03-13-2010, 12:22 AM
Big IF!
And IF his fists stay away from any woman.
Right now the move seems very questionable.
Dude we have players in the NFL that have killed people ( D.Stallworth, Lenard Little) and a convicted fellon ( M.Vick) get off the LJ woman thing.
Pocket$ $traight
03-13-2010, 12:22 AM
If this was 3 -4 years ago the I'd be all for it. But he's older and a locker room nightmare. Our new RB coach is going to be miserable coaching CP and Larry Johnson. Could you imagine coming to work everyday and having to deal with these two malcontents??? lol.
The coach is who brought Larry here and also the guy who made CP.
The days of our coach being a doormat to the players are over.
03-13-2010, 12:24 AM
Reading is a Good Thing People!
Ok, for the whiners and complainers out there, we got LJ basically for nothing. The base salary for the 3 years is 3.5 million, I think the guaranteed money is 1.5 mil? The 12 million comes from incentives and whatnot
I'm starting to believe that BA knows how to work out contracts. While I wanted Willie Parker, being only a season removed from being the #1 guy on a good team, I'm sure WP would have wanted a heck of a lot more money. LT left SD because of money, and that's what he's looking for. Also, I'm sure these two guys may be looking to be the feature back wherever they land.
As far as LJ's off the field issues, well this is where I trust Shanahan as a disciplinarian. (And Lord knows we need one on this team). But I also see this as LJ's 2nd chance to show that he's not done or that his off the field issues are a thing of the past.
I am glad we are heading towards a multiple RB system. A lot of the successful teams are doing this, and I'm glad we seem to be headed that way. And for the young/hungry player fans out there, I'm sure we're drafting a RB in April. Hopefully we'll land our next Shonn Green or Tashard Choice.
Well said. At last a Redskin fan that has a real football knowledge. We have some fans that need to Bit*h slapped.
03-13-2010, 12:34 AM
We have a coach and GM that have a plan for the future of the organization. We as fan need to sit back and let them make the decisions to get our roster ready for 2010 season. I trust that they know more about football than 99% of us on here. LJ signing is a low risk high reward signing due to his incentive type contract. If T. Owens can become a model football player than why not LJ. I think he just really wanted out of KC so he became a distraction. He from the DC area and he has alot to prove this year. I say lets wait and see how this plays out before we make a determination. We just dont have enough picks to draft a RB this year so we needed a veteran to back up Portis if he gets a season ending injury. LJ is the big brusing back we need to wear down defenses in the NFC East. I hope LJ gets off this season. 2 good backs are a must now.
03-13-2010, 12:57 AM
I think LJ has a good three years left in the tank, if you consider the amount of carries he has, which is 1421. Put that in this perspective: that's less than what Riggo had when Riggo first "retired".
03-13-2010, 12:58 AM
This is how I feel...I am a Gibbs guy and hate guys with attitude problems...but keep in mind he dealt with Riggo...anyways...that is nothing compaired to abuse...I dont know anything about I will assume the best...that it is not true and that LJ just has attitude issues....
If so, who is suprised? this is Shanny's MO.
Bottom line Larry Johnson a greater threat on the field as a backup or is Betts?
I don't think you will get much of an argument there...has anyone ever had Betts on their Fantasy Football team? ....NOT!
And the other point made...which is obviously beutiful...we have 5 picks...we want at least 1 starting Oline guy, a quality QB and a safety...not to mention a LB perhaps and others that fit a 3-4. That doesn't leave jack squat for RB.
Think of it this way....if you honestly thought Parker, LT and LJ , etc would be available without trade cost at the beginning of the year, you'd be crazy. I know they are getting older and have declined, but I don't buy it. Many of these guys are historical studs and at least a couple of them will continue to do damage....more damage than Betts could ever do. I just don't like his ethics issues....just get used to it. This aint Gibbs team anymore, Shanny hires guys with records.
I am on the fence, but objectively, he makes the team better as a backup RB.
03-13-2010, 03:40 AM
Chris Harris pretty much brushed the signing away
Larry Johnson's signing with the Washington Redskins means little from a fantasy perspective - ESPN (
03-13-2010, 05:19 AM
Hopefully he will be good and put the baggage he left behind in KC!
03-13-2010, 06:39 AM
I think CP and LJ are both 'past their prime' backs, but it does't mean that the Redskins can't win with them. Not a bad gamble with both of them, but I wonder how long Portis has here. Would we really start season with Portis, Johnson? That's over 10 million in HBs...
03-13-2010, 07:32 AM
Hopefully he will be good and put the baggage he left behind in KC!
Do you really hope so? :)