03-06-2010, 01:02 AM
I think rape and sexual assault are two different things. Rape is sexual assault for sure, but all sexual assault is not rape if I'm not mistaken.
Anyway, this is really troubling. If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat... Twice in a year is not a good thing. There's clearly something going on. I don't get it. He's a 2x Super Bowl champion QB. I don't care how chubby he is, he could have women lining up to sleep with him. Why is there any need for this kind of crap?
The Goat
03-06-2010, 02:04 AM
I think rape and sexual assault are two different things. Rape is sexual assault for sure, but all sexual assault is not rape if I'm not mistaken.
Anyway, this is really troubling. If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat... Twice in a year is not a good thing. There's clearly something going on. I don't get it. He's a 2x Super Bowl champion QB. I don't care how chubby he is, he could women lining up to sleep with him. Why is there any need for this kind of crap?
That's the kicker. We've all got friends who aren't 1) rich 2) famous 3) prized athletes, who can pretty much get as much hot tail as they like. So it kinda looks like Ben is a frustrated headcase who turns to anger w/ the ladies.
It might be wise if he stayed away from the club scene. This is starting to become a pattern for him.
03-08-2010, 01:26 PM
I think the police are holding a press conference this afternoon at 4pm to discuss this
When I first heard about this, I thought it was just the same story as before. Didn't realize until this thread that it's actually another case
03-08-2010, 01:26 PM
That's the kicker. We've all got friends who aren't 1) rich 2) famous 3) prized athletes, who can pretty much get as much hot tail as they like. So it kinda looks like Ben is a frustrated headcase who turns to anger w/ the ladies.
I was always that friend!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-08-2010, 01:31 PM
I think rape and sexual assault are two different things. Rape is sexual assault for sure, but all sexual assault is not rape if I'm not mistaken.
Anyway, this is really troubling. If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat... Twice in a year is not a good thing. There's clearly something going on. I don't get it. He's a 2x Super Bowl champion QB. I don't care how chubby he is, he could have women lining up to sleep with him. Why is there any need for this kind of crap?
I think that with forced sexual encounters it's more about dominance and control at that point than anything.
03-08-2010, 01:39 PM
Second time in 8 months. This guy is a moron, first the motorcycle accident then the 2 assault cases, some people never learn or realize how lucky they are.
03-08-2010, 01:43 PM
It might be wise if he stayed away from the club scene. This is starting to become a pattern for him.
Perhaps if he had worn a motorcycle helmet, he wouldn't be getting into these situations over and over.
03-08-2010, 01:43 PM
how do you sexually assault someone in a club?? what did he grab her ass or something?? lol. ben is a dumbass for putting himself in that position but i find it hard to believe an assault when on here. but ben really needs to get his act together and start growing up.
03-08-2010, 01:50 PM
Can we begin now to think character issues with Big Ben? Seems as though a pattern is beginning to develop that has a lot to do with him hanging around with the wrong kind of people.
Character is judged by the company you keep.