03-04-2010, 12:38 AM
As I said earlier, I believe carlos got the lowest level tender possible
I still don't think a 1st is all that bad. Will another team give us that for him? Maybe one who is despirate or thinks they are just one player away from the SB but I doubt it. I'm guessing his actuall value is more around a 2nd or 3rd.
03-04-2010, 12:39 AM
Ever since the Denver game i could care less if he was still a Redskin, if we get something for him even better.
03-04-2010, 12:49 AM
i read this and felt he was more upset about not getting paid on a long-term deal while UFA's most definitely will.
I thought tendering Heyer at a 2nd was a laugh. I wouldn't trade the last pick in the 7th for him.
03-04-2010, 01:12 AM
Truth is the Redskins need Carlos Rogers and Carlos Rogers needs the Redskins. Rogers wouldn't command as much as he thinks on the market and the Redskins, quite frankly, don't have much behind him by way of proven talent. Actually, I'd probably take either of Dallas' corners over Rogers in a starting situation. So minus Rogers' bitching and moaning, I think this will work out just fine for both parties.
After five seasons in the NFL he just hasn't proven much. That's not even debatable. Sure he's shown flashes here and there, and is probably still a considered a good raw talent, but raw talent don't win many games at this level. Cornerbacks need to do two things very well: 1) cover the opponent's wideout, and 2) catch interceptions. Unfortunately, Rogers has been okay at the first and downright horrible at the second.
03-04-2010, 02:50 AM
I happened to catch this read when it was posted on RI. I couldn't help but just shakin the head and thinking this retard is still just simply clueless and must have a I.Q. of a potatoe chip.
You've been outed, Mr. Quayle.
03-04-2010, 03:32 AM
If we can sign Dunta Robinson from the Texans then I would attempt to get no less than a 3rd and 6th rd pick for Carlos. Would rather have a 2nd rd pick but not sure if we could get that right now.
03-04-2010, 03:57 AM
what a moron, i've never beena fan of carlos rogers anyways...always gets torched! and yes I think joe haden would look good in the B/G, but he did run a bad 40 time...which hopefully means he'll drop to us in the 2nd maybe? But, think of it this way...he did cover aj green and julio jones quite well.
03-04-2010, 08:00 AM
I'm really over Carlos Rogers at this point. I mean, the guy does nothing but run his mouth and inevitably follows it up with a so-so game. He's a "starting caliber corner" insofar as there aren't that many in the league that are great, but at this point, I put him (and Hall) in the middle of the pack. (at least Hall can catch) Carlos complains and complains about the front office and a lot of times, I think he has a point, then he goes out and looks like trash on a double move and does nothing to help his team win. I'm just way over his act.
I think Carlos could use a change of scenery. I don't think he's the type of guy I'd want in my locker room if I were Mike Shanahan and I don't think he's too far away from being Clinton Portis at this point (as far as creating problems with the team). Carlos Rogers is way more trouble than he's worth. I really don't want to hear about he deserves a big contract for one very good 8 game stretch in his entire career.
03-04-2010, 08:22 AM
His Agent was probably telling him they had offers from other teams coming their way.
Rogers is ticked like most RFA's are. Still, I wish he would handle his business in public a little better.