 yard difference over Campbell.I didn't say that. I said people are not doing their homework, and it's creating a huge gap in opinion that you just don't see normally with all the information available. To me, it's staggering, because opinion tends to be quite split among NFL analysts. The last time I can remember a consensus was that awful Delhomme extension. Even Favre coming back was split between people who thought he'd take the Vikings to the SB, and people who thought he was useless (I was in the latter category).
I'm not pushing personal opinion to be something bigger than it is. I'm just saying that it's incredibly rare for the voices of the masses to seem so far off. In fact, just yesterday, 70% of the Warpath was against McNabb here. Now, 66% are for it. You want to tell me what part of McNabb's game improved last night to make 150 Warpathers change their minds?