REDSKINZ-RIDEORDIE 04-09-2010, 12:23 AM Tennessee didn't offer anything. The article involves a sports writer speculating what they might offer.
Oh, my bad, I was scared, Im still getting use to having a real GM. I had a flashback, that Vinny was still running the team. I was scared if heard the deal enough times, he would jump on it....
REDSKINZ-RIDEORDIE 04-09-2010, 12:27 AM They won't because they want something in the first round, but Tennessee needs him more then we do. They sucked last year defensively and they know it's because they let AH walk. Getting him back would give their D a major boost in getting back to their former status.
But... a 3rd is a slap in the face to us and AH. Basically they are saying he's no better then a 3rd round player. Sorry Tenn enjoy your sorry ass season. AH is if not the best definitly one of the best at his position. No need taking anything less then a 1st round. As far as AH I'd say either give back "all" the bonus or remain a Redskin.
So if AH wants out of his contract with us or traded then pay back the whole bonus, get Tenn to give us a 1st rounder (next yrs 1st would be satisfactory to me), and see ya later on the field. Maybe.
I hope AH gets offended with Tenn's 3rd round offer.
Great post, their defense did take a huge step back last year. That last year that AH was with them, they were one of the top defenses in the league...
tryfuhl 04-09-2010, 12:30 AM (ROTO WORLD)According to beat writer Jim Wyatt, the Titans would be willing to give up a third-round pick to acquire Albert Haynesworth but not a first-rounder.
The Titans have 3rd#78 & 4th#112...Would this be enough to get Haynesworth???
I think if he paid back half of the recent bonus, we'd take this deal to get rid of the distraction......
definitely not enough
REDSKINZ-RIDEORDIE 04-09-2010, 12:37 AM Although, who would you rather have on your team right now RS or AH?
Fat Albert.......Im a HUGE AH fan, I was a big fan of his when he was with the Titans and that was BEFORE the incident where he stepped on that cowboys head. After that, he was a LEGEND to me. Never thought we'd get him, but now that he is here, I want him to retire as a Redskin. That dude INSTANTLY made our defense better, from his first snap in his first preseason game.
This is a business and sometimes players have to leave, but if we let him go, we better dam well get great value for him. That dude still has a lot of great football years left in him.
REDSKINZ-RIDEORDIE 04-09-2010, 12:44 AM For crying out loud. Its an UNCAPPED year. Just sign Flozell Adams for crying out loud. Give him a boatload of money and then draft Okung. Left tackle problem solved.
Continue to screw around...let Adams sign with somebody else...we have an injury or 2 and suddenly we start over and experience 2009 all over again.
I dont know man, I want us to get this tackle situation squared away asap also, but Ive seen that dude have more then a few HORRIBLE games. Itz only April, we still have a lot of time, we dont have to get Flozell Adams. He is not completely garbage, he is just ok. I think we can do better then him. Not to mention he's a cowboy. If we pick up any cowboys, they better be dam good or have some upside.
I say let Shanahan work his magic, he's suppose to have a good eye for oline talent.
SirClintonPortis 04-09-2010, 12:47 AM The defense would have been swiss cheese if Haynesworth didn't stuff the middle last year. And don't cite the second half of the Oakland game as "proof" that we're fine without him because a lot of it had it to do JaMarcus Russell just being a bad QB all around.
tryfuhl 04-09-2010, 12:58 AM For crying out loud. Its an UNCAPPED year. Just sign Flozell Adams for crying out loud. Give him a boatload of money
tryfuhl 04-09-2010, 01:00 AM Is it a new week yet?
somebody forgot!
SmootSmack 04-09-2010, 07:33 AM Is it a new week yet?
It is, but with all the new McNabb threads this week and the pre-draft/private workout thread not much news was happening on this thread and it's not getting overloaded so I figured just keep it open
CRedskinsRule 04-09-2010, 08:28 AM Wow, who would have thought that our own SmootSmack would take plays off. We need a guy who fits our scheme for off-season threads. Maybe we could trade him to the Philly Fan board, I hear they have a strong up and coming moderator, McNabbsBoy, who they are looking to deal. To sweeten the pot, maybe we could throw in Schneed?