GusFrerotte 03-08-2010, 08:25 PM i dont think it's fair to call it a lovefest. Mitchell clearly produced in both the preaseason and the regular season, not incredible amounts but enough to earn him respect as a potential long term young solution.
As for the question, I agree with Trample, Shanahan will make sure he has those parts covered, not a big worry on my part.
It is interesting that we cut 10 players, 6 clear starters, and I don't feel we got noticeably worse, and may in fact have gotten better. What does that say about where we were as a team. It's definitely going to be an interesting camp this year.
We will find out this season if Marko is the real deal. Thing is he played for a run happy offense at Nevada. Wr needs to be addressed either this draft or next. The odds of all 3 newby Wrs working out are slim.
Longtimefan 03-08-2010, 08:27 PM ARE's salary outweighed his production by far, he was paid quite a bit, like a number 1.
Thomas or some other young guy will probably still do kick returns, punts they're saying it'll likely be Tryon or Hall, but who knows.
ARE becomes the 4th player in the last six years to leave the Redskins and return to their origional team. Allegiance anybody?
Look for AA to to have an opportunity as a KR. I know some are down on him because he had problems with the fumbles, but that's something that can be corrected.
CRedskinsRule 03-08-2010, 08:34 PM i dont think it's fair to call it a lovefest. Mitchell clearly produced in both the preaseason and the regular season, not incredible amounts but enou
We will find out this season if Marko is the real deal. Thing is he played for a run happy offense at Nevada. Wr needs to be addressed either this draft or next. The odds of all 3 newby Wrs working out is slim.
sorry if we address WR in this years draft thats just crazy. we have 1 veteran WR, 3 young WR's and two strong TE's those positions shouldnt be considered unless we have a complete meltdown in the wr corps.
GusFrerotte 03-08-2010, 08:40 PM Not crazy at all. If you draft a WR, he will compete with the others for a starting position. Do you really want to wait with the present crop for say another 2 seasons to just say they are a bust? I say the odds of the 3 newbies all being on the roster say in 2011 is 50/50 and beyond that 20%.
Longtimefan 03-08-2010, 08:44 PM sorry if we address WR in this years draft thats just crazy. we have 1 veteran WR, 3 young WR's and two strong TE's those positions shouldnt be considered unless we have a complete meltdown in the wr corps.
I agree...Wide receiver is the last thing we should be thinking about in this draft. We have to find out once and for all what we have in the young guys we already have. However it should not be considered out of the realm of possibility we add another veteran later after tha final cuts.
SBXVII 03-08-2010, 09:50 PM I was hoping we would have tried for Walter, Bryant, or T.O. since none are RFA's.
SirClintonPortis 03-08-2010, 09:53 PM Really, they should just take a flyer on Trinidon Holliday. After all, it's not like they're going to use 5-WR sets often anyway....
SmootSmack 03-08-2010, 10:04 PM I'd have concerns about Dez' maturity so I wouldn't be too keen on taking him. I think we may still take a look at Bryant and I'd take a look at Josh Reed (if the Pats haven't signed him already)
Ideally Thomas is the #1, Kelly is the #2, and Moss drops to 3 this year
As for kick returner, let Thomas and Alridge handle that.
diehardskin2982 03-08-2010, 10:08 PM T.O. maybe?
takethecake 03-08-2010, 10:11 PM I wouldn't be upset drafting another WR, as long as we address the OL as well. I think WR is more of a need than either safety positions, but less than RB, DL, and OL (and LB, but I'm hopeful that we sign larry foote, and I think we will). I'd use one of our later round picks on a WR, and one on a RB, provided there are appropriate players worth taking at those selections.