04-05-2010, 12:45 AM
There fixed it for you. Please continue.
Just found this on
oh my haha
04-05-2010, 12:45 AM
This is a bit off topic, but who's he going to throw to? Our receivers haven't exactly lit up the field in recent years.
T.O. is still out there. They kissed and made up. The are supposed to do a reality show together. or something.
04-05-2010, 12:46 AM
Watching the SportsCenter that just started on ESPN. They're showing McNabb's face with B&G and our logo as the backdrop. Pretty surreal.
04-05-2010, 12:46 AM
I wonder how much Brett Favre and Kurt Warner being very productive late in their careers influenced this move. You have to think, McNabb is 33 years old. No, he's no spring chicken, but he has more than enough gas in the tank. If we can draft a top flight QB in the next year or two, make a playoff run in the meantime, this move was well worth it.
In the end I think Philly did a poor job on the communications end when trade rumors started to swirl a few weeks ago. The longer it dragged on, the viable options started to dwindle and they were in a PR pickle. There's no way in hell the Redskins were on the radar when this all started. I feel like we lucked up big time on this one.
Apparently we put a bit out there.. so did some other teams.. we "sweetened the pot" a bit and Donovan chose which team out of the bunch that he wanted
04-05-2010, 12:47 AM
I really hope we aren't getting that excited over this deal. I mean yeah it's McNabb and maybe this makes us better in the short term but it definitely doesn't make us better long term. And I feel like this hurts Campbell's trade value, because this is officially us saying we don't give a crap about him and he could probably be had for a dime or less.
Like SS already said we will probably see Shanny make some head scratching decisions as coach and I feel like this is the first one. McNabb is good, but #1 he's old, and #2 he's had injury problems. Those are never good combinations. He's going to give us 3-5 years at best and if things don't start out so well I'm probably being generous with that estimate.
I'm with you on this one Mooby! If McNabb is healthy, we're in the playoffs (assuming our OL is fixed!) But, if he gets hurt...Grossman here we come! I do see us drafting a QB at #4!
04-05-2010, 12:47 AM
Will this trade with Philly supplant the rivalry between the 'Skins and Cowboys? For years it seemed as if the "hate" between Dallas and Washington was nonexistent. Now, there is something very personal between the Redskins and Eagles. Should provide copious amounts of drama this season and beyond.
04-05-2010, 12:48 AM
and they also made the interesting comment that when Shanahan went to the Broncos, Elway was actually a year older than Mcnabb is right now and we know how well that duo went. I'm still of very mixed feelings about this just mainly because I've rooted against the guy for over a decade now and overnight I'm going to be rooting for him when he dons the burgondy and gold. But it is exciting to think about what he could do with a viable running game behind him while with our team and what he did with young talented wrs in Jackson, Maclin, and Celek and hope he can do the same with Thomas, Kelly, Cooley, and Davis.
04-05-2010, 12:49 AM
Donovan was #1 QB last year with 17 plays over 40+ yards.
Campbell was #12 with 8.
NFL Stats: by Player Category (
04-05-2010, 12:50 AM
Odd perspective if you think McNabb is not too old to be effective.
Not if you consider that McNabb has continually sniffed success and taken a few bites of it too.
Man we get that you don't like the trade but the way that you're twisting this is silly. You call him the worst in the division, then your stats don't back it up. But then when people say just his play is better it's back to breaking it down.
No need to justify your dislike by twisting it around.
04-05-2010, 12:51 AM
I really hope we aren't getting that excited over this deal. I mean yeah it's McNabb and maybe this makes us better in the short term but it definitely doesn't make us better long term. And I feel like this hurts Campbell's trade value, because this is officially us saying we don't give a crap about him and he could probably be had for a dime or less.
Like SS already said we will probably see Shanny make some head scratching decisions as coach and I feel like this is the first one. McNabb is good, but #1 he's old, and #2 he's had injury problems. Those are never good combinations. He's going to give us 3-5 years at best and if things don't start out so well I'm probably being generous with that estimate.
You raise some good points, but what has Campbell given us in five years? And if McNabb can give us three really good years, I think it was worth it.
In terms of Campbell's trade value, well, it is what it is. I'm not sure if this really drops his value all that much. It's no big secret that we've trying to part ways with him since last year.