01-28-2010, 10:15 AM
Funny, was discussing last week at work best QB ever...I said:
I think Peyton, the way he analyzes defenses and basically runs/calls it on the field seals it for me. Never seen anything like it and it is amazing to last week the way he destroyed the Jets secondary the second half was brillant. I love Joe, he was my father's favorite and remember him in the playoffs being simply a cool customer, poise and clutch. I think you had to be tougher back then to play QB b/c of the hitting, but I think defense schemes are better and the league is stronger as a whole. I gotta give Peyton the edge, Montana a very close second.
01-28-2010, 10:31 AM
We should trade Will Montgomery for Peyton Manning. Maybe get the Colts to throw in a draft choice to boot.
01-28-2010, 10:38 AM
There's always gotta be one hater in the crowd.
I don't know if I'm that catagory? I like him and know he's an awsome QB and like what he does on the field. I love his comercials. But I'm just so damn sick of hearing the media playing into the Payton this and Payton that like there is no other players on the Colts team or that there is no other team in the SB.
It just seems like everytime the Colts make it to the play offs the story is all about Payton or the Manning family. Could we atleast have them ignore them one season and talk about Brees or the Saints? Especially since they have not made it ever?
01-28-2010, 11:10 PM
As I've said many times on here, Manning is a classless jerk. Only Peyton Manning can rub his ass on a woman and come out with a squeaky clean image. Why?
I guess he's just more proof that if you're a media darling you can do anything you want and still get the endorsements. And why is Tiger losing endorsements? - Trainer has backers in suit against Mannings (
wow...this proves that no matter what, there is always someone hacking at the ankles of a celebrity.
Assuming the accusations are even correct, 1- it was from 2003 that the article was last updated, 2- the kid was in college 2a- don't tell me you didn't do dumb things in college. 3- He has not had incidents since. So the only thing this proves is when you point the finger, there are three pointing back at you.
01-28-2010, 11:15 PM
I don't know if I'm that catagory? I like him and know he's an awsome QB and like what he does on the field. I love his comercials. But I'm just so damn sick of hearing the media playing into the Payton this and Payton that like there is no other players on the Colts team or that there is no other team in the SB.
It just seems like everytime the Colts make it to the play offs the story is all about Payton or the Manning family. Could we atleast have them ignore them one season and talk about Brees or the Saints? Especially since they have not made it ever?
I'm sorry, I don't normally correct spelling, but you have appeared to have missed it several times. it's PEYTON, not PAYTON.
The media is hyping it the way anyone should hype one of the best QB's ever. He will be #1 when all is said and done. He is truly a sight to behold. We are watching history. We should recognize it and enjoy it cause these opportunities don't come around every day.
01-28-2010, 11:18 PM
Funny, was discussing last week at work best QB ever...I said:
Very good list, but what about Steve Young? I think Young had it all, and he is ranked 1a- while Manning would be 1b. Elway wouldn't make my top 5, he was good, but he was overrated. Top 10 or so.
01-29-2010, 03:15 PM
There's always gotta be one hater in the crowd.
Along with the opportunistic smartass.
01-29-2010, 03:35 PM
Very good list, but what about Steve Young? I think Young had it all, and he is ranked 1a- while Manning would be 1b. Elway wouldn't make my top 5, he was good, but he was overrated. Top 10 or so.
Yeah I liked Young alot (highest rated passer ranking all time), but he inherited such a great team and that franchise was run so well...I guess I feel like im more impressed by a QBs that came in and did it themselves, pulling the team together...he is mos def in the top ten and second thinking challenges my 5 spot with Brady/Marino. Elway, never really a fan of this guy, but was IMO incredible. The Superbowls, the arm strength, and the comeback victories are legendary...
01-30-2010, 12:37 AM
We should trade Will Montgomery for Peyton Manning. Maybe get the Colts to throw in a draft choice to boot.
Only if the Skins can get Manning to renounce his current contract and sign for the vet minimum... ;)
01-30-2010, 01:08 PM
Only if the Skins can get Manning to renounce his current contract and sign for the vet minimum... ;)